In case anyone is interested in seeing me not post anything there too! Lies. I actually do have THREE WHOLE SKETCHES there you wont see anywhere else. WOO -crawls back into damp hole-
What’s that? I have another 20-30 orbits to go? Maybe more if I’m REALLY unlucky? Fuuuuuuuuuuck. Anywho, any of you degenerates play games? I’m tired of getting my ass kicked by myself and want to ge...
Tomorrow, May 16th, 2017. Sometime around 5:20-5:30pm EST LilShock and I will be saying goodby to our strange little cat of almost 17 years. He is dying from kidney failure brought on by Hyperthyroidi...
Look, when a vastly superior alien culture comes all this way to take over your world, certain basic laws of planetary conquest apply. For example, when someone points a Quad Vectored Hypo Thermic Cosmo Blaster at you, it's a fair bet you are about to become toast.
Happy happy birthday Bitterjackal <X3 and <:3! May your birthday be full of great surprises along with some great gifts, great food, great cake and ice cream and most of all great birthday memories and birthday wishes for yourself too <:3 and <;3. *Throws confetti at you kindly as it showers all over you gently, and gives you friendly birthday hugs too ^_^.*.
Happy happy birthday *Bitterjackal* <X3 and <:3! May your birthday be full of great surprises along