Kuuneho ( https://inkbunny.net/Kuuneho ) is open for commission to pay for dental emergency. You can acquire Within here ( https://inkbunny.net/j/344323-Kuuneho-commission-info- )
I’m a 28 year old West Virginian that finally got his Associate Degree in Computer Science in a private college. About to move to a unknown location that I will not tell the community where. Gonna go for my Bachelor in a University. I have my A+ and N+ certification (even though I don’t know anything in computers) and a couple of ETA certifications (don’t know what jobs uses those certs.) I have plenty of contacts on my Skype and on Facebook, but (believe it or not) I’m not a social fur. Just a regular online only fur, which means I hardly go to meets or cons. Just because I’m not a social fur doesn't mean I don’t like chatting. You can add me on Skype or a PM if you want to chat.
My Fursona
Ronald K. Coon
Ronald K. Coon (or Ron for short) is my primary fursona and the furry that I use in all my RPs. He is a kind hearted cub that will never cause trouble intent ally, but actually will find a solution to a problem. He is only 12 months old, but tries to act older than he really is. He enjoys diapers much more than being potty trained and will do anything just to stay in them. Most of the time, he usually playing with his car set and his blocks. Don’t ever put him in a playpen because it reminds him too much of jail, or what he likes to call it, “big boy time out”. Because he was born an orphan, every time he hears someone talks about their loving family; he gets emotionally upset. Speaking of upset, it’s almost impossible to make this cub cry. He always has a smile on his face (except after a spanking of course). He is outgoing and loves to have “Rugrats” adventures; just don’t let him out of your sight. He’s shy around new friends and won’t really start a conversation with anyone. But that don’t mean that he won’t talk to you. Actually, he probably wants to talk to everyone. Just give him a shout. Since he is a raccoon, he is mostly up at night and very sneaky (so keep your garbage can lids on tight around me)
His special features is that he can see at night (like all raccoons) Also his blue/violet fur on his skin glow bright green when It’s pitch black outside or inside. His tongue glows green constantly throughout the day and can make anything glow for 24 hours if he licks it. His eyes are always golden yellow, but can glow green like the rest of his body if he needs to see in the dark. When he has intimacy with another fur, his sheath also glows bright green and the “cream” inside him can also glow. The one thing that makes him more unique is that he can withstand contact with radioactive elements.
His mate is Kitfox who loves me dearly and makes sure no cub either bully me or hurt me. We been together since May 2nd 2014 and still happily together. Best diaper bros ever :D
My best friend is Chimera is like my computer double. He kind of knows everything that I know about computers and more. The only thing that makes us apart from one another is our species (of course) and that he is a Linux pro while I’m a Windows Pro.
Jett J. Coon
Jett J. Coon (or Jay Jay for short) is my secondary fursona and is sometimes used in RP, depending on if the RP needs another cub in it. He is Ronald’s Step brother. His mother is a raccoon while his father is a skunk. According to his brother, he was born evil. He doesn’t care about anything unless it includes him in the plans. Also arrogant and egotistical. (Makes it hard to believe he’s Ronald’s brother.
His special features include environmentally based fur (which means that his white part of his fur changes depending on the weather.) Also, when he is mad; his eyes glow bright red and you will know that he is about to commit a devious act. To be fair to the artists and for my memory, I had made an “Art commissioner list” for record of that I was granted a commission slot and whether I paid for the commission or not.