My god i live. Yay I'm back again, though I'm sure my absence was hardly noticed if at all. I will be trying to get back into my art again and get some stuff posted. So throw me some requests if you ...
I've been working a LOT and Im about to pick up a second job so I wont be on much. But I have Kik for my phone. ask me if you want my name. easiest way to talk to me now days.
So I also have an account over on SoFurry (Applepi is me :3 )in case nobody was aware. And I think it was last week their chat was having some serious issues. So I started to complain about it in one ...
just call me Styx I've been drawing for years. never been too super fantastic at it though. but that's never stopped me. i got in a funk for a while and stopped drawing and now I'm picking it back up. I'm also a amateur writer. not to amazing at that either but i do my best.
so send me some ideas and ill see what i can do as a gift drawing/story for you.
╦╦╦╦═╗ Put this on your page ║╩║║║╔╗ ~if you give free hugs ╚╩╩═╩═╝(Anybody need a Hug)
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ Name: Styx Age: 23 Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Looks: Teddy-bear brown eyed Husky with copper and white fur. stands about 5' 11" with an athletic build made for speed rather than strength Personality: super energetic, loves to have fun, always curious, loves making new friends, very submissive but can be a switch if needed, easy going and a bit of a pacifist unless loved ones are in danger. Loves: to cuddle, snuggle, and joke Likes: Cats, Cars, Video Games, Doctor Who, Books, Drawing Hates: Ignorance, Intolerance, Closed minded people, Rudeness. The color yellow