What antivirus, antispyware and other is better? I only have Windows Defender and Spybot Search and Destroy. Fortunately may of my accountss have strong passwords but this is starting to scare and a...
My apologies for the delay to those who still don't have their images. I've been very busy with some work and the holidays (I was cooking a lot of u. u), but I'm now available to finish up those who I...
Full Name: MozzyArts. Artist Type: Digital Artist. Registered since: April 27th, 2011 07:26. --------------------------------------------------------------- Names and data Name: Mozzlyn. Lastname: Sechy Laxuse. Nicknames: Lynn, Mozz. Age: 223 (Real: 31). Birthday: March 14. Languages: Spanish (native), English (A2), Latin (basic). Country: Spain. Beliefs: deism, science.
Specie and type of life Species: canidae/muridae. Animal: mouse/arctic wolf. Type of life: synthetic (between organic and robotic with some vampiric/wendigo).
Sex info S.O.: poly. Relationship: alone.
Favorites Favorite food: spaguetti. Favorite animal: all mammals. Favorite hobby: write (my universe with many details), read (quantic physic, languages, mystery, drama, stories and manga) draw/paint, 3D-modeling, cook (specially if it's italian or indian food. I love spices), videogames, sex o3o.
Other My own taste: vanilla. Skill: fast long jump. Profession: space explorer. Vehicle: springblossom ship.
Appearance Eyes: blue and green. Skin: between beige and dark beige. Hair: black and brown. Height: 177 cm = 1.77 mt. Weight: 63 kg.
Biology: Body based on: Sulfur. Respiration: N2E -> S2N2 // FE2 -> S2FE2 // ClE2 -> S2ClE2. Liquids: HuH, Hu2E2C16H32, Hu4E8C16NH28Se4S6Z6Fs2, NH3, E2N, N2H4.