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"Regarding cub porn".

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No osso.
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Biological Exuberance.
Even though homosexuality is the leitmotif of this text, there are instances in which sexual activity between cubs and between adult and cub are discussed.

This law also applies to other situations in which consent isn't legally valid. It also doesn't set a minimum age for the offense. So, in Brazil, if you are 12 and you kiss your 12-year-old girlfriend, you are a rapist. Go figure.

Pornography and Sex Crimes in Czech Republic.
Readily accessible pornography seems to be correlated with a decrease of sex crime.

Pornography, Rape and Sex Crimes in Japan.
Same trend observed in Japan.

Child Sexual Abuse: Top 5 Countries With Highest Rates.
Featuring both United States and United Kingdom, but not Japan, Czech Republic, Italy or Brazil. I'm not at all surprised.

Could Sex Robots and Virtual Reality Treat Pedophilia?
A peek into a creepy future with less CSA.

Attribution of human traits to non-human entities. Not only animals, but the wind, the sun, the cosmos and deities.

The Worst Internet Trolls Might be Mentally Ill.
Some people just love to hate, they enjoy crushing others, and the bad rep that cub has got is a great way to start a hate campaign.

Children, Sexuality and Sexualization.
In the chapter "Boy's Love Manga for Girls", Madill shows that, in the UK, a picture can be legally questionable even if one of the subjects in it appears to be a minor. It doesn't have to be a real minor. Madill then goes on to show how this affects the status of legality in some manga works, as well as how the law enforces a specific reading of the work, when art is supposed to be interpreted in several ways. That being said, the fear that people can call art that appears to be cub, despite not being cub, into question is plausible.

Discord's lax policy on furry "cub content" leads to user outcry.
Discussion at Kiwifarms. Notice how it gravitates the "it's disgusting" statement, with no discussion on child welfare whatsoever, except for one user who mentioned that Discord is supposed to be more worried about minors building servers dedicated to erotic roleplay.

Discord Staff Defends Underage Furry Porn, But Claims Loli/Shota Content is Harmful.
Notice the lack of any discussion on child welfare. The leitmotif is "if loli/shota was banned, why not cub too?".

male 1,193,876, cub 277,052, cat 214,007, information 429
Type: Comic
Published: 6 years ago
Rating: General

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6 years ago
Morri de rir lendo a comic , parece que o senhor certinho viu a fúria dos artistas furry depois dele ter maltratado o gatinho azul.
6 years ago
Tem mais.:3
6 years ago
Acabei de ler, é super engraçado
6 years ago
Acabei de subir a terceira página. .w.
6 years ago
Vou morrer de tanto rir,seu estilo de arte e quadrinhos é único e super engraçado
6 years ago
6 years ago
Honestly it is ageplay between consenting adults, so the people chasing after it saying that it will be used to harm real children need to shut the hell up.
6 years ago
I'll get to that part in the following pages.
6 years ago
6 years ago
I'm not big into cub porn, but I hold no judgement to those that do like it or draw it. I wouldn't be on Inkbunny otherwise.

It's furry art and cartoon art. The fact that people get all triggered due to the anthropomorphism of furry art is just stupid.
6 years ago
I like porn in general. *w* Except when there is vomit in it.
6 years ago
You could also go the whole "it's just lines on paper or pixels on digital canvas" route.
6 years ago
That's too simple and overdone. o.o
6 years ago
I totally agree with this comic series Yure, looking forward to see the other pages. :3

I also dislike the "normalization" argument that many seem to throw around. I've written and drawn a lot of unsavory cub stuff and not one moment did I think to myself: "Oh yes, these things suddenly became perfectly acceptable to me now because... uhm... reasons!"

If I had to guess why people say this, then I think it's because the majority of people only wish to only see one side of a truth. People grew up hearing "X is bad!" and so they might believe that anything that even remotely resembles "X" must be seen in the same light. That is why I speculate that they might think that any 'lee way' (fictional media) would possibly spiral things out of control, hence the faulty thought process of: "Violence might inspire violence, therefor fictional violence may also inspire violence!". (The whole basis of the "violent videogames" argument). From what I see, the logic of those people seems to be entirely based entirely on fear which in turns leads to them drawing false equivalences based upon that faulty throught-process and thus causing their inability to distinguish between seperate entities.

At least, that's just what I observed. ^^

I also believe that it's better for those people to have an outlet rather than have the numbers of those statistics you posted be raised any higher... then again, I think this ancient saying rings true: "Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum." (Making mistakes is human but to persist them is diabolic)
6 years ago
I thought it was "making mistakes is human, but to persist in them is American". Last time I read local right-wing tabloids. The next pages address the relationship between cub and pedophilia a little more, before moving onto why the need people feel to demonize this, despite the facts®. I decided that my artistic reputation isn't worth being kept at all, so I'll just explode it. .w. I like your comic too, in which you address this. It's even more shocking than what I have here. I keep coming back to it. It's alluring and funny.
6 years ago
Yeah that is very true, as Americans are usually the first I hear such complaints from. Whenever there's something that they find "shocking" or "offensive" then suddenly facts and statistics don't matter. (or a selective amounth of statistics that only confirm their own bias)

Though, I have to say that my own country is no stranger to that as well as The Netherlands are usually trying to chase American trends and going: "Please notice us senpai!". So they had increased punishments and unsurprisingly as a result child sex crimes went up. Instead of owing up they instead said: "Look at how many arrests were made, that means the police is doing an excellent job" and I was probably one of the few people with a brain going: "No wait, look at how many children actually got abused because of this!" So I'm happy that you're willing to go out there, as more people need to realise that often times what might seem like a good idea at the time actually has very destructive consequences in the long run.

Also, thank you very much, I'm glad you liked that comic. I had heard so many stupid shit regarding cub porn that I simply wanted to vent by showing those people something that would most definitely rustle their jimmies. And yeah, my comics may be so shocking because I tend to have a pretty dark sense of humor, so I love to draw very wrong stuff and make awful jokes about cute cubs getting into all sorts of shenanigans. Heh~ It's the same reason why I love the jokes in your comic Soy Milk. X3
6 years ago
Hey, isn't the Netherlands that place that had an effective age of consent of 12 until early 2000s? How was it? I ask because my country had a proposal to lower our age of consent to 12 in 2011 or so. I wonder how it would work out.

My country has a submissive attitude towards United States as well. It was partially broken in the government of Lula and Dilma, but is coming back with full force in Bolsonaro's government, specially in the person of Ernesto Araújo, an actually flat-earther in charge of foreign affairs. It's not just you. United States has an imperialistic government that does a great job at meddling into the internal politics of a place without being asked to. It makes me really mad. Can't they keep it to themselves? Isn't it enough to be the most powerful nation in the world, you actually have to crush others, culturally and economically? For fuck's sake.

