For context: In the world depicted in Legend of Ahya, there is a rabbit service law that was originally created to control an overpopulation problem that was threatening the stability of the nations. However, this ended up being an overcorrection and it threw rabbits under the bus in terms of quality of life. They were not to be denied any job they asked for as compromise for the strict breeding control over their species, but there was a very apparent glass ceiling for them all. Jake had done his best throughout his life to break through it, but never could... until Taylor came along and changed everything for them.
Jake Thumpings was not happy with his lot in life. Life under the rabbit service law was demoralizing, yet he could do nothing to change his fortunes. With people in far greater positions of power running the cities and governments with all the enforcers and military under their control, there was seemingly no way for rebellion. Many rabbits just gave in and succumbed to their fates and just accepted that the best they could hope for is to be sponsored by some wealthy socialite where they could live out their days in luxury and bliss - servicing their client to the end of their days.
Not so for Jake. He longed for something more. He longed for meaning in his life. He tried to do jobs that would allow him to protect others, specifically his own brothers and sisters. He applied for the police force, because per the service law, he would not technically be denied any job he applied for. And so, they allowed him to become a police officer. However, his goal was not achieved since, due to his size and species, he was left regulated to paperwork in the broom closet. His new role to 'protect others' was to manage the ledgers and after-action reports of his seniors. This was on top of having to service any client who asked sex of him afterhours once his official job was over for the day. This was somehow worse.
And art idea by Lucario389, creator of Jake Thumpings, who wanted to showcase a somber side to Jake's story that had yet to be visualized.