Having had success in my past journal pitching my own commission ideas and finding a willing person to split the commission with I figure I'd fire off another one with plans on fulfilling sometime aro...
Long time, no post. I'm back and looking into getting some more graphic genital mutilation art made but solo stuff isn't always up my alley and while I can afford the occasional piece of art, I'm not...
*PRICES AND SETTING CLIENT EXPECTATIONS* ============================================================================== If buying a story commission from me, I would heavily prefer said transactions...
Yes this is an alt account. I will make no attempt to hide my main, I just simply wanted an alt to separate my more extreme tastes from my tamer stuff on my main. Yes the ferret character is exactly who you assume they are if you know my main, please keep my main and kink-alt as separate entities.
Commission Buying: Open - Looking to commission art of my stories. Commission Selling: Closed Trades: Open (1 slot) Interested in trading stories for art Trading and Commission TOS: https://inkbunny.net/j/526741 - DMs: | OPEN | I'm not some super social extrovert though, set your expectations. RP: | OPEN | Only interested in RP involving the subject matter of my primary kink on here. Will only play as my main fursona. Only interested in being on the receiving end. - Help end the intergenerational cycle of abuse: https://www.intactglobal.org/ Wish you still had your foreskin? Help make regenerative-medicine foreskin restoration a reality: https://www.foregen.org/donate Hold your mutilators accountable: https://donoharm.report/
- All my content I create or commission is created within the realm of fiction and does not imply condoning of it's subject matter. - I now have an announcements channel. Feel free to join to be the first to know when I publish a new story or piece of art. https://t.me/erminextremeupdates