I am formally opening up my latest batch of commission slots! With new prices and updated terms, to boot. As always, it's not first-come, first-serve, and I'll be picking slots on February 10th, so g...
This is a journal mostly only relevant for Inkbunny anyway, since it and Bluesky have been the only places I still post everything I draw to (and I already posted this decision to Bluesky first lol) ...
A week late, since I was obnoxiously sick on the turn of the new year, but I wanted to retrospect on 2024 because it feels like a really important year for me now that it's come and gone. First, jus...
The third pool for commissions, because reorganizing these things to be in reverse chronological order is a nightmare when pools get too big, Inkbunny please add pool sorting options someday
Check recent journals to see if I'm open for Commissions!
Hey there, Ultilix here, but you can just call me Ulti! I'm a scalie who loves lizards, dicks, boobs, imps, and nudity. I'm a big Nintendo fan that likes to draw. Combining those interests gets you a lot of cartoony porn!
I'm usually always available for conversation if anyone's interested, I enjoy meeting people, especially those who share my lewd interests! However, if you do want to message me, please have a conversation topic or questions in-mind from the get-go, as that will make conversation a lot easier!
My main work is found under the name Ultizeta on other websites, including YouTube videos, Twitch livestreams, and Twitter posts, if you have any interest in those kinds of SFW content!
You and me both, brother! I hope you like the rest of the Tails' Trances series then, when you get around to pursuing them. There are a couple of others involving it too, but no worries if you're not interested.
You and me both, brother! I hope you like the rest of the Tails' Trances series then, when you get a