As you may be aware of, I have been quite absent from the internet lately.This is in no small part to my PC power supply burning out( playing a resource heavy game known as ark), but also my procrasti...
Hello Inkbunny, Happy new years, how have you all been? Personally I would like to apologize for my lack of activity these past couple of years, you guys deserve better. that is why beginning Tuesday...
Hey everyone how's it going I've decided to come out reveal myself to the internet through a community that is accepting to my type of drawings. That's were you, the inkbunny communitie, come into play. I desire to become a world wide web pehnomina like any other artist so i hope you'll all pitch in a helping hand to make this come true and if dosen't at least I tried
Quite the artwork and the like you got going here! I think you got quite a bit of talent starting to bud up, and would love to get to know ya and chat! Do you use MSN/AIM/YIM/Steam at all? Would enjoy sharing contact info and reaching out towards you under a more 'live' environment!
Quite the artwork and the like you got going here! I think you got quite a bit of talent starting to