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REVIEW: The Moon Goddess (AotLK)

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Englert Leaf-Guard Games Squirrel
REVIEW: Waynehead, Rebel Without a Paw
I awoke to a headache this morning. More than that (and oddly) my left thumb was throbbing. I am without explanation for either, but needless to say I wasn't in the mood to be creative insofar as writing and drawing.

...But then this note appeared,

"Hi. A while back, I saw some YouTube comments you posted about 6-8 years ago about the Adventures of the Little Koala episode The Moon Goddess. I realize that was years ago, so I don't know if you're still interested, but..."

There's more to the message (that I don't feel I should share here), but the point is the episode was made available for me to watch (and review).
This, also, presented a case of one needing to strike while the iron is hot---this episode has hitherto been IMPOSSIBLE to find in English, and episodes of AotLK (in general) tend to come and go without warning. Hence, if ever I was to review this (as well as archive frames for myself), I'd need to do it all straight away---my pains notwithstanding. ^^

I would link everyone to the video... but it came attached with some drama, etc. (none to do with me), so it's best I not spread the link to my general watchership. ^^

EDIT: The owner has made this available on YouTube (09/21/19): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HELThfUp2Fk

So... What's special about 'The Moon Goddess' (TMG) episode?

For those who don't know, each episode of AotLK was divided into two stories: A and B. In this case, 'The Moon Goddess' was the A story, and 'The Flying Doctor' was the B story.

Rumor has it the episode was banned after it aired only a handful of times. For all the world, I cannot fathom why this episode would be banned from television, as neither its A or B story have anything objectively offensive in or about them.
Either way, this episode was exceptionally scarce and, therefore, was of interest to me. :3

Let's begin!

Our tale begins at an outdoor auditorium, whereat the main cast of cubs are rehearsing for a play about the moon goddess. The play is directed by Floppy.

FLOPPY: "Now listen carefully, Roobear's supposed to be an astronaut who has just landed on the moon. Betty is the goddess of the moon, and the rest of you are stars"

...Hm, I should provide some background into who the 'moon goddess' is.

In mythology (as well as in this story) the moon goddess is properly named 'Diana'. According to Britannica.com, 'Diana' is, in Roman religion, the,

"...goddess of wild animals and the hunt, identified with the Greek goddess Artemis. ...Like her Greek counterpart, (Diana) was also a goddess of domestic animals.
...There was probably no original connection between Diana and the moon, but (Diana) later absorbed Artemis’s identification with both Selene (Luna) and Hecate, a chthonic (infernal) deity"

From Britannica's 'Selene/Luna' entry,

"...(Luna) in Greek and Roman religion, the personification of the moon as a goddess. She was worshipped at the new and full moons"

To add, from Wikipedia,

"Diana was (also?) known as the virgin goddess of childbirth and women. She was one of the three maiden goddesses, along with Minerva and Vesta, who swore never to marry"

...That should suffice. :3

Anyway, the inspiration behind the cubs' performance is the forthcoming lunar eclipse. Floppy is a bit flustered, since neither he nor the others are skilled in theatrics,

FLOPPY: "This is ridiculous! (You all) can't even tell right from left and we open the day after tomorrow!
Of course, I wanted to present our moon story tonight because tonight there's going to be an eclipse of the moon, but we haven't practiced enough!"

Who's fault is that? Anyhow, your play should have been YESTERDAY... Also, will there be more than an incidental audience for this play, considering the kids don't seem to know when they'll be actually performing?

ROOBEAR: "Aw, let's practice tomorrow---I want to see the eclipse of the moon; I've never seen one in my whole life!"

Floppy acquiesces,

FLOPPY: "Roobear, if you stay and help, the rest of you are free to leave now"

We cut to later in the evening with the cubs (minus Floppy and Roobear) looking up at the full moon, soon to be eclipsed.
Beside the cubs are their friends Weather and Mingle, who explain the physics of a lunar eclipse (Earth casts a shadow on the moon, blah, blah, blah...).

Moments after Weather's lesson, the eclipse begins. We cut to Floppy and Roobear who were running to join their friends. Noticing the eclipse, they pause to watch.