Were porn more freely available, kids wouldn't have to actually be forced into sex in the first place, nor would have to face the emotional reaction of family, judicial system and mental health services, which actually makes it so much worse. Not sure if you have read Susan Clancy's "The Trauma Myth" (I can give you it), but it's just about that. If the child is actually abused, the final touch is given by society's overreaction, to make sure that the kid won't ever forget what happened, which in turn makes the trauma harder to overcome. Prevention should be prioritized.

We should do something together, a group, coalition, "publishing circle" to get these creepy drawings out there. Like. Let's get organized.:3
6 years ago
Oh I wouldn't know about that, as far as I know 18 has always been the age of consent over here. The only time it was lower was way back in the 60's from what I remember from my history classes. Though it is true that back in the 2000's we didn't discriminate against teens with other teens, that is different nowadays though- especially when it comes to sexting. (possibly to patch some potential loopholes) And also, 3D porn is illegal but only if it's indistinguishable from the real thing... so someone would have to look at something and claim wether or not a 3D model is 'realistic' enough.

And I totally agree, America (as well as the European Union) shouldn't interfere with other countries or tell them how they should run their country. I'm sick of seeing the politicians from my country bend over because "America's doing it". Then again, that's easier said than done and sadly it doesn't look like their fetish for interference (and my country's utter compliance with them) is going away anytime soon.

And no, I haven't read that book, would love to read it because I've heard from some how lackluster some of the supposed 'help' victim's receive is, appearantly some psychiatrists rely heavily on perscription drugs to lower anxiety and depression (thus giving the pharma industry a nice hefty sum of money over the backs of victims) instead of actually giving them the psychiatric help they actually need. (because that would require effort + time = costs) I've also heard stories from a few people on how terrible it was to have to constantly relive said trauma, all because they had to give out a confession so that others can pat themselves on the back for a 'job well done' at their expense. I get why they have to do that though, it's to remove all doubt and potentially arrest an innocent person. And these sorts of things certainly aren't being helped by the fact that CP gets abused by people looking to smear someone (either an angry employee who lost their job taking revenge on their boss/company or an angry parent of a break-up wanting their partner's kids to be taken away). Essentially, humans are scumbags.

Oh and I definitely would love to start such a publishing circle with you. Releasing all sorts of creepy drawings that might even have the potential to lower crime statistics. Heh~ ^^
6 years ago
Well, I take it as you want the book, then. <w< As for the circle, how it would work out?:3
6 years ago
Yes please! ;3
And I wouldn't know how it would work out, I guess just collecting a lot of comics, printing them using a smallpress thingy or simply construct our own pamphlets to hand out during cons. (and if we're booted out, outside of the cons) Heh~ XD
6 years ago
What is your opinion on webzines? <w<
6 years ago
Oh that would be even better and easier and that way, anyone could read them that way. ;3
6 years ago
How would you go about it? .w. Like, an account here?
6 years ago
I guess that might be a good idea to do it here yeah, as I wouldn't know of any other provider that would allow cub content like that. Heh~ ^^
6 years ago
I know of Pixiv and Hiccears.
6 years ago
Oh yeah, I forgot about Hiccears! Heh~ Those might be some good places to publish said fanzines. Now only a name for the magazine, I was thinking of perhaps: "Blue cubs magazine" "Musky cubs unleased" or "Kinky cubs united"? What would you name the zine? :3
6 years ago
"Cubgaze". <W<
> Petition to get cub back on Discord.
Your thoughts. .w.
6 years ago
Oh yeah~ Cubgaze is perfect, short and recognisable. =3
Also, if that were me being in charge of Discord and people were complaining about the 'double standards' I would just say: "Fine!" and then legalise Shota- and Lolicon on the platform. I'd love to troll people like that. X3
6 years ago
Oh, you.>w>
How would Cubgaze work? If we are doing this, whose gallery would host the content?
6 years ago
And I think it might be best to use a seperate gallery for the content so that people will know it's the joint project for Cubgaze. :3
6 years ago
But that implies making a new account. >~<'
6 years ago
Ah yeah that's true. I was thinking that if more people would be on board it would be easier for them to just log into a joint account rather than rely on an existing one.
I guess in that case- since it was your idea, that you could host the magazine on your account and put it in a Pool so that people could easily find it. :3
6 years ago
Fine. If we were to really do it, which role would suit each one? And what would be the format of the zine?
6 years ago
Well if we were to do this (I know this so far only just an idea) then it might be good to have a cover, something that jumps into the eye, the first page being a warning (what the magazine is about and what's in it)- probably won't stop some people from complaining but at the very least they were warned. Then of course a splash page with all the various articles + comics so that people looking for something specific can flip to the according page (perhaps even include questions that members asked? Or fanmail?) Perhaps things what people like about cub stuff, reviews about other furry stories, comics and interviews with the artists who drew them. Articles about how people percieve cub works and then of course seperate those articles with all the various naughty comics. Perhaps even fictional articles with cub characters talking about their experiences for some extra bit of fun. Heh~ The way I see it- it could turn into a very entertaining zine. ^^
6 years ago
I like the "character-written" article idea, I never thought of that before. I was thinking of focusing more on comics/pinups/writtenfiction. One actual article, index and editorial. Not so different from what you suggested, but just putting more emphasis on the fiction side.
6 years ago
Heh~ Thank you very much! I always love to see things from a character's perspective- gives writers more ways to flesh sona's out.
And sure, I was only throwing suggestions around to see what could potentially be in this magazine (based mostly on what I've seen gaming zines do) but most certainly I would love for the fictional stories, comics and pinups to get the upper hand~ because that's the main reason I'd be reading a furry-zine for. Heh~ X3

Now that I think about it, it's quite similar to the weekly Donald Duck magazine we have over in my country, usually consisting of various different comics and stories. Something like that for Cubgaze would be perfect. ^^
6 years ago
Who will work for it. Us and...?
6 years ago
Well I wouldn't know, I was thinking that anyone could submit material to the magazine. Perhaps have a steady group of artists whom will always draw for the zine as well as newcomers who want to contribute something to the magazine.
6 years ago
That steady group is us two. <W< Can we start once I'm done with my request list?
6 years ago
Oh well sure, I would love to try this out. :3
1 year, 6 months ago
i wonder what happened to this idea?
1 year, 6 months ago
Never went forward.;w;
1 year, 6 months ago
damn, how come?
1 year, 6 months ago
Because making, writing, managing and supporting a magazine is hard work. Then there's also keeping interest in the zine itself, how many people will subscribe and alternatively, how many people will 'stay' subscribed?

Then there's distribution, is it going to be a physical magazine? If so, you're dealing with printing cost and shipping, where are you shipping to? Your local country? US only? If international you also have to foot the bill for the taxes that comes with shipping over there.

