So I am bored and *gasp* I am actually using a messenger, so if you haven't yet come and add me to skype as I am feeling chatty. I won't do RP's so don't even try. Beyond that anything is open game....
So for the past few months this seems to be a question i have been asked a lot. To answer said question I honestly do not know. Between being a full time college student and worker I barely have eno...
well what to say about myself. ugh hate filling these things out yet it is always a good to get a good overview of a persons personality.
well i am a writer and while atm my gallery is empty its mainly cause i had taken them all down a while ago. I am working on many projects and at current i will be posting once i finish these sets of projects. I am gay but most wouldn't know it if you met me in person as i am very relaxed and stoic.
I have a very outside the box view on things and believe in being supportive and defending what i believe in. This leads me to be outspoken and while i usually mean things in a softer tone the fact that text doesn't translate tonal inflections its often lost in translation. feel free to add me to msn as i am on more often than not.
that being said i am a very open person whom embraces honesty so if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Sorry I've been AFK since 2014 O.o Hope the world has left you in high spirits, and if you could please see what I've already begun to post after this long hiatus... From Ice Cream to Topping (new chapters)!
Thanks for following me!
Hello watcher of mine! Sorry I've been AFK since 2014 O.o Hope the world has left you in high spir