... But my laptop is. Lapdragonverse content has stalled for want of inspiration. There were hopeful signs of progress, though. And I pivoted to stories like Liminality (my pokemon fanfiction insp...
... But my laptop is. Lapdragonverse content has stalled for want of inspiration. There were hopeful signs of progress, though. And I pivoted to stories like Liminality (my pokemon fanfiction insp...
Not everything in the lapdragonverse is raunch and debauchery. Or even suggestive, for that matter. Slices of life and 'normalcy' in an internet-enabled, biotech-fueled future will be featured here.
A cyberpunk tale of corporate intrigue, corruption, conniving and castration set in the Lapdragonverse. Mind the working title - this folder could change at any point.
Have you thought about carbonating the blood of christ replacing the wings on a dragon with mechadendrites? It seems like it would work well for the ones that got into it for what they could get out of the situation rather then because they wanted to be pets.
On a side related note: the story of someone who hates everyone getting one of those "LET ME HUG YOU!!!" implants is just begging to get writen by someone who would need to be far better then me; just the whole swiching between "i want to be around people" and "These things are not people!" being boosted by the pet drugs sounds like a story full of amazingness on the level of Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure except that it would probably end in fire and homicide.
Sorry if i'm being long winded.
Have you thought about -carbonating the blood of christ- replacing the wings on a dragon with mechad