Digital? You will need a distributor, you're going to do it yourself? You will need to set up a place / website for people to subscribe to and add payment options which, yes: Can be made to be 'plug-and-play' but those plugins are often paid for. So again, you're dealing with cost (and inadvertedly taxes, since you'll be making money and that's got to be managed). And who's going to manage the project? Is it just one person? Are there multiple managers?

And that's not even getting into which artists might be contributing or will (after a long run) 'still' be contributing to said magazine and people might be scrounging to publish pages in time (something actual magazine companies deal with). So yeah, the reality is, it's a LOT of work for a very niche (and thus, possibly not sustainable) product, hence why.
1 year, 6 months ago
In short, all of those things demand time. And we don't have it. >~<'
1 year, 6 months ago
100% This! ^
1 year, 6 months ago
I not only got a job now, but also got academic pursuits.;w; Trying to get a master degree in philosophy. uwu
1 year, 6 months ago
Oh that sounds great, I wish you good luck on getting that master's degree kitten. ;3

And same, I'm now busy with not only my new job (photoshop work and 3d design) and studies but also my own game project in my free time, so yeah, I can totally understand. Time sadly isn't limitless. *hugs*
1 year, 6 months ago
Ay, what is the game about, buddy? I tried making one, but the graphics duo could not keep up and my knowledge of C + Raylib was preliminary (I can do some C, but Raylib has it's quirks, even though it's much easier than SDL and Allegro).
1 year, 6 months ago
Yeah, programming will always be difficult, no matter how 'good' you get, you will always struggle in some way. Even people back in the 90's had to use a lot of tricks to get things to work. Still, interesting to hear you were trying to make a game with C + Raylib what game were you planning on making and what was it about?

In any case, as for my game, I showed it off before: https://inkbunny.net/s/2912211 made in the Godot game engine after leaving GameMaker after Yoyo Games took over and after trying out a lot of other engines I decided to settle on this one, especially with how hassle free it was for me.

I plan to make a 3D platform game inspired by Rayman 2 and fantasy art and stories from the 70's and 80's. Basically Demons have taken over the world and Nymond my (now a Puma) character has to stop them and save the world. It will definitely be an action adventure with some very light RPG elements (finding treasure / items, doing magic, that sort of stuff) but nothing too complex. I hope that people will like it. ^^

I'm making it mainly since I miss Furry fantasy stories that focus on complex story telling and fantasy aspects that I've always wanted to see but nobody was doing (or at least, not doing in a way I was really satisfied with), hence why I'm trying to basically make the game that I've always wanted to play which I think is the best motivation for any project. :3
1 year, 6 months ago
Nicest like incest.:3

I was making a game where Baby Mario had to find Yoshi after being separated from him. Wanted it to be Resident Evil in Yoshi's Island, a cute survival horror, 2D, top-down. Enemies would either eat or rape you. owo
1 year, 6 months ago
Oh I see, sounds very kinky! ;3
I think people would've loved that game. ^^
1 year, 6 months ago
that sounds like a brutal game lol.
1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
rip, tons of stuff to figure out then lol. yeah, all that does sound like something that could be someone's whole job tbh and a massive headache too.

what do you mean by people scrounging for pages? that they wouldn't have enough content to fill the page for the month? i can see that happening.
1 year, 6 months ago
It is, and yes, that's what I meant. "Scrounging for pages" as in: trying to get the magazine finished complete on time.
1 year, 6 months ago
oh ok then.
5 years, 11 months ago
" "making mistakes is human, but to persist in them is American"

Hay! I resemble that statement. O.o

" "United States has an imperialistic government that does a great job at meddling into the internal politics of a place without being asked to."

I can agree with that, and am not to found of them myself, and I live with them having control here. It's not always the best thing to have around. -.-
5 years, 11 months ago
O mundo. u.u Why can't US leave us the fuck alone? Like, die silently in face of China? It's not too hard.
5 years, 11 months ago
I ask much the same, as one whom lives here. The all so free America, is not so free. It's more like the place is run by a Mafia. And yes, I mean an organized crime syndicate whose primary activities are protection racketeering, arbitrating disputes between criminals, and brokering and enforcing illegal agreements and transactions.

Really look into how the US is run, and you would see what I mean. >.<
5 years, 11 months ago
Don't worry: Brazil is also ran by mafia.
1 year, 6 months ago
china would probably be just as bad tbh. rather neither be imperialistic though. kinda ironic that the us became that way, not agreeing with the existence of the old world empires and all.
1 year, 6 months ago
Four years later, I think I can take back what I said here.x3
1 year, 6 months ago
lol, fair play.
1 year, 6 months ago
tbf, i do get the anti-west sentiment though lol. you can't be blamed for that, we in the west have all done messed up stuff lol.
6 years ago
You have such fascinating and intelligent ideas, bro-bro.  
6 years ago
I try to have.x3
6 years ago
Still gotta draw more naughty pics of our cubs later. uwu
6 years ago
Thank you. ;w;
6 years ago
It's not that I HATE cub porn, it's just that i'm not into it, If someone is interested in it then I honestly really don't give a fuck. I'm not forcing someone to like or dislike something, If someone likes something, then they can just go on ahead and like it. But the thing that I don't like is ACTUAL pedophilia. Now that shit is just not okay at all. I know that cub art isn't actual pedophilia, but i'm just not into it. I understand were you're coming from, and I understand the point that you are trying to make. uwu
6 years ago
Thanks, beloved. uwu
6 years ago
You got good points, and I agree with you.

I wish we were more like Japan, because what Japan says about these type of topics is:
"Money over feelings"
This censorship ain't a problem in Japan because they're smarter over there, they don't have the outrage culture like we do, they don't have lots of whiny babies forcing admins to censor and ban artists because of cub porn. Its more important in Japan to make money and make a living, rather than censoring and banning potential money opportunities.

It needs to go back to the way it was, because these groups that push for banning, aren't interested in the financial well-being of an artist or even a company.

So much political agendas have been forced into Hollywood movies too, and have been running them into the ground, Disney's really on its last leg with the Star Wars series, even Disney's getting fed-up with the amount of backlash and money and fans they're losing by letting this new rise of hate cultures manipulate their content, forcing in so much political agendas, over allowing good content, characters and stories to be made.

Bottomline, the artist needs to be allowed to create his art and make his little bit of money, to pay his big bills, without the worry of censorship, content manipulation, and having haters telling admins to rewrite the rules on what CP actually is. Too much power is being given to these outrage mobs, and when has giving power to angry mobs of people ever backfired in history?

