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AlexReynard's Gallery (741)

The Library Of Alex Reynard

The Sen Grisane Ambigram
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Here's a list of all my written works here, organized for quick 'n easy reference so you don't have to go hunting around through my art for that story you were thinking of that made you cum so hard last time. Tee hee.


Furry Novels
Against Instinct
Jason's New Home part one, part two
---Sarah's Story
Ghost Story, Book One / Book Two / Book Three / Epilogue
---Suzy And Daddy
Down In The Dumps part one, part two
---A Dump In The Dumps
---Confessions Of A Ratgirl
---I Love My Sister
Bartleby's Descent part one, part two
---Bartleby And The Infernal Menagerie
---All You Can Eat
---Bartleby And The Abyssal Nursery
---Bartleby And The Diabolical Festivities
---A Very Bartleby Christmas Special
---Bartleby And The Land Where Lost Things Go
Held In Captivity
Summer Vacation Of The Living Dead - Book One / Book Two / Book Three / Book Four / Book Five
Dangerous Lunatics - Book One / Book Two / Book Three / Book Four / Book Five part one, part two / Book Six
Love Me Till My Heart Stops part one, part two
---Lily's Adventures In Deathville: Stuffed With Love
Heart On Wheels
---A Perfectly Normal Day At School
---You May Meet A Stranger At The Fair
War Is Peace part one part two
Phobiopolis Dream I: Falling Blind
-Dream II: Public Performance part one, part two
-Dream III: Long Dark Road part one, part two, part three
-Dream IV: Lost Alone part one, part two
-Dream V: Final Exam part one, part two
-Dream VI: Morning
---Phobiopolis: Killing Machines
Dr. Justin Foxworth: A Day In The Lab

Furry Short Stories
The Witch In The Woods
---Sweetiepie's Ending
Down The Drain
Harvest Time
Deli Meat
The Ethics Of Babysitting 4
Under The Bed
How It All Began
Road Trip
Pleased To Meat You
Fuel Consumption
Cinnamon Skunk Swirl
The Diary Of Princess Nedjes-Moswenkiya
Perfect Self-Destruction
Little Billy Squirrel Meets Mr. Void
The Sleepovore
Not Exactly Haunted
Waltered Reality
---Waltered Reality 2: Cosmic Clusterfuck
The Birthday Party
My Town Runs On Friendly Robots
Sunnyside & Turvytown

Miscellaneous Stories
A School Shooting
Over The Hedge: The Barbecue Job
---Over The Hedge: A Gift Of Vore
Alex & Relee's Mega Kinkfest
The Humongous Fucking Fetish List
Cub Porn, Pedophilia & Logical Fallacies
Tiny Toon Adventures: Spic 'N' Skunk
Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers: Indecision
Bad Boys II: A Point-By-Point Review
"I Love Having My Beliefs Challenged"
Zootopia: Bringing Citizens Together
Zootopia: Breaking Bellwether
Rad Shoes
Two Birds With One Cleaver

My collection of Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers fanfics can be found here.
My collection of naughty Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers fanfics can be found here.
My collection of Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis fanfics can be found here.
Grimbly Snooker Blaghnumny stories and miscellaneous writings can be found here at the archived corpse of FurRag.

BTW, Blackpaw was kind and resourceful enough to put together a list of all the Bartleby-inspired fanfics he could find. Here it is.

Type: Writing - Document
Published: 13 years, 11 months ago
Rating: General

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13 years, 11 months ago
yay the ref page is back * hugs ya*
13 years, 11 months ago
<hugs ya too> Yeah, I realized suddenly that I didn't have one here and that I really ought to.
10 years, 9 months ago
Nice avatar (colors & all).

OK, I've given up on AlexReynard because he has not written any Bartelby tales in 3 1/2 years at least.
10 years, 9 months ago
thanks. it has been a while, i do hope to see more of it, but he has other projects that may tie into that world
13 years, 11 months ago
*noses*   perhaps some links to fan-created spinoffs?    like mine?  :P
13 years, 11 months ago
I could do a journal pimping them.
13 years, 2 months ago
If you do that sometime man, I hope you will consider mentioning falling fences.
13 years, 2 months ago
I'm not sure where they all ARE though. Maybe that could be the focus of the journal; 'if you've done a fanwork, link to it and I'll add it to a list.'
13 years, 11 months ago
my list of all the bartleby stuff (including all the fan works I can find)

13 years, 6 months ago
I just read the Bartleby Series, and I have ONE question for YOU.

Where the F*** were you when they were writing the bible?!! Seriously- That's a Hell that could easily be almost anyone's heaven!

What makes this creepy is that... given what most of us know of religion, this could actually be Possible!
13 years, 6 months ago
>Where the F*** were you when they were writing the bible?!!

