Art by x44g3nt1 on FurAffinity
A late Valentines Day commission but a theme that fits me
The sound of a heart monitor could be heard softly beeping in the background as raspy breaths were taken from a arctic fox with blue accents laying in a hospital bed, while another arctic fox with orange accents was sitting beside, carefully watching over his sick mate. It wasn't even a week ago when both of them were off on adventures but after coming home from the last one, Zephyr started feeling ill. At first it looked to be a common flu bug and Ion tried his best to help his mate feel well again but everyday Zephyr seamed to get worse, to a point Ion had to take him to the hospital to see what was really going on. Upon further diagnoses it was found that Zephyr had caught something that caused him to get a serious kidney infection and while treatments for the infection worked, Zephyr was left with severely damaged kidneys, requiring constant dialysis and a transplant form him to return to normal life. Ion being his mate demanded to have him tested for combability but Meeka at first told Ion to wait a bit to see if another donor comes due to his own small health issues but after days of seeing Zephyr suffer, Ion could not take it anymore. He again requested he be tested and after some arguments, Meeka finally caved in and allowed Ion to get tested for combability, blood was drawn and sent off for testing while Ion waited at Zephyr's side for the results to come in. After about a day, Meeka came in for her usual checkup on Zephyr when Ion turned to her and calmly asked, "did the results come in yet?" Meeka took one look at Zephyr then turned back towards Ion and answered, "yes they did... you are a match being type O- and all but I still think we should wait for..." "No!" Ion interrupted, "If I am a match then it is settled, Zephyr is getting of of mine end of story!" "I figured you would say that" Meeka said with a small sigh, "well then, I can perform the surgery this afternoon, in the mean time, go get yourself checked in and some nurses will help get you ready for the surgery."
Ion nodded and left the room to go to the main desk to check himself in, as Meeka said, some nurses came to get Ion and take him to the surgical floor which was something he was a bit accustom to. The nurses helped Ion get undressed and took him to a special shower to clean off any bacteria he might be carrying in his fur before getting him dried off and comfortable on a hospital gurney. Ion was wheeled through the halls of the surgical floor, getting to a special operating room where he was placed on one of two side by side operating tables. Minutes latter Meeka and a small team walked in wheeling another gurney to which Zephyr was taken off and placed on the other operating table, as both boys were hooked up to various medical equipment. The surgeons decided to do the surgery through spinal tap, rolling each one on to their sides so a needle could be placed near the centre of their backs, as Ion and Zephyr were turned over, their eyes meet as Ion just smiled as Zephyr was just surprised to see Ion there, "what are you thinking?" "I am helping you, I am giving you a part of me so we can have a normal life again" Ion said softly as Zephyr protested, "you don't have to do this, I am sure..." "but I want to!" Ion interrupted, "I love you and can't bare to see you suffer any longer" Zephyr let out a small chuckle as well as he could was both of them were placed back on their backs, Meeka taking a side to Zephyr told both boys that they would be awake for the procedure and to just relax as the surgeons would do their work as they would not feel a thing except for maybe some discomfort. They both nodded as the surgery began with one of Meeka's assistants making a few small incisions into Ion's belly and she herself made a fairly large on into Zephyr's side. It felt odd for both boys feeling stuff going on inside of them, though Ion looked to be in a bit more discomfort as small tools were inserted into each of his small incisions as they moved around all inside his belly compared to Zephyr who only had the one large incision where Meeka had basically done most of her work for now. Seeing Ion grunting a bit, Zephyr turned his head towards him and reached out his hand, Meeka seeing this got Ion's attention and he turned his head towards her, then towards Zephyr when Meeka motioned her eyes towards him, seeing Zephyr's extended hand Ion reached back out to grab it as both of them held on tightly and just continued to look at each other as the surgeons did their work. A bit after a larger incision was made into Ion's groin as his donated kidney got pulled out of it. Through this process Ion was in deeper discomfort as the organ was moved through his abdomen but he continued to look Zephyr in the eyes as he was giving him all the support he could and soon Ion knew he would have to do the same.
With Ion's kidney out, the main focus of the surgeons turned to Zephyr as a small team was left to his side to patch him up as the rest would implant Ion's kidney into Zephyr. Now Zephyr started to feel more uncomfortable as his insides were pushed around and the new kidney grafted inside of him, but as he did for Ion, Ion did for him as Zephyr just made sure to keep looking into Ion's eyes as Ion made sure to fully show that same support Zephyr gave him when his kidney was getting pulled out. The surgeons soon finished patching up any internal bleeding in Ion before removing all their tools and stitching closed all the small incisions and the bigger one in his groin but the main surgery for Zephyr had only just begun. Ion refused to be taken out of the operating room before Zephyr was finished when a gurney was wheeled in to transport him to recovery, knowing that keeping Ion here would probably be best, Meeka allowed him to stay as she continued to work on getting Zephyr's new kidney up and running while Ion started his recovery on the same operating table as where his surgery was performed. A few hours latter, Meeka was all finished up with Zephyr, the transplant had been a success as Ion's donated kidney was working for him, satisfied with the results she then stitched closed Zephyr's large incision as both boys just continued to hold onto each other's hand, both feeling very tired from the trauma they both just went through. With the surgery complete, Ion and Zephyr finally parted hands as each were placed on a gurney and brought into the recovery room where their beds were placed side by side. Looking at each other, their hands meet once again as their eyes drew heavy as both went into a peaceful slumber, a nice moment where both could finally relax after the ordeal they both went through, will full recoveries in the horizon
arctic fox
grey fox
oxygen mask
3 years, 11 months ago
28 Mar 2021 17:05 CEST
Initial: 3686802007959cbf527e9df37d30ad27
Full Size: 4fa8e26d773306696edb1d1857f7c0b1
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