DOB: Jan 3, 2002
Species: Wolf
Colors: Pink, Blue (Cotton Candy Colors)
Orientation: Single (Formerly Bi)
MOST of my work here will be SFW mode. Chances of NSFW Art is RARE.
Likes: Naps, Belly rubs, Massages, Voice acting, Singing, Dancing, Tacos, Candy, and Good Dreams, Christianity.
Neutral over (can be ok with): Adult shows (not too offensive), Politics, Athiests, Polyests,
LGBTQ (No Hate), Diapers (Little fetishy / Rarely draw / Don't Judge Though),
Dislikes: Sexual Harassment, Nightmares, Gore Content, Torture, Satan, Others Child Porn, Inappropriate Anime, Underage Characters involved in Fetishes
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