Someone pointed out to me that I might get more applicants if I do one of these, so guess its worth a shot Am welcoming any questions regarding the kennel setting and its characters in PM or comments...
You're probably here regarding the new submissions, so hopefully this journal can reach a wider audience Lately I've come to realize that the project(s) I'm undertaking are too complex to be tackled ...
Just sunk in a substantial amount (the latest in a string of substantial amounts) to rig and animate the game models. Probably a decision I might come to regret later, given how often such partnershi...
Exactly what it looks like probably. It's a lab. Hosting an obedience training program. Which is important as no one wants their specimens all fidgety when tests are run on them. Skews the results
To avoid that regular training is held to get the specimens used to keeping still in tense positions for long periods. During these sessions their endurance is tested by having them hold still while ignoring any distractions such as harsh temperatures and injections. Flinching during the exercise resets the timer and they have to do it again. The fox girl on the left is looking smug as she already finished her session and is free to watch her classmates suffer. The jackal is halfway through his session and reaching his limit, hoping to endure another round from the needles. The other t
TailBoy ( ) Exactly what it looks like probably. It's a lab. Hosting