Just a tick, is this the first time Norbak has appeared chronologically? Officer Nelson's comment in 5x07 would seem to suggest it's the same imp partnered with them in the future.
Just a tick, is this the first time Norbak has appeared chronologically? Officer Nelson's comment in
It all depends on what energies the daemon feeds on.. I think Norbak might become addicted to the kid hence the warning if Norbak feeds off that kind of energy.
It all depends on what energies the daemon feeds on.. I think Norbak might become addicted to the ki
I can understand Ágatha's apprehension, although I imagine it's not warranted. I am rather curious about what Norbak is going to request. I respect that he gives it serious consideration, even if part of that because no one ever asked him what he wants before. I'm really enjoying these little backstories :).
I can understand Ágatha's apprehension, although I imagine it's not warranted. I am rather curious a