Money first, then feelings. Fighting homelessness and poverty should be our real priority.
6 years ago
I believe in feelings over money as long as it doesn't take away freedoms from others, specially freedoms of:
and art.
6 years ago
Feeling are for the individuals, because only we can think and feel for ourselves. uwu
Money is for the groups and sites and companies that we pay to do what is right, and not censor us poor artists.
6 years ago
Nicest. uwu
6 years ago
I just realized you are naked with a featureless crotch!
6 years ago
For this comic, yes.
6 years ago
This should be used as official material to counter these claims, because its full of facts and explains things in a way anyone can understand.
6 years ago
It's public domain. You can share it around, if you don't mind, you don't have to credit me or anything.
6 years ago
Yeah, but I would want to. ^^
6 years ago
Then do so.:3
6 years ago
Also, something should be included about how some people want to BE the cub or young person in a pic, not the adult (if there is one) and in a context where said cubs are actually regressed adults.
6 years ago
Alright, I'll mention that in the closing page, that I'll do after this page I'm making for Soy.
6 years ago
Good stuff, thanks! ^^
6 years ago
I put it there. Mentioned that some people enjoy cub for roleplaying purposes. You are the second person to point that out, the first was Heavy Heart Hare. Is that wording accurate enough? I kinda didn't expect touching this subject of roleplay (picturing oneself as the little) during the whole thing because I didn't wanna force a positive connection between cub porn and babyfurs, since many babyfurs are strongly against cub porn and I think that babyfurs are already stigmatized enough.
6 years ago
Well, there are some of us who don't consider certain kinds of pics to be porn. They're just cute and innocent, and not sexual.
6 years ago
Ah, mm... How do you define porn, Ozzie?
6 years ago
Anything involving the act of sex.
6 years ago
Aah. Ah. Mm... Defining porn is confusing for me sometimes. .w.
6 years ago
Because porn is whatever people think it is, which is why such laws are stupid.
6 years ago
You make very good and valid points. I love your art.
6 years ago
Thanks for liking this. ;w;
5 years, 11 months ago
I fully agree with you. I have been sharing the Petition to get cub back on Discord. But I'm seeing almost no-one is signing it. Sad face.
5 years, 11 months ago
Happens in the best families.x3 Don't get your hopes so up, but I'm glad you are sharing it around.
5 years, 11 months ago
i do not agree with you, but opinions are opinions.
5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for the respect, ah.~
5 years, 11 months ago
I'm gonna dab on both of you so hard OWO
5 years, 11 months ago
*blinks twice, unsure about how can one dab on another* owo'
5 years, 11 months ago
*dabs and my paw touches your nose*
5 years, 11 months ago
*squeaky noise comes from nose*
*holds it*
5 years, 11 months ago
its just a prank bro look theres cameras
5 years, 11 months ago
I didn't take you seriously. o.o
5 years, 11 months ago
another thing that people fail to realise is cub porn dose fall into the shota category and despite being frowned on Shota isn't illegal in any shape or form thus cub porn AKA cub-Shota is legal as it depicts fictional characters rather then real people and characters are treated as of consent. haters can jump off that bridge
5 years, 11 months ago
Good comment. uwu
5 years, 11 months ago
hey I write babyfur and cub content most of my OCs are under 12 years old for furry content and babyfur content is under 8 years of age
5 years, 11 months ago
I read your stuff before.
I just used babyfurs as example, I'm aware that not every cub is a babyfur.
In my opinion:
babyfur: 0 - 3 years.
littlefur/kidfur: 4 - 12 years.
You could add a "teenfur" category, but I don't think it's needed here. .w.
5 years, 11 months ago
that's ok and as long as people get that subtle hint about this kind of content being acceptable on majority of art sites as it doesn't break any policy whatsoever or laws
5 years, 11 months ago
I know. I'm talking here about cub PORN. x3 If there's no porn, it's unlikely to be disallowed anywhere. I mean, there's a show about it: Baby Looney Tunes. That would never happen, if it was illegal. .w.

My point is, you can use the fact that the character is a cub to persecute babyfurs by assuming that they are making porn of them. I have seen it before. It's a preferred way for some trolls when they want to upset babyfurs, even those who actually don't draw or write any kind of porn whatsoever.
5 years, 11 months ago
well technically what your talking about isn't even porn. the reason for this is porn in its definition is erotic pics depicting sex acts or intercourse. in the case that your defending right now is more cub nudism. and babyloony toons was an influence in my early stories.

trolls only want one thing: to ruin your online social life for personal gratification or annoyance of peers. I've once been trolled and it was annoying but if you ignore them and not react they go away. i'm a baby fur and a little/kid fur and so I fully understand the issues trolls present. if someone starts trolling then the best bet is report them. I do hope our discussion is enlightening since I know how you feel about this subject and I second how you feel
5 years, 11 months ago
Delete, block, report, then ignore. uwu That's the correct way to deal with Internet trolls, yes.
5 years, 11 months ago
indeed it is. hope you have good luck with dealing with trolls on one last note. when reporting trolls keep a screen shot handy when reporting them. when you get the "we are dealing with the issue" email attach a screen shot. that gives them more context to work with when reporting stuff like that. its so they deal with it faster
5 years, 10 months ago
I agree with all of this.
5 years, 10 months ago
I agree with all of you. nwn
5 years ago
Well said!
5 years ago
Glad you like it. uwu
4 years, 3 months ago
I've never heard about "cute fetish", now I have the name of what my personal tastes are thank to you!
I always loved furry cub porn and almost ONLY furry cub porn since I was 13 - for at least 10 years now. Why? I have the cute fetish, and the most common factor in the furry cubs is that they're all cute (or almost all). I also feel to live a life like a babyfur/littlefur-like behavior.
What about IRL, out of these strings of text? I love only adults (cute adults! eheh), and I cannot relate my love of my lewd furry porn IRL, because I hate kids: I always hated them. I don't even want kids to be near me because they are noisy af, they shot a lot of awkward questions, disrespectful (nowdays) and sometimes assholes (and I can't reply to them "fuck off" because... they're freaking kids!).
IMO I think there are plenity of peoples that loves furry cubs because they have the same cute fetish as me. That's my opinion.
Sorry for commenting this after more than a year, but this talks about and explains what I love!
4 years, 3 months ago
Well, not a problem.:3 Always nice to receive comments. You should look up the keyword "cute porn" on Inkbunny, then. That's how it goes by here. Have fun.~
4 years, 1 month ago
Im actually a victim of CSEM, and was groomed orgininally with cub porn in the fandom when I was a minor (im 20 now), and I couldn't agree more,

Im tried of people telling me abuse is the same as drawings

Im really glad you are talking about this, its disgusting people are going as far as to call someone who likes cub an abuser
4 years, 1 month ago
As a person who was both exposed to cub porn and sexual exploitation, I think you have the authority to compare both things. I'm very thankful for your input. Would you like to talk about that in private?
4 years, 1 month ago
That's really interesting! An endless debate about CP... I surprised myself several ways to love that and even climax on them, but thinking about child porn disgusts me.
I always made a difference between cartoon characters and the real life, and some can't cause their mind are really too rigid (not to say weak). About the argument of "reducing sex crimes by viewing porns" I'm a bit doubtful... In that case, it applies to any kind of porn, and it can be "perverse"... I mean, in some cases, it can reinforce sex crimes on certain kind of people, so I dunno what to think about that...