Sorry, I was in Honduras at the time, golfing with Christopher Walken.

>given what most of us know of religion, this could actually be Possible!

Well, I did base a lot of the ideas off taking rigid fundamentalists literally in their glorious depictions of God as a hateful, intolerant petty bully. I was like, 'Wait, wouldn't that mean EVERYONE goes to hell?'
11 years, 11 months ago
The way these fundamentalists talk, that seems to be the case.
They shut and lock the door to heaven against social Christians, deists, agnostics, atheists, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, pagans, Mormons, Witnesses, anybody who uses family planning, anybody who marries (!), ....

Now if you excuse me, I'm looking for a certain story ...the one on statufication in the art gallery !
13 years, 3 months ago
Hey, was just wondering if you put Fifi in any of those stories, I would love to read them
13 years, 3 months ago
So far, just Spic 'n Skunk. I wrote some really old Fifi fics which were horribly unpublishable. Trust me.
13 years, 3 months ago
Do you still have them? If you dont, that's okay, but I would like to read them if you can e-mail them to me
13 years, 3 months ago
No, no; I mean they are not fit for human consumption. They're that damn bad. Like, 'would not show to closest friends while drunk' bad.
13 years, 3 months ago
Oh, okay
13 years, 3 months ago
Don't worry; you're not missing much.
13 years, 2 months ago
Hey wait man! You could post that one I did for you, if you think it would be Alright. You would have my full persimmon if you did.
11 years, 11 months ago
If you read this, you'd see it as PRETTY  W E I R D !!
11 years, 11 months ago
Fifi herself may have personally asked you to extirpate them. She has communed with me, too.
13 years ago
I may be just missing it but I can't seem to find two stories on here that are on your cub central public list of stories the HFB set I was hoping that maybe there were more in that line like the rest of your series. if I am just missing it some how please ignore me
13 years ago
No, they're not missing. I didn't include them on purpose. Basically, I wrote those two chapters, then didn't follow through on the rest of the story arc. I got so many letters asking me to continue that it actually dried up my muse. From then on, I don't post anything until it's fully finished.

I am proud of those two, but unless I actually finish the arc someday, I'm not gonna promote them.
13 years ago
that's kinda sad but I completely understand what you mean it would be the same as if an artist put up half drawn art. It would just make peole bug you about finishing it and that's not how creativity works.
13 years ago
I'll let people see 'em if they ask though. So here they are.
13 years ago
12 years, 12 months ago
Oh, 'thank you'. I was wondering why you were saying 'ty ty ty ty'.

You're welcome!
12 years, 2 months ago
I'm putting the entirety of the Bartleby series on my kindle, because I'm a big horrible gay.
12 years, 2 months ago
That is an absolutely fantastic sentence.
11 years, 11 months ago
In my next to last Casper fan-fic, near the end, is an account about an archsorceror named Ordog, brother or son of Orloc (Haven't decided which). He had 2 henchmen, Oswald and Wieland. Wieland was ambivalent about his employer, but Oswald expressed the wish to serve Ordog forever ! Be careful what you wish for - you might get it !!

Ordog was setting forth to attack his archrival Krandolph whose citadel was in the Pripet Marshes. In his first sortie against this villain,fighting his bone guards, he lost a bone in his lower left leg. He simply removed the smashed bone, grafted in a corresponding leg bone from a felled bone guard and stapling the muscles to the bone, sealed the skin. He then resumed his battle - but failed to get to Krandolph.

Now this 2nd sortie was far worse. Krandolph espied the three approaching the citadel and not deigning to come forth himself, sent his minion Piotr, sword in hand, spells at his fingertips, against the three. I will spare you details of the battle !

Suffise it to say that, while Wieland had only minor injuries, Piotr lay dead, beyond recognition, but what had been his head still had one eye, and the body still had one arm. lOswald lay dead with his thorax & head blown away. Ordog had lost an eye, an arm and his body below the waist ! Dizzy with horror, eh ?

Ordog still lived, by virtue of the Soma Formulae, a sorcery of appalling risk & now banned !, and Wieland had to stabilize him and drag him to his pavilion. There he assisted Ordog with a terrible reconstructive surgery. After Wieland junctioned Piotr's arm to his shoulder and installed Piotr's eye in his face, Ordog was able to graft, by himself, Wieland's lower body and legs to his torso.
Thus Ordog granted Oswald's wish to serve him forever -by making his eye and his arm part of him, by virtue of the Soma Formulae. Thus Ordog punished Piotr by making his lower body part of him, likewise.. Wieland was near fainting to see Ordog walking up & down with his self-Frankensteined body ! He wished then,more than ever, to leave his master, now more monster than man, if he ever was a man !
It would be ~500 years yet before Wieland would be free of Ordog.

