... Where can you turn, For the funniest sheep Who's gonna keep you on, The edge of your seat
You know I know We know Ewe Know (we all know!)
VISITOR: "(Ewe Know) is my favorite cartoon (ironically)"
CHIPPY: "Ooo! Then I'll ironically make more of it!"
Such a coincidence I wanted to make a new 'Ewe Know' card, eh? ;)
That said, I don't know why I put 'Ewe Know' on my re-draw list, as my original drawing still holds up (...at least it's more creative than today's upload ...and I just realized the original's not on InkBunny): https://www.deviantart.com/martenferret/art/ARCHIVE-201...
...Anyway, I had an interesting experience on the 'Ewe Know' website. o:
First, I went to find a 'Ewe Know' episode on YouTube, to refresh my memory of the show and its characters (easy enough---link tested 08/08/2022): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6g5lcAraDTs
After, I decided to visit the 'Ewe Know' website to learn what I could about the series (so I'd have something to write about here).
I wasn't impressed with the webpage. However...
I went to look at the 'Ewe Know' DVDs and noticed one was priced at $0.00 (free!)
Now, the DVD is marked as a gift with purchase ...yet I was able to put one in my cart without buying anything. In fact, I was able to put twenty of this DVD in my cart without adding a DVD that had to be paid for ...so I did (this link shows what I saw): https://sta.sh/0h0l2mptvo6
I was expecting to receive an error message along the lines of 'Ewe must add another product to qualify for this gift, ewe b'aaaad boy!', because (again) this is a gift with purchase ...but I got no such message. ^^
Instead, I received a $5 shipping calculation (the calculator wasn't even adjusting for the weight of the products---20 DVDs in clam cases isn't light). o:
Now, I must say this appealed to the sheepskate in me, but this deal was a little too good, and certainly not one intended by the retailer. I wanted to know whether the problem would correct itself (in, say, the form of an error message). If it wouldn't, then I'd be obliged to report it.
No error message; the sale would (probably) go through! D:
Of course I DIDN'T complete the 'purchase'---Chippy is many things, but a thief he isn't! :3
Besides, sheep can be scary when crossed; they'll have your billing/bank information---you wouldn't want to be fleeced! XD ...Ok, I'm not funny. :p
So, I shot 'Ewe Know' a message about my attempted purchase, urging them to fix it---again, I didn't complete the transaction, but I believe the purchase would have gone through (albeit, I'm certain it would've been cancelled).
TL;DR: a DVD gift with purchase was erroneously listed as a buyable item and could therefore be 'purchased' by itself.
So that was my 'Ewe Know' adventure of 2022. If 'Ewe Know' returns my email, I'll write about it in a later ACO description. That said, I'm unsure if I'll hear back from them any time soon (as of this writing, their FB is locked and they've not posted on Twitter since 2009). :p
Anyway, 'Ewe Know' is a very odd Christian animated series that (so far as I know) has only four or five episodes.
Is the series any good?
I described it this way in 2016 (my opinion hasn't changed),
"'Ewe Know' is different from most Christian animated series. Most Christian series involve insect characters, poor animation, bad writing, puns, padding, and are replete with inside jokes. 'Ewe Know' is different in that the series has no insect characters"
And, no, I don't know why the sheep have snorkels. :p
The featured pencil is the 'Cartoonist' from Grumbacher: the pencil company that was perhaps best known for its (once) extensive line of charcoal pencils.
The 'Cartoonist' is a thick-core pencil that produces an EXTREMELY black line, (likely) for use on Bristol Board (in other words, it's a serious pencil for professional artists).
I've not actually sharpened this pencil to test, so according to the words of Bob Truby,
"Interesting pencil here.....really cannot tell if it actually is graphite or not.....has a thick black matte looking core that reminds me of the Mars Lumograph ExExB's"
An 'ExExB' core would be exceptionally dark, and if it's not of graphite, the core would be of a hardened waxy compound similar to that of a china marker (for the record, the darkest pencil I've ever tested was a 10B from Mitsu-Bishi).
...and now I must find one of those ExExB Mars pencils! XD
I think you need to call the PO-FLEECE on them as they seem to be pulling the WOOL over your eyes! ;) Sorry. (not sorry) :D
Grumbacher use to be THE art company to go to for a lot of supplies. I've still got some old "red cover" sketch pads in my collection. :) I'd also love to find one of those pencils as I'm always on the lookout for the darkest drawing pencil I can find. Also a 10B??! WOW! You could probably create a stygian portal to a horrible nether dimension with one of those! :D
I think you need to call the PO-FLEECE on them as they seem to be pulling the WOOL over your eyes! ;
I'm always finding (and hoarding) the charcoals I find at the scrap. A lot of art teachers and so forth donate to it, so I've found some fun pencil things there.
I have no idea how anyone could draw with charcoal. ^^
Thick-core pencils aren't good for ACEO. If I were a 'real' cartooner (like, say, Bill Watterson or Don Bluth) who never makes an errant line, I could 'probably' draw with them ...but I'm not that confident, esp. on an ACO-size canvas. ^^
Uh-yup! https://inkbunny.net/s/2289222 I'm always finding (and hoarding) the charcoals I find at th