Browsing internet, I understood a lot of things, and now I understood I can share my weirdest kinks to a community, and if some people don't like them, well... Too bad for them! But it doesn't mean I wouldn't be understanding, except if someone says "Ewww" or blocks me for some reason xD

In brief, I really loved that comic, a really interesting point of view :)
4 years, 1 month ago
> About the argument of "reducing sex crimes by viewing porns" I'm a bit doubtful... In that case, it applies to any kind of porn, and it can be "perverse"... I mean, in some cases, it can reinforce sex crimes on certain kind of people, so I dunno what to think about that...

You are correct. owo When it comes to real kids, you can not have real child porn without making real children pose, so you are correct when you said it could reinforce the crimes of certain people, for producing the material implies that a crime took place. That's why I added that child porn can be exploitative and that my goal is not to argue for it's legalization. But fantasy porn, involving no real children or even no children at all (as cubs are not children), is a harmless alternative. If one can feel satiated with drawings, the need for the real thing is lower. I think that we should not shy away from this issue, since people who attack cub porn do so on the basis of a misconception, that cub makes one desire children. If I'm right and the data is right, it's the opposite. uwu A person who desires children can use cub as a substitute. Of course that does not mean that every person who enjoys cub porn is attracted to children. oxo Hope I don't sound confusing.x3

Thanks for the kind words! <3<3<3
4 years, 1 month ago
No you're not I understood what you meant~ X3
I'm reassured some people can understand cub porn! I saw a lot of people claiming "PEDOPHILE!!!" and that's sad... Cause it could mean IB should be a place of pedophiles, and I'm not sure is the staff would be alright with this~

Anyway, it's really interesting to talk to you~ :3
4 years, 1 month ago
I'm pretty sure the staff would mind it. oxo Perhaps that's why they made Inkbunny restricted to adults. By restricting this site only to people who are 18 or plus, the admins made Inkbunny unappealing for people looking for kids, since minors who use IB are reported and banned. Putting things in this perspective, I think Fur Affinity and Sofurry have a bigger problem with that, for they allow you to register an account as long as you are 13 (even though you still need to be 18 to turn the mature content filters off).

You are interesting and kind too, beloved. nwn Thanks for being understanding. uwu
4 years, 1 month ago
Yup that's true~
About FA, I didn't think about it! I agree it's a nonsense to allow minor users to use it where there are 18+ arts... But I dunno if they can switch from SFW to NSFW in this case~

Awwwwww!!! Thank you very much, that's really kind of you~ <3
4 years, 1 month ago
Theoretically, you can not, if you are under 18, disable your content filters on FA. Either way, you can have an account there.~
So, I heard you like to role-play. oxo
4 years, 1 month ago
Yeah I love doing that~! OwO
4 years, 1 month ago
Are you interested in playing with little old me? <w<
4 years, 1 month ago
Yeah~ OwO
4 years, 1 month ago
Send a PM.:3
4 years, 1 month ago
Okey dokey~
3 years, 5 months ago
Cub pr0n is fuckin' awesome, that's all I got to say x3
3 years, 5 months ago
You are correct.
2 years, 10 months ago
Very eloquently written! Also, well researched! You are one smart cookie.
Also, this is super cute and entertaining! Quite the marvel. <3
2 years, 10 months ago
Glad you think so, beloved.<3
2 years, 9 months ago
Huh! It's interesting that that kind of pornography had a positive effect. Very interesting...
Also, this is super adorable! hahaha
2 years, 9 months ago
It was correlated with a decrease, but we can't ensure that there is a causality. Nonetheless, signs that more porn means less crime are pretty strong.~
2 years, 9 months ago
In a nutshell - porn rules!
2 years, 9 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
I must admit, my first thought was "well, yes, if you decriminalize stuff, there will be less crimes" - presumably you meant different crimes, though. Of course maybe people tended to find one via the other, or one made it less likely that the other would be reported or charged, etc...
1 year, 3 months ago
I should have specified that legalization of porn decreased hands-on sex offenses, such as rape.
2 years, 7 months ago
It's a really clever and also cute comic! It'd be really worth to finish it up :D Thanks for sharing it along your thoughts on the matter! I agree 100% to them all ^^
2 years, 7 months ago
Glad you like it, Salmy-Salmy.<3
2 years, 7 months ago
i feel like the presentation of this needs to be a little more dignified
2 years, 7 months ago
How so? o.o' I'm open for suggestions.~
2 years, 6 months ago
I love the fact that you, like me, can draw the line between fiction and reality. I tend to check out that art for the fantasy and fictional aspects. I can remember when sites never used to ostracize that kind of stuff. My personal point of view is that because cub exists solely in fiction, that the universal laws operate differently. So, the cubs would have full sex education from the time they start growing in the womb 'til they grow old and die, so they can choose to consent straight out of the oven (I've seen one somewhere). Plus their hormones are awake right from the start.

Also, a sexual research clinic in Denmark capitalizes on this distinction https://cphpost.dk/?p=11232
2 years, 6 months ago
Aha! x3 I try to not think too deeply into it... In my comics, cub sex is illegal, but they do it anyway. If I were to build a perfect world where consent is absolutely necessary, I would probably do the same way you are describing: teaching about sex from an early age, so that the cub can do informed decisions.

Also, thanks for the link, beloved Noah, much appreciated! <3
2 years, 6 months ago
You're welcome, bud.
2 years, 4 months ago
By the way, I've had this informal pic in my mind for quite some time. As someone who was part of the old world, it's quite a task to be one of the only people digging the trench between reality and fiction after people put dirt BACK into it. https://inkbunny.net/s/2811975
2 years, 4 months ago
I shall help.
2 years, 4 months ago
Thanks. I want to break the stereotype as much as you do. Cub/loli artists are not pedophiles. People who molest children in real life are.
2 years, 5 months ago
This is the most informative comic I have seen in a long time.
Allot of the points you make reminds of redcap republicans who claim democrats are pedophiles while those same redcaps pass laws making it legal to marry and impregnate 13 year olds at the same time they pass laws forcing those kids to carry the baby to term...often resulting in both the 13 year old and the baby dying in childbirth.

