Worldbuilding for the world of the Cub Pits. Hope you enjoy and please ask questions; I'm still fleshing things out. The Triumvirate and the Caste of Cub Pits: A World of Valor and Sacrifice In the ...
Thinking of doing something more serious with the cub pits. So far, I just come up with one-shot characters to fight. Going to make some permanent characters, establish some bios, and follow their jou...
Alright the votes are in and they're all B's! Blue Jay, Bear, and the Bunny. I'll start writing the story and hopefully, the first chapter will be out this month. Hope enough people are interested.
Welcome to my realm. Here we shall nurture the flame of humanities darkest desires with tales from other worlds. Stories of pain, dominance, war, and death. Come now and give in to the dark side...
But seriously I'm just a novice writer writing for fun and to improve my skill. Lately I've been getting into the snuff fetish but not all my stories are like that. If you look at my gallery you'll find many stories that I plan to finish or might be a one shot. I'm also planning a few fanfics, anyway enjoy and please comment.