well i guess to start off this "about me" section i'm just a normal cymera from Minnesota who draws. Art has always been the thing i"m good at and always will be, that is until have a stroke, but till then that's what will be my thing. I'm a huge minecraft fan and i also play in a band. I'm pretty friendly (at least i think i am) and enjoy chatting it up with new people so if you want to chat feel free to add me on aim or skype ^^ I'm on both fairly often. some huge influences of mine are wolfy-nail, , miupix, redbeanviolin, and got to have a bit of my nugga T-Kay in there (if you know him hats off to you). .if you haven't watched T-Kay on fa or anywhere else he is worth it would recommend doing it ^^. thanks for taking the time to read through this :3!!
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