If I had the skills and apps to do so I would color this set free of charge
2 years, 5 months ago
Aw.<3 Thank you anyway, beloved Shade. uwu
*hugs tightly and pets your head lovingly*~
2 years, 2 months ago
Thank you....wish someone would do this to me IRL...I am a huge cuddleslut
2 years, 3 months ago
I agree with what you said but I also would like to say for the people who do find RL children attractive should still get help and not just rely on cub/loli/shota to supress their feelings.

I, myself, like cub for the cute aspect and while I don't search for loli/shota, I don't mind seeing them around. I have the same viewpoint for violence in media. Just because people like to play Call of Duty, GTA, Manhunt, etc doesn't mean they like to go around and kill a bunch of people. I do hope that the users know the difference between fiction and reality and I like to believe all of us here do
2 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the input.~ I think there is a study somewhere that concludes that playing violent videogames is actually correlated with decrease in violence...
People who get the hots for kids and feel that they could benefit of treatment can get in touch with B4U-ACT, since they offer that very service, or rather, they connect pedophiles and therapists willing to help them out. I had a friend who used their service and got counseling via e-mail. He didn't even have to show his face to anybody.
2 years ago
Yure... Na posição de estudante de jornalismo eu tomei a liberdade de ler seu quadrinho, e com muita sinceridade... Vou concordar em discordar. Sim, a idade de consenso é 14 anos aqui no Brasil e pornografia infantil é aparentemente legal na Checoslováquia, mas isso pra mim é um tremendo absurdo pois não acho que crianças estão aptas para lidar com relações sexuais, nem que expor imagens infantis de nudez é particularmente moral.

Não vou te perseguir por isso, nem fazer fogueira... Até porque no fim eu acho que cub porn é mal gosto, mas são só desenhos. Porém, reservo-me ao direito de não concordar.
2 years ago
Aliás... Ainda sou seu amigo. Pluralidade de pensamento é importante.
Também admito que parei de ler a partir do momento que você começou a relatar os benefícios, eu particularmente não tive estômago.
2 years ago
Bom, é uma pena. Mas você toparia ler, pelo menos, a antepenúltima e a última páginas? Embora eu tenha feito este quadrinho quatro anos atrás, o que eu escrevi está acontecendo no FA agora.

Caso você não queira, não vou ficar chateado contigo.
2 years ago
Posso dar uma olhada sim, você deve ter pontos importantes nessas páginas.
2 years ago
Olha... Interessante. Sou ponto tem uma boa argumentação, mas tem uma coisa que eu gostaria de saber, o que você considera como cub porn?
2 years ago
Ótima pergunta, que bom que perguntou: cub porn é uma mídia sexualmente explícita envolvendo animais antropomórficos imaturos. Observe aqui que eu estou dizendo que a mídia tem que ser sexualmente explícita. Se não houver nada explicitamente sexual na imagem, não é pornografia. Assim, se não houver nada sexual acontecendo, mesmo que alguém fique excitado olhando, não é cub porn.

Por que isso é importante: porque há uma tendência perigosa e crescente dentro do furry fandom de que algo é pornográfico se excitar alguém, mesmo que não seja algo explicitamente sexual. Por exemplo: tem gente que sente desejo ao ver fraldas cheias. Mas se formos dizer que, por causa disso, encher fraldas é explicitamente sexual, teremos que censurar pelo menos um episódio de Padrinhos Mágicos. Se fraldas forem consideradas pornô porque há pessoas com fetiche por fraldas, teremos que dar classificação 18 a Rugrats. Se estar apertado agora é algo inapropriado porque tem gente que sente desejo ao ver alguém apertado (é meu caso), você terá que proibir Nina Precisa Ir, um episódio de Captain Flamingo e outro do Chowder (o qual também contém inflation e fat furry), um do Gaturro, entre outros.

É absurdo que classifiquemos como pornográfico qualquer coisa que possa excitar alguém. Por fim, não poderemos desenhar mais nada pra colocar na categoria G. Só deveria ser visto como pornográfico o que é explicitamente sexual. Está no significado da palavra.
2 years ago
Entendi... Faz total sentido.
2 years ago
Eu tenho outros amigos que discordam como você, alguns comentaram aqui. Não me ofendo com sua posição, não se preocupe. Eu escrevi no quadrinho que eu não estou defendendo a pornografia infantil, só pra deixar claro. Aqui, estou defendendo desenhos.~
2 years ago
Ah sim, agora faz ainda mais sentido.
1 year, 9 months ago
Wow. Chazak.
1 year, 9 months ago
I'll try my best!
1 year, 9 months ago
"Might be"  *ROFLMAO*  I'm fairly certain that when someone goes all unhinged on you on the Internet, they're more than likely just letting you see their real (lack of) thoughts.  I actually warned people more than a decade ago what the results would be, but I guess I didn't expect it after this time of not happening.
1 year, 9 months ago
Absolutely. u.u
1 year, 9 months ago
This is one of the best explanations I have seen from someone, very well done and thank you for the excellent resource!!
1 year, 9 months ago
Thanks, Thera, much appreciated. nwn
1 year, 9 months ago
Thank you for this. It seems that people these days will censor anything art and such cause of their sensitive feelings
1 year, 9 months ago
Glad you liked it. May others also see it.
1 year, 9 months ago
Hopefully cause it needs to be addressed.
1 year, 9 months ago
As someone who's put off by cub (porn), I can appreciate actual arguments for its existence. If they're accurate I'd be willing to change my stance on the matter.

This actually reminds me of a debate about the topic where someone's closing statements were basically: The difference between us is that I actually want less CSA and if using pre-existing CP helps in that then so be it; Whereas you just want to plug your eyes and ears and go lalalala while kids get [redacted] in front of you when you had a means of stopping it from happening right in front of you but you refused it because "ewwww that's icky".
1 year, 9 months ago
Well, using pre-existing child porn is illegal. When it comes to child porn, people usually have a position like that (I had a friend who felt the same way, but I lost contact with him) or have either of the following:

* Using child porn victimizes the model again and creates demand for more, so it must not be allowed.
* Using child porn does not victimize the model by merely viewing of the image, but the person who produced it must be prosecuted.

In my country, child porn is illegal, not only production, distribution or possession, but also reproduction (viewing, playing the file, reading the story), though the depiction of the child must be realistic. That does not cover cubs. But child porn possession is allowed in Czech Republic, last time I checked, which makes them a proponent of the second position listed (prosecute the person who created it or shared it, not the person who consumes it, not unlike how some countries deal with drugs or other videos that display crimes).

