The media storage provider for baraag has terminated service with us. It will take an indeterminate time to find a new service provider before we can get back online. The good news is that our actual ...
Does anyone else have issues with this site locking up? This is the only site I have issues with the site locking up while browsing. It doesn't matter what browser I use on my PC (Firefox, Chrome) o...
Well, it has been quite the week at work, and not a good one. One of the outside salesmen lost his friend over the weekend to a farming accident. Some kind of animal feeder or mulcher equipment had go...
thank you so much for the fav's Darling!๐ป๐ ⋅โง⋅โโคโ (ษ ˆ ะท(ˆ โฃ ˆc) โโคโธ⋅โง⋅ โโโงโโโโโโงโโโคโโโงโโโโโโงโโ
thank you so much for the fav's Darling!๐ป๐ ⋅โง⋅โโคโ (ษ ˆ ะท(ˆ โฃ ˆc) โโคโธ⋅โง⋅ โโโงโโโโโโงโโโคโโโงโโโโโโงโโ