That day came when, after wrestling with the cosmos itself, Ordog, transmutated by such into a substance that could not remain long on the material plane, wrested from the cosmos a spell that was well over a thousand syllables or words long.* Even as the sound-impacts flowed into his head, and out his hand, he was inditing them on a parchment. This spell, The Shining Pyramid could only be cast once in eternity, at a certain time, in a certain place, by a certain person, not yet born, but to be a descendant of his. To effect THIS, he had already cast the Force of Destiny !

He bid Wieland place the scroll in a stone room, seal it for 500 years by a powerful spell.(word-impacts intoned while certain ideographs or hieroglyphs were indited on the door !) and then Ordog, his time done, walked the Winding Road and left the Earth !

* Read no more, if you are less than wizard. The Ten Words near the end of the Shining Pyramid Spell ! MALKHUT YESOD HOD NEZACH TIPHERET GEVURAH HESED BINAH HOKHMAH KETHER !. When the Eleventh Word is spoken, time will re-initialize !!

The color keys do not work ...
11 years, 4 months ago
Furrag seems to be shutting down.... does that mean your ranger stories are gone forever?
11 years, 4 months ago
I thought for sure that wasn't the case, because I knew they were on The RR Database. But to my horror, that site's gone too! So yeah, I'm not sure if there's any place on the web where those are still posted.

I still have them all though, don't worry about that. I back up stuff like crazy.
11 years, 4 months ago
Oh good. Hopefully we will see them again soon :)
11 years, 1 month ago
I TRIED about 3 times with RugRag or whatever, but it was always down. Checking a link comfirmed me that they do not have the resourses to fix it so it's perfect: hack-proof et al, so it is down and for good. Anyway the Bagbunny stories that I did try are incomprehensible.
11 years, 1 month ago
I actually found something within Alex's stories that makes everything bring together perfectly and makes so much sense. Ok so by now everyone has read How it all started, and Against instinct. Well, after all that Alex started writing worlds that were so very different than those stories, but something hit me. What if he did that in purpose? As if that great debate between pred and prey furs ended and its so far in the past that being eaten is an every day thing. It explains a lot. Again, I'm not saying this is exactly what he did, it's just a theory. Also, when are you gonna continue the Bartleby's Descent series?
11 years, 1 month ago
>As if that great debate between pred and prey furs ended and its so far in the past that being eaten is an every day thing. It explains a lot. Again, I'm not saying this is exactly what he did, it's just a theory.

Actually, I've thought about this myself, about a grand unified theory of Reynard Tales. The best I've been able to do is come up with three separate continuities, all of them branching off of the events in How It All Began. I'll probably post it as a journal someday.

>Also, when are you gonna continue the Bartleby's Descent series?

I honestly don't know. I haven't had any strong ideas for a new story. Although I am working on a new story now that's Bartlebyesque in structure. Though less fetishy and more spooky. ;)
11 years, 1 month ago
Sounds intriguing. I've been meaning to ask if you'd be alright if I made a spin off story based on the events following War is peace. If course, you'd get all credit for your characters and theme, though I have a very interesting scenario. A sort of 'what if' type of facade. What if the potential of the rejuvinators were unlocked tenfold. Say to resurrect 4 unique beings that may have impacted history in this universe of yours. What if it were used to bring back 4 long extinct species. A Group of 4 of the most brilliant minds in history. An art of anthro glowing bat, a rare red panda, a leafy sea dragon, and a genetically enhanced human. All thanks to the GPS's research.they How would these 4 react to a huge sudden culture shock and change in modern society? But hey, it's your call. I'd rather not tamper with your world without permission first.
11 years, 1 month ago
I forgot to mention how something like that would even be possible. Well, the answer is actually already there. You said it yourself in a couple of your stories. All the rejuvenators need is the genetic code and DNA the rest is just meat and blood. And surprisingly, if you look into fossils, they hold the near exact DNA and genetic code. Only slightly damaged due to age. Now if something millions of years old can hold that much DNA, imagine a couple of bones only a couple of decades old. Actually...I think I might have found a way to turn your bartleby universe into a split one. A realm were he his dead, and one where he is alive. IDerp.
11 years, 1 month ago
>I've been meaning to ask if you'd be alright if I made a spin off story based on the events following War is peace.

Sure! I always approve of fanfiction. It's fascinating to see people take my characters and settings in new directions.

>What if the potential of the rejuvinators were unlocked tenfold. Say to resurrect 4 unique beings that may have impacted history in this universe of yours.

Hmm. Keep in mind Jared's crutches: the Rejuvenator can't heal long-term injuries. so if you put some long-dead bones in there, the machine wouldn't really be able to do anything with them.

