This took way too long to finish. ;A; A whopping almost 8 hours is what it took to finish this thing e.e Especially since this desktop doesn't like SAI being very fast at all, and froze at my every attempt to finish this. >__>
Heh, anyway, just another doodle that I decided to color and make look pretty again. c: And speaking of stuff like this, I need to update my story majorly. ;_; *dodges Kanye's Skittles* |3
Also, some other things I wanna get out there; I've been thinking about Keira's outfit and hairstyle and suchs. I know for a fact that I'll keep her longer bangs (even though it looks incredibly different compared how I used to draw her to me XD), but I haz no idea about her outfit. If I were to make a new reference for her, should I make it so that her outfit is without the jacket (because that's how I keep on drawing her usually :I), or with the jacket? I'll probably post a few sketches of ideas of how her new outfit should be. Just some food for thought. ;w;
Anyhow, enjoy? o3o <3 Random title is random. XD It fits, though, right? >w>
Art & Keira (c) Me~
HoNk. HonK. HoNk. >:o)
12 years, 5 months ago
02 Oct 2012 20:19 CEST
Initial: 93558602121ba3600e3007d774d2a4d1
Full Size: 17f9cdae8db8332af7d2ea1c22daada0
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