Taylor and Ahya always seemed to land opportunities that would put them into high-class establishments and venues. Despite their notoriety and famous allure just for being who they were, neither one truly felt comfortable being invited to the realms of the upper elite. They didn't belong there. They knew this. However, they were continually forced to rub shoulders with those in power merely because of what she could do and her impact on Script and/or prophecy. She was a pawn piece made to be moved and exploited by those born above her station. However, that did not stop her from engaging with them and seeking to inject her own will and motivations into each situation. She may have gone into each scenario at a disadvantage, but she was damned if she was going to leave like that. She turned to using every aspect of herself to her advantage and that included her sexual allure. If it helped sway the tide in her favor against all these power players, then she was already leading the pack.
Ahya is her own person. She's literally a second character. So, Taylor has had to learn to live with her, communicate with her, and learn to work together so not to make each other's lives miserable. Some days are more difficult than others.
Ahya is her own person. She's literally a second character. So, Taylor has had to learn to live with