Hello peepz! I am currently in the process of uploading old art I have had commissioned as far back as maybe 2001-2002. I know, that's a LONG time ago, but I've been lurking on various furry community websites for too long without really submitting much, if any. So, as I said before, I am in the process of uploading everything I have commissioned, starting with the oldest. I will be doing this at a rate of two to three or so pics per day. Once all that is caught up, I'll submit my OWN art, which is in itself at least around a year old :P This way I can give myself plenty of time to hunt down my sketchpad and work on the requests some really good friends of mine in the Furry Community have asked of me upon MY requesting them for requests:P
As you can see from the thing below, I like to RP ^^ Toss me a note if you wish to Skype RP with Radarr. Please include your Skype username (duh) and I'll add you :)
I DO have a YouTube, but due to the current restrictions, I need to have a banner image, icon, 100 subs and a few other things to attain a custom URL. I welcome anyone to assist me with the icon and a new banner image. The 100 subs will be a matter of time. Currently, only one of the several show ideas I have is a reality. You can find it by searching 'TIFITHT' on there, which stands for "Things I Find Interesting That Happened Today", the subject matter of which I hope is pretty self-explanatory...
Anyway, I am currently working on finding news/geek news sources for another ongoing video project in the works, so if anyone knows of any good non-MSM (mainstream media) sources, please do tell! Other than that, I am working on yet another show project with a friend of mine on ArcheAge that coincides with TIFITHT. There are two or more projects still in their "infancy" stages, but yeah... With all these various shows, once everything is up and running, I will be submitting at least one video EVERY day, with many target audiences reached out to.
Also, if you wish to get a hold of me for requests and such, just toss me a note, I check here often :)
░█░░█░░█░░░░ I love to rp ^^
(Put this on your profile if you like to rp)
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