In the midst of this event, Roobear spies something glittering nearby...

Upon investigation, the glitter is revealed to come from Diana---a bunny girl dressed in 80's aerobic wear, ballet dancing in the re-emerging moonlight.

To say the least, the boys are astonished ...as well overcome with puppy love for the dancing bunny ...who is at least a few years older than they---old enough to be a high-schooler (Floppy and Roobear are roughly eight/nine years old).

This, perhaps, is in keeping with the 'real' Diana. who (according to Greekgodsandgoddesses.net),

"...was born fully grown and was said to have been tall, beautiful, and youthful in appearance, often presenting herself as a young woman between the ages of 12 and 19"

The boys don't go unnoticed for long. Diana turns to Floppy and Roobear, who both make an awkward attempt to introduce themselves. Diana offers her name ...and subsequently the boys begin fighting over 'who saw Diana first'. Diana takes this opportunity to vanish into the night!

...Why does this seem like a scenario for a Timmy cartoon? *shot*


FLOPPY (after the shock had worn off): "She's disappeared completely"

ROOBEAR: "I wonder where that lovely girl came from; maybe she was some kind of dream the eclipse of the moon gave us?"

The pair are discovered by their friends.

FLOPPY (explaining): "We saw a sparkling girl named Diana"

WEATHER: "Diana? That's the name of the goddess of the moon"

The boys seem taken aback by Weather's words, likely because they didn't make the connection themselves (recall their play from earlier). Either way, they're convinced Weather is right,

ROOBEAR (to Floppy): "That was no dream we had!"

FLOPPY: "She was the real goddess of the moon!"

The other children aren't so certain.

Early the next day, Floppy and Roobear's friends are in costume at the auditorium ...but where are Floppy and Roobear?

We cut to the aforementioned searching around the wood for any sign or evidence of Diana. Finding nothing, the Floppy and Roobear begin to turn on each other, just as Diana appears walking along the path with her grandfather. Diana is carrying two bags of groceries.

GRANDFATHER (to the boys): "This is my granddaughter, Diana"

The cubs exchange hellos, with the boys volunteering to help Diana in the carrying of her groceries (Floppy and Roobear each take a bag).
The path to the grandfather's home passes the auditorium, from which Floppy and Roobear are observed by their friends (who are yet waiting for them).

BETTY (calling out): "Roobear; Floppy---aren't we supposed to be practicing the play right now?"

ROOBEAR (nettled): "Oh, I'm too busy for that, Betty"

FLOPPY (equally so): "Go ahead and practice if you like"

The performers are shocked.

DIANA: "Grandpa's home isn't far from here, and we can carry the parcels; don't keep them waiting"

FLOPPY: "They don't mind waiting"

ROOBEAR: "Just pay no attention to them"

...Wow. I get the boys are infatuated, but if they really wanted to impress Diana they'd show some concern for (and responsibility to) their friends and commitments. :P

The boys remain steadfast. Diana tries to apologize on their behalf, but the perceptive Betty will hear none of it,

BETTY (indignant): "Take all the time you want, you've already ruined our practice of the play. I'm fed up with this moon-goddess stuff!"

Later, at the grandfather's home,

DIANA (to the boys): "Thanks so much for your help"

Laura suddenly appears from nowhere (was she following them?),

LAURA (to Floppy and Roobear): "Oh, Floppy, Betty says she's quitting, and she went home and left her crown behind!"

ROOBEAR: "That's terrible! She can't just leave like that, she's the star of the play!"

A bit late to start caring now, buddy! D<

FLOPPY (still dreamy-eyed): "No need to worry---Diana can play the goddess of the moon"

Roobear concurs, but Diana is reluctant to trample upon what little is rest of Floppy and Roobear's friendship with Betty.

DIANA (in reply to the boys' insistence): "I'll give you my decision this evening"

Floppy and Roobear depart, believing Diana will come to see it their way.

We cut to later in the day with the main cast gathered at the auditorium.

LAURA (to Floppy and Roobear): "You're being mean to Betty!"

