So I also have an account over on SoFurry (Applepi is me :3 )in case nobody was aware.
And I think it was last week their chat was having some serious issues.
So I started to complain about it in one of the chat rooms to which my friend commented on and I replied with a pun. And thus the Great Pun War began. I bring this to you today so that everyone that reads it can hopefully find it as amusing I did. (feel free to leave punny comments.)
Applepi: (some general complaint about chat not working right)
Vexen Kiyotoe: Sucks huh? o3o
Applepi: yesh. Makes me want to kick a Baker in his Doughboys >:[
Vexen Kiyotoe: Mhmhm. I know what you mean. Makes me want to kick Paarthurnax from Skyrim in his
dragon balls. :c *wishes that a drum roll would go off in the distance*
Applepi: Makes me want to kick Ash in his Pokeballs
Vexen Kiyotoe:Makes me want to piss on the evil witch from The Wizard Of Oz.
Applepi: Makes me want to beat Harry Potter till he is Sirius-ly Black...and blue
Vexen Kiyotoe:Makes me want to rip Ronald McDonald's McNuggets off.
Applepi: Makes me want to take kidnap the Burger Kings wife and Whopper
Vexen Kiyotoe: Makes me want to go into a KFC and smash someone's potatoes.
Applepi:(that one wasn't very punny lol) Makes me want to arrest Hamburglar, send him to prison, and introduce him to 'Big Mac'
did i win? lol
Vexen Kiyotoe: (shush! I'm trying darn you) Makes me want to vut off Samuel L Jackson's snake and sell it an ebay. :l (has run out of puns)
I.... think you did. X3
*cut :l
Applepi: if I can get one more I think I win xD
Vexen Kiyotoe: X3
You can do it!
*has just thought of a brillent one* 8D
(*misspelling for the win!)
Applepi: shit this is getting hard. give me a minute xD
Vexen Kiyotoe: You can do it!
(at this point we got in trouble with a helper because we were in the help desk where you report problems you are having with the chat system. xD )
Niku Cobalt: Heya... Guys?
Applepi: Makes me want to take an egg and beat it. (lame one but still a pun. this is facking hard)
Niku Cobalt: Any chance we could take it to whispers or another room?
Applepi: lol sorry xD
Vexen Kiyotoe: XD
Niku Cobalt: All good
(so we took it to whisper)
Vexen Kiyotoe: Makes me want to go get jabba the hut to hony booboo's house so he can be all like, "damn that bitch is fat!" Oh.... what now? *drops a mic and walks off*
Applepi: makes me want to chop off Harrison Fords hand and see if he can play with his Millennium Falcon Han-d Solo
Vexen Kiyotoe: *pics the mic back up and hands it to her in defeat* You win this time.
Applepi: haha That one took some thinking xD *takes mic and does a little victory dance* That was fun. especially when we got in trouble haha
Vexen Kiyotoe: That's what makes it count QwQ
Applepi: lol i'm sure you will win next time
Vexen Kiyotoe: I better >:T
Applepi: lol sore loser much?
Vexen Kiyotoe: Yeah... think you broke my jaw with that win.
Applepi: Haha you're awesome. I so saved this chat log to share the Hilarity of that punwar
Vexen Kiyotoe: Good! Glad my awesomeness saved the day from you're boredom. :D
I won this one. Though I doubt it will be the last. Hope someone finds this as amusing as I did.
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11 years, 8 months ago
25 Jul 2013 19:10 CEST