I won't make weekly updates, but occasional ones. I think that's better for my health and mind. Since last update I'm revamping the whole town area where the game takes place. Everything gets changed...
From now on I'm trying to make weekly updates and show the progress I've made through them. Last week's update: - Rewrote the story with the puzzle and object elements - Rewrote some dialogue of the ...
I might take an indefinite break from art and focus on something else. I've been trying and trying and trying over and over and it just never seems to work out. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've...
I’m something of a dragon buff. You look at how dragons are depicted from Yugioh to Final Fantasy then you’d know how powerful they are. With their bodies as living weapons of mass destruction, it would be insane to approach one w/o wearing a full suit of armor, and even then you’d be dead in an instant if they turned on you. But instead of wearing armor as a precautionary measure and indirect way of saying you don’t trust them, approaching one butt-naked could be considered an expression of absolute trust and faith and no fear of them. Perhaps a short comic with any character approaching, say Bahamut, you could argue that sometimes using nudism as bold declarations of trust can send positive messages more powerful than just shameless exhibitionism.
I’m something of a dragon buff. You look at how dragons are depicted from Yugioh to Final Fantasy th