I’m running a raffle on Twitter to win a free commission! If you have Twitter and are interested, please retweet this post: https://twitter.com/tygerwulfe/status/1111079553626050560?s=21 If you don’t...
Hey everyone, I thought it was time for an update here. So thanks to a couple of semi-viral twitter posts over the last few weeks, my wife has had her medication money for almost a month without a pr...
Ok, I haven't had to do this desperate thing in awhile - our issues have been mostly with tiny bills. And I'm not even looking at the fact that our car registration ($200) is due on the 20th and I don...
*ALL* Patrons will receive a personalized Doodle once their first payment clears. http://www.patreon.com/tygerwolfe These doodles may be inspired by usernames, or just whatever random ideastrikes me,
I don't get my next Social Security check until Feb 8th, but I can do a signal boost. Would have done it sooner, but I don't get an internet or phone signal in the area where I live (between two mountains), and I haven't been away from my place for the past 3 days
I don't get my next Social Security check until Feb 8th, but I can do a signal boost. Would have don
Hi DarkwolfUntamed! Thank you for the shout & all that you gave me after I just started watching you & friending you just now or so, & consider me trying to help you & your wife out in any certain way with this signal boost journal that I made with best efforts just now or so & please do hope & pray for the best with me that you & your wife can get all the help in the form of donations or whatever from everyone else out there. Oh! And you're welcome about what you said to me too. Here's the signal boost journal, thanks again, take care, peace to you & your wife, take it easy, God bless you while I pray for you & your wife & I'll talk to you & see you again soon.