It is true that child porn seems to make pedophiles less prone to seek real children, you just have to look at the proportion of contact versus non-contact offenses to have that feeling and the studies I linked suggest so, but it could hurt the models involved. While I think that the "viewing is re-victimizing" idea is a stretch, decriminalization of possession seems risky due to the potential of creating demand. It's a delicate issue.
1 year, 7 months ago
These are good points and I feel the same way about it.
I can't say much more than what other people have said.
I still hope that the view on these things will change one day. I'm trying to stay positive.
1 year, 7 months ago
It likely will.
1 year, 7 months ago
What makes you sure about that, if I can ask out of curiosity?
Is there something that's currently happening to make people understand?
1 year, 7 months ago
There are some movements under surface, in academia and mental health practice, that might play in our favor later on.
1 year, 7 months ago
That sounds promising.
It still baffles me that some people can't see a difference between looking at art in private and doing it to actual kids.
I really do hope it will change in the future.
1 year, 7 months ago
I'm pretty hopeful.:3
1 year, 6 months ago
¡¡¡That should be shared widely!!!
Page 6 is actually what is happening on FurAffinity right now
1 year, 6 months ago
Indeed, it is. When I made this comic, I didn't expect it would actually go that far. I thought it would take longer to happen. But it happen in just four years. There must be a reaction.
1 year, 3 months ago
awesome comic Reizinho - bravo amigo! ^w^

i'm gonna share this comic soon, and instruct others to do the same

you my friend are a hero <3
1 year, 3 months ago
May you enjoy thyself.:3
1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
This is concisely and intelligently well put, tysm for making and sharing this! It means a lot to people like me (CSA survivor and paraphile plus cub artist) ♥️
1 year, 3 months ago
Glad you dig it, buddy.:3
1 year, 2 months ago
this just reminded me of something.

sometimes, i'm unsure about the legality of cub in my country of canada. but then i realize that inkbunny has a content server in the canadian province of quebec (which is also my province). plus, i digged through wikipedia and found out that on paragraph 38 in R v Sharpe, it was concluded that a "person" referred to "both actual and imaginary human beings".
1 year, 2 months ago
Thanks for clarifying things. Canada is pretty restrictive on art, it seems, but glad it does not cover  cub.
1 year, 1 month ago
Jeffrey Epstein:
1 year, 1 month ago
Even the worst people can say something useful at times.
1 year, 1 month ago
(I just skimped over so bear with me)
I have a specific saying in my account :

"Also, something big I would like to say; my favorites in this website do not represent my real life likes. I'm not going to shit in my own mouth just because I like artwork that has Scat fetish. This includes all fetishes here. Please be understanding towards me about this before you make assumptions."

I feel the same about cub art as well. Yeah, I do like it, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get myself a baby or a kid and just have sexual intercourse with it. I'm not one of those people that because very, VERY corrupted in their mind to the point that they think it is entirely fine to actually do their sick desires (ex. people in a certain blue colored platform that actually fuck their animal) because I know the difference between make-believe "artwork" and actual "events" that happen in real life. Well, so far I can say these, and I don't think I can say more for now.
1 year, 1 month ago
Very sane comment. uwu
1 year, 1 month ago
That's quite a nice comic ! And with an interesting reflection ^^
1 year, 1 month ago
Glad you think so, buddy. uwu
1 year, 1 month ago
Looks better inked in. Thanks for posting these.
1 year, 1 month ago
Not a problem.:3
1 year, 1 month ago
A lot of very true points here...
1 year, 1 month ago
Thanks, Vava.~
1 year, 1 month ago
Honestly I needed this, even though I'm someone who has stopped doing cub its nice to see someone do the research and homework without having such a Jesus complex
I know some peeps say cub is a pipeline to worse things even though those are like a small minority. As someone who recently quit twitter it nice to see people act civil on other sites than the moral echochamber that is twitter, the thing that finally made me leave twitter was when a user I used to follow will accuse people of drawing CP of the fictional character is aged up and when I've seen tweets calling out komdog again bringing up his past he wants to learn and grow from, and the Bluey fandom who's super rabid and anti nsfw
Like twitter users will drag someone in the mud for drawing cub like 5 Years ago but changed and moved on while ignoring actual zoos and pedos on there, even reading the replies in this journal its good to see even CSA victims agree fiction is not the same as reality (I've actually seen twitter users mock characters victims and victims of CP which is disgusting yet these same people cry about cub stuff)
Even though I am trying to get my old cub stuff taken down from rule 34 paheal (cus they have no way in protecting the art from being seen accidentally by the public) the internet has to realize, arguing over stuff like this is a waste of your time and the people who do speak against cub act more unhinged and immoral than the cub artists themselves
Of course there are cub artists like zaush who admitted he used actual CP photos for his cub stuff (and is notorious for stalking women)
I'm glad this was made, thank you for making this ^^
1 year ago
Glad you dig this, buddy. I used Twitter for a short time before it became the hell hole that it is today. Back then, the character limit was 140. I quickly realized you can't have a civil conversation with such a character limit. So, what can you do in 140 characters? Start and carry a flame war on. I figured that Twitter would become what it is today due to how it enforced a limited discourse and how it affects the way people think in act, as limited discourse leads to radicalization. Sure, you can post something and then continue what you were saying in another tweet, but the platform was not made for that and you can share just one part of the discussion, by only retweeting one of the segments, if the message spans several tweets. I think Twitter, even more so now, is a platform that is unsuitable for human beings.
11 months, 1 week ago
So cute! The author is so cute!🤗
11 months, 1 week ago
I try to be the cutest thing ever.<3
11 months, 1 week ago
11 months, 1 week ago
I'll send you a picture
11 months, 1 week ago
11 months, 1 week ago
11 months, 1 week ago
That is awesome! <3 May I post this in my gallery? I'll tell people that you are the original artist, so that people will see your gallery.:3
10 months, 3 weeks ago
I'm sorry but, after seeing a warning post on twitter today....
I guess the slippery slope goes all the way with whatever mastercard's doing.


If they are still having the monopoly on this... everyone will be royally screwed
10 months, 3 weeks ago
There needs to be competition.
As for Mastercard, it is not the first time it does that. They are very gullible. The last time they did that was when Exodus Cry (formerly known as Morality in Media) accused Pornhub of hosting child porn. Pornhub then removed all unverified accounts and made a challenge: why won't Exodus Cry go after Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Tiktok, where child porn is traded more often? Simply because Pornhub is a porn site. It's not for sake of the children, it's a movement to ban porn, using every possible excuse. Even without unverified accounts, Pornhub is still going strong and functioning fine.
10 months ago
This was an interesting read. I might not agree with some points you given. I do think it is an interesting perspective. Personally for me, I could care less about cub porn. At the end of the day, as long as it isnt real children or trying to incentive to do this to real children. I could care less. Art is art and art can challenge peoples views and thats okay. Atleast thats how I see it
10 months ago
We are on the same page about that, thankfully. <3
8 months ago
I may be just a lurker around here, but I do draw and I've recently thought about dabbling in loli/shota art, and art and discussions like this have helped me be okay with liking loli/shota/cub nsfw art, of course as long it stays strictly fictional, and let's me know that I'm not alone in liking stuff like it, and I'm not some creepy freak for it.