I think I have a solution though. If you just put DNA in, at best you'd get a clone. but they'd have no memories because memories are stored in the brain. But what if the story were about a researcher who broke into a museum, stole four preserved brains, and put them in the Rejuvenator?
11 years, 1 month ago
How did you read my mind? lol, I guess it's true, great minds think alike. I was gonna do something like that. Only, not just any random bones. The GPS would have known exactly who they'd belong to. Perhaps you might have read one of my stories on DeviantArt. I took it down a long time ago, does the name 'Project 0' or 'The Deadly 4' Ring any bells? If not I'll have to find it. What happens when you find the 4 of the world's first freedom fighters who try to find refuge for all kind. What happens when you resurrect the most dangerous people in history into a world that is so dramatically changed and they don't even know it. In my series, humans are very rare since a bio terror attack nearly wipes them off the face of the earth. Unfortunately the after effect leaves the air highly toxic to humans. My character Chronos relies on a mask that keeps him alive, but that could be fixed with a bit of gene splicing. This is sounding more and more interesting by the second. Since I got your permission and I got a general idea, I'm gonna get started. Though I hope I don't butcher anything. It's gonna be a action, adventure type story with some serious suspense and mystery. It might even involve a few anti unification activists who are against pred and prey furs coexisting. Maybe he and the others decide to take action against this since its obvious these furson groups would never accept change. I'm gonna get to work. If I find my older stories I'll post then. Though there likely in one of my really old files. I think I might still have the original hand written copies.
11 years, 1 month ago
Good luck on it. Sounds like you've got lots of ideas!

Writing tips: I don't know if you're the type of person to write outlines for things before you start or just walk through it in your mind, but definitely write down ideas in a note file when you have a good one. I've lost a lot of ideas by assuming I'd remember them later. Also, keep in mind that all of your characters will believe themselves to be the main character of their life. Give them all realistic motivations, especially the villains. And when you're through, proofread! If you can, get a friend to read it too, because there'll always be typos you miss because your brain reads them as what you *meant* to write.
11 years, 1 month ago
I even might already have a title for it how does 'Chaos Resolved' or 'Dawn of the First Day' sound?
11 years, 1 month ago
Not bad, but they're both a bit generic. I always try to choose titles that let the reader know what they're in for. So what's the most important thing about you story; the thing you want to convey most?

Also, don't worry if you're stuck on a title. Write anyway. I was halfway finished with Love Me Till My Heart Stops before I had a title for it.
11 years, 1 month ago
If you want regular updates on it, give me a poke on Skype. I check it every day. You'll find me under the user KazDazzlebat.
11 years ago
Hey there, I've been doing a hell of a lot of work to this story and just realized that I might have to rewrite the first chapter since its not making much sense. But hey, so far it's coming out pretty damn good. I just got one question that's been nagging me for a while now. I'm the first war is peace novel you wrote. That mouse boy was swallowed whole and everyone seemed to think it was impossible. But Vera said she'd explain how it happened and well, that never did happen. >.<
Did you do that intentionally? Or was that a mistake? Because if that was intentional it was clever, yet confusing.
9 years, 8 months ago
I tried to leave a comment to Zephron Tsol on the FurAffinity website, BUT he took down all his work there. I tried every angle, but got nothing. It's hard to get somebody to come out of an empty room. I now forgot what I wanted to say, and all I can recall is the frustration of trying, trying, trying....

INSIDIOUS INVASIONS progresses nicely, but the muse is erratic. You'll be alerted when it's up.
9 years, 6 months ago
(1) The general library to the Hell stories is gone again. Why? Except for yours and Zephron T'Sol's, these stories appear to be gone.Unless I have them listed as "favorites".
(2) I have published the first 32 pages of my Bartelby book, and have pretty well repaired the damage & loss caused by that file crash-out. My method, because a direct scan to InkBunny file was not offered, gave me a hard paper copy of these pages. Epilogue is yet to be published, but it is a mind-blasting shock !
(3) I had expected a steady stream of comments on this story, and on my gallery in general. Instead, it's like the expected sales of my computer software company. (Did you ever guess I had a software firm around 1990 ? HAD ?). I expected a steady stream of orders. What I got - nothing. Absolutely nothing. Same for the stories and art here. I did get one comment that was so rude,disgusting and insulting that I deleted it at once, and banned the perp !.

(4) Having to nudge and hint ...
8 years, 1 month ago
Sorry to tell you that "Little Billy Squirrel meets Mr. Anton Void" and "Not exactly haunted" turned me off.
My character "Phantasm" has similar power, BUT she'd allow them or have them atrophy rather than get anything like Mr.Void ! Hopefully Tuesday will help her, maybe to lose such power altogether. The stories were - GOD !
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