MIMI: "If Betty goes, we all go!"

Before things can get out of hand, the grandfather appears with a note from Diana,

DIANA'S NOTE: "I'm sorry, but I must return to my distant home tonight. I hope your play is a great success. Goodbye ---Diana"

...That was abrupt. At this moment (gee, but there's a bit of perfect timing in this episode, isn't there?) Weather enters with Betty,

WEATHER: "I've brought Betty back for the play"

GRANDFATHER (handing Betty a box): "Hello, Betty---Diana sent you this present"

The box contains a 'moon goddess' crown, adorned with a veil and garnished with sparkles. ^_^

BETTY (to no one in particular): "Thank you, Diana, you taught me how to play the goddess of the moon!"

...Did we miss a scene?

Regardless, everyone's happy and the practice begins. The episode cuts to the end of the play, with the cast taking their bows before a cheering audience.

Floppy and Roobear look up at the moon together,

FLOPPY: "I guess Diana's up there dancing now"

ROOBEAR: "Diana was a dream girl for both of us"

The two shake hands.


...Well, that was fun.

Again, I'm unsure why this episode was banned, or if it ever truly was. Though the Roman 'Diana' was once indeed revered as a goddess, such gods have generally fallen into mythology and folklore, rendering them benign insofar as including them in stories like this.

I dunno---if cartoons like 'Tutenstein', 'The King of the Beasts' and animated films like Disney's 'Hercules' are allowed to exist, certainly there cannot be any (legitimate) 'religious issues' with AotLK! XD

One could say Diana was far too old for Floppy and Roobear (a fact I pointed out), but if one is to stretch one's perception that far, one must consider the mythological Diana was (also) a goddess of chastity ...and this episode's incarnation of Diana never once returned the boys' affections. Can't call 'pedo' on this one!

Anyway, the potential controversies notwithstanding, TMG isn't among the better of AotLK's episodes: it's mean-spirited and neither Floppy nor Roobear seem to learn anything; no consequences for, or even any apologies from either of them (for their mistreatment of their other friends).
Also, while I again have no issue with Diana here, I do wonder why she would be the subject of an AotLK episode---she appears from nowhere and seems generally out of place (even visually---she has very detailed, anime eyes in contrast with the beady, cartoony eyes of the other characters). It's just very strange---harmless, but strange.


female 1,085,580, anthro 216,951, cute 162,203, rabbit 139,226, furry 120,341, bunny 112,493, girl 93,330, young 67,481, sketch 63,523, teen 33,758, f 24,598, text 21,836, story 13,965, little 10,878, moon 7,411, preteen 5,471, kids 3,736, goddess 2,425, koala 1,921, aceo 660, diana 538, aotlk 337, review 334, moon goddess 14
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 5 years, 5 months ago
Rating: General

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5 years, 5 months ago
Very cute!^^
5 years, 5 months ago
Aw, Nelson likes the bunny girl! ^_^ (jk) <3
5 years, 5 months ago
Super ultra cutest 😍😍
5 years, 5 months ago
Thx! :3 <3
5 years, 5 months ago
What an adorable bunny!
5 years, 5 months ago
Thx! :3
5 years, 5 months ago
Nice review!
I have a doubt about the ban/censoring of that episode,but who knows.Diana wears a leotard: So what?
In "A Whale of a Ride" girls all wear bikini,and "Back To Nature" was so ..."natural" ^.^ ,
and don't make me start about all the pantie shots.It was 80's, it was and still is innocent.

Yet,i know for sure they cut some lines of Nick in "Balloon Pamie" ,something about Nick's bet to jump from Mt. Breadknife if Pamie lose some weight ^.^
5 years, 5 months ago
Ha-ha! I like how mean the characters can be---very much like real kids. :3
5 years, 3 months ago
I can't believe I'm two months late to finding out about this. I've been hunting this episode for years!!

Super cute drawing of the bewitching little moonbunny. :)
5 years, 3 months ago
I'm glad I was able to help. :3

Enjoy the show!
3 months, 2 weeks ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ever so!
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