Hey, just letting you know I'm still around and want to keep writing but it just hasn't seemed my writings have had the best... affects lately. I want to keep writing but i want to know what yall want...
I will be writing tonight. I am truly sorry for such a long wait and will try not to do it again. Ive just been busy with school starting back and i hope you can forgive me. :)
Still around, bout to start getting busy with school soon. Id love to hear from you guys if you have any ideas for a story. Furry,Nonfurry,Diaper, etc etc. If you want something that isnt diaper rela...
I do roleplay, I play a lot of Muds and such (Textbased games if u dont know) I like writing stories, usually including diaper but they dont have to be solely based on diapers. Im always looking for requests and such on new stories or ideas for started stories :). I hope you all enjoy my work.