As you may be aware of, I have been quite absent from the internet lately.This is in no small part to my PC power supply burning out( playing a resource heavy game known as ark), but also my procrastination. I would also like to take this moment to apologize for breaking my new years resolution that i had promised to you all. It turns out that pumping out art on a bi weekly basis may have been to much for me to handle.
In this case, I propose to you a new resolution. I have personally decide to move my focus more towards animation as a median. I would like for you to join me in this venture as I bring my creations to life (or to animation if you want to get technical). My new goal is to once a month bring you, at minimum, a loop animation, so as to both practice and provide you with entertainment you like.
For this I may require your help in suggesting what I should do next. So don't be afraid to leave a comment on what my next loop may be and it doesn't have to be sonic related as long as it's furry related. Also, though I love your fan characters I would prefer to stick to official characters please.
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9 years, 8 months ago
28 Jun 2015 05:51 CEST