So, all in all, I just want to say thank you for this nice explination. And thank you for helping me with this "journey" I'm on, so to speak.
8 months ago
May you find the peace you look for, buddy Foal.<3 *hugs nicely*
8 months ago
Hehe, thank you~ ^^ <3 *hugs back*
7 months, 2 weeks ago
No offense, but I actually hate porn in general. But I don’t even judge anyone who loves it, if you like it, then I definitely understand.
7 months, 2 weeks ago
I take no offense, buddy. Glad you are tolerant, though. uwu
4 months, 2 weeks ago
But what I can handle is adults in diapers, even if they’re turned on. Diapers are comfortable and they prevent accidents.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
I love it as well. In fact, I'm preparing a story about it.
6 months, 2 weeks ago
6 months, 2 weeks ago
Thank you.~
6 months, 2 weeks ago
i support your ideas 100%
6 months, 2 weeks ago
Thanks, buddy.<3
6 months ago
banning CP is not the true issue that starts the slippery slope, the issue is rather equating *any* art to it. CP involves real children, art does not. Art isn't real, none of these characters are real, they're just lines on a screen produced from a software, they cannot be "harmed". Mixing up reality and fantasy is almost entirely the source of these issues among furries and other art based communities. I wish discussion like this actually made any difference though, the people who actually need to see this likely never will (as just sharing this on your main or irl makes you "guilty" in their eyes) and will be disgusted by the 1st page already. They've already demonstrated that they don't care about sound arguments, like you said they primarily use their dislike of cub as a tool to cancel others they dislike.

If they respond with "it's disgusting bro, they're kids" what else can you do? Replying with "they're not real" just results in them strengthening their position ("but they're kids"). This is legitimately the basis I've seen in many furry groups for banning people and to them it's self evident why.
6 months ago
semantics and negativity on this topic aside, I'm glad to have met you :3 just trying to use this borrowed time the best I can
6 months ago
Thanks, buddy. Nice to meet you too.
6 months ago
I didn't write this for antis. There are two people you can speak to: those who already agree with you (encouraging them) and those who could agree with you (bringing them to your side). There are people who are on the fence about this, even if secretly, and people willing to put serious though in this issue, specially after what happened in Fur Affinity. I wrote this for those two demographics: people who already think this way, so they can have the arguments presented in a neater way; and those who could think like this in the future, because they have their doubts, are unsure or are just curious. There are people watching in any debate. A debate is more about convincing an audience than convincing your opponent.
6 months ago
ohh okay, I'll keep that in mind. I just want to push back against the anti-sentiment somehow n.n
5 months, 4 weeks ago
There's a way: humor. When someone is fanatic about their position, you could turn that into laughing matter. If the person can not be convinced by reason, they may be by embarrassment.
5 months, 4 weeks ago
Sounds good :)
5 months ago
I don’t wanna ask a dumb question; but would cubs sitting on toilets be considered cub porn?
5 months ago
I don't think so. Porn is sexually explicit media. That's not sexually explicit.
5 months ago
Would it be sexually explicit if the contents were shown?
5 months ago
Contents, like what? Poop or pee?
It would be gross, but... it would vary according to the definition in a country. I think it would be considered pornographic in UK or something. But not in my country, Brazil.
5 months ago
I’m from the U.S.
5 months ago
What about in the U.S.?
4 months, 4 weeks ago
I have no idea. One would need to read the official or legal definition of pornography for that country. It should not be difficult to find. But chill out, hon. Don't hyperventilate.
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Would cub porn be considered loli?
4 months, 2 weeks ago
I believe so. The Japanese even have a term for female cubs: "kemololi". For boys, would be "kemoshota". But I don't think it matters, if the character is still, essentially, non-human.

Wanna talk more about it in private, hon?
4 months, 2 weeks ago
4 months, 2 weeks ago
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Incrível, a internet necessita de mais pessoas como você.
Eu pessoalmente desenho cubs e lolis, nunca na vida eu senti atração por uma criança real, é até estanho falar isso, mas já me perguntei "será mesmo que eu sou uma pedófila?" por causa de antis chatos incomodando e.e
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Várias pessoas se perguntam isso sem necessidade. Existem critérios diagnósticos pra pedofilia. Se você os não preenche, não és pedófila. A décima edição da classificação internacional das doenças tem até um código pra pedofilia: é o CID F65.4. Se você ver esse código no seu atestado médico, talvez seja melhor não mostrar pro seu chefe.x3
4 months, 1 week ago
I totally agree. Decency shouldn't supercede logic. Decency has stepped upon freedom of expression. Another informative article comes from Denmark: https://cphpost.dk/2012-07-23/general/report-cartoon-pa...

People ought to realize that they're hypocrites because they have skeletons in their own closet. Also decency has created Orwellian nightmare scenarios such as Project 2025. If that passes, it'll make all forms of pornography illegal and punishable by death. I absolutely shut her to think how much sex crimes will go through their roof when that happens.
4 months, 1 week ago
There must be reaction to that.
4 months, 1 week ago
Yeah because it's bringing 1984 into reality.
4 months ago
We definitely needed someone to speak on this topic, CP needs to be more acceptable and respected, I remember getting banned from a babyfur discord server because I said "I don’t mind it, let artists be artists" when regarding this. Thank you so much for doing this
4 months ago
Not a problem, anytime.<3 *hug*
4 months ago
*hugs with respectful lewd energy* love your work as well
4 months ago
I love you.<3
3 months, 2 weeks ago
This is really cool I like furry porn a lot except if there is blood scat no thanks. Maybe you add in this or the next page about the different kinds of penis like a  human penis on an animal cub character. You could even write about underwater stuff about this topic like naked cub and cumming.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Would be kind of offtopic. I just wanted to offer my view on cub porn here. Plus, I don't want to pester IMP2 with more coloring requests. To make matters worse, Ubuntu does not like my scanner.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Ok no worries and i really liked this story you told very cool
3 months, 2 weeks ago
You are cool too, buddy.:3
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Thank you
2 months ago
heck it doesnt even matter if the character is human
since its a fictional character
and fictional characters arent real  
2 months ago
I know. uwu I tried to be careful here to defend cubs without attacking shotas or lolis.
2 months ago
which is good
2 months ago
In fact, I even made a good reference to them, in passing.:3
2 months ago
i even got a shotasona
which reminds me i should do my cubsona again
2 months ago
I tried to make shotas, but humans are hard to draw.
2 months ago
well im sure with practise you can do em
2 months ago
2 months ago
im sure you will be able to draw the skinnies too
2 months ago
I can draw skinny characters, I just don't find them appealing.
2 months ago
i dont mean skinny as in skinny
i meant skinnies as in humans have skins
so they arent furries XD
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