This is a revision/redrawing of an upload I made 06/10/2022. I had drawn the subject a bit too fat. I fixed that, but then decided the tail was too high ...and began hating on every line and curve of it I destroyed the card (much like I did with Dogtanian's).
Seems I'm beginning a new bad habit---a very destructive one that I need to nip before it becomes an actual problem. Of course, saying this and acting on it are two different things, the latter requires (among other things) an internalized acceptance that I cannot draw and therefore need to set reasonable standards for myself.
I don't have this acceptance yet, but at least I'm aware of what's happening. :p
Anyway, I redrew Vacak. I took no pleasure in it whatsoever, despite how cheerful he appears.
The featured pencil is the 'Sonora' by IGY (Iroszer Gyar): a former pencil factory from Hungary. IGY was the communist variant of Schuler, after 1948 when communism nationalized all factories (inc. those that made pencils).
In other words, Schuler became IGY in 1948. Today (and as of 1989) Hungary is no longer a communist country. :3
I don't have many IGY pencils, and the ones I have are all unpointed and unique, so I've not (yet) had the experience of using one.
This card was drawn via a 'Zephyr' pencil from Wallace Pencil Co. It was NOT delineated, hence the lines are very light (mine is a #3 or 4 pencil).
So, why'd I choose to feature this pencil with Vacak? Because my favorite version of the rabbit's song (from Vacak's first movie: 'The Seventh Brother') is the Hungarian dub ...which may be heard here (link tested 06/12/2022):
And, yes, my Tasli OC is named after the first rabbit mentioned in the song. :3
I'm tempting the idea of asking watchers if they'd like me to redraw any comics I deleted, barring some that are no longer canon.
I'm kinda determined to redraw 'Long Day'. I didn't delete that one, but I do like the scenario (I could've and should've put more effort into it; that one really wasn't subject to ending up on a porn site or a booru, so there was no need to be as lazy as I was with it).
I'm tempting the idea of asking watchers if they'd like me to redraw any comics I deleted, barring s
I actually wonder if anyone ventured to the Sonoran desert before they named that pencil and if so why they named it thus. Especially since it's from a *former* communist country. :D
And I will echo the sentiment from above : for someone who 'can't draw' you sure do an amazing job of pretending you can! ;D
I actually wonder if anyone ventured to the Sonoran desert before they named that pencil and if so w