I just wanted to give a quick thank you to everyone who commented on or reached out to me regarding the last journal. Also want to thank you all for being cordial about the replies. I was worried that...
Honest question: am I the entitled one if I think it's wrong for an artist to make you be a patron or part of some other subscription based site in order to commission them? Like, I'm being forced to ...
Specifically I'm looking to commission someone for a few cub pieces related to my High School Reflections series. Someone willing to work with only a written reference and no visual ones. Also not sup...
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████▒░░░████▒░░░████▒ █▒░░░░░░█▒░█▒░░░█▒░█▒ Put This ███▒░██▒████▒██▒████▒ On Your Signature █▒░░░░░░█▒█▒░░░░█▒░░░ If You Do Erotic-Role-play ████▒░░░█▒░█▒░░░█▒░░░
Aaaaaand thank you for all those likes :) I am glad you are enjoying my page! Feel free to ask questions if you have any either in PM, Shout, or comment on the picture.
Aaaaaand thank you for all those likes :) I am glad you are enjoying my page! Feel free to ask quest