Random journal to throw out there... I'm just wondering what kind of lewd, kinky, and utterly depraved things you would do to Freia~ No judgement from me whatever it is! Don't worry, she's a strong ...
-I completely missed the 100 milestone... Thank you so much for the watches! ^^ I guess Freia really is popular~ I'm not sure how to celebrate it, a raffle maybe...? Yeah, I guess a raffle! A raffl...
Probably still gonna be a lurker for a while, but after almost six years on this website it was that damn husky girl melting my heart and a gut reaction to adopt her that finally made me upload someth...
Heeeey! I was walkin' around, just mindin' my own business and suddenly, I see you have added me to your watch list. So I stopped, thought for a moment, and realized I should do somethin' about it. After about a few seconds, it hit me...I'll say thank you. So here I am, saying the line, that good little line...Thank you for adding me to your watch list. I really do appreciate it!
Heeeey! I was walkin' around, just mindin' my own business and suddenly, I see you have added me to