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Dragon You Over - page 55
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Dragon You Over - page 55
Dragon You Over - page 57
Dialogue / Script / Panel layout by :
or twilightstormshi
This comic is continued and added to by donations! consider donating! :b
we need 20$ for the next page!
a final sex scene starting on page 59! we're almost done! =P

also sorry this page is 1 day late, last night i couldn't finish, my wrist gave up and couldnt stand any more work. really has me worried that in a year or so it'll hurt to much to draw/mouse color at all :/

thanks GreenReaper for catching that typo :b
https://inkbunny.net/journalview.php?id=71166 <-what its about
http://www.kitchan.org/ <-or just go!

male 1,193,716, female 1,084,928, dragon 149,342, pony 106,677, mlp 70,354, my little pony 64,707, unicorn 30,240, my little pony friendship is magic 25,498, crying 13,741, mlp:fim 13,162, tears 10,672, mlpfim 8,797, twilight sparkle 8,745, unicorn pony 8,081, mlp fim 6,555, spike 6,372, my little pony: friendship is magic 5,445, anger 1,805, books 1,148, library 837, argument 427
Type: Comic
Published: 11 years, 11 months ago
Rating: General

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11 years, 11 months ago
sap, but important sap
11 years, 11 months ago
15 minutes ago? wow, nice timing
11 years, 11 months ago
it seems that spike is starting to get it, at least a little, I'm also anxious to see how twilight reacts to that last line. I know that what he did was wrong and he should be punished, but i think twilight is still being a little harsh. She did somewhat instigate this whole thing herself, although RD and Pinkie sure didn't help. It would be good for her to take a step back and look at who all is at fault here.
11 years, 11 months ago
Would not want twilight giving me a panel 5
11 years, 11 months ago
How touching moment
I really love this comic ^^
11 years, 11 months ago
Wow, I really don't have a good comment for this page other than Twi is being a bit of a bitcharoonydoony, seriously who lets a ravenous sex crazed dragon out on his birthday around a bunch of in heat females?
11 years, 11 months ago
so she acts like its all his fault and she had nothin 2 do about it, not even tryin 2 listen 2 what he says or be reasonable........great job of makin this realistic lol, i mean dang
11 years, 11 months ago
that's how anger works, last time i checked XP
11 years, 11 months ago
Not in everyone case. In my case I need to lose control and that is as hard as proof or disproof existing of a God. And when I do lose control I lose my consciousness and become rampaging beast (not in verbatim meaning of this word), thats happen only once in my life. I send 10 ppl to hospital and I don't remember anything.

11 years, 11 months ago
so twilight decided to turn on bitch mode. I understand some points of her argument, but really, they all don't carry much weight compared to spike's. Like really. They really are getting pissed for their own selfish reasons but any one of them could have told them to stop at any point. But they were selfish and now they're blaming it on him just so they don't look bad. ALWAYS BLAME THE DRAGON.
11 years, 11 months ago
Didn't this used to be a porn comic?
11 years, 11 months ago
I was expecting an emotive plot from around page 20 or so, based on Spike's behavioral changes... was not disappointed.
11 years, 11 months ago
I am sure it will still be quite soon. But that doesn't mean it can't have some story around it. :)
I have seen some other porn comics which had even less sex then this one and even more story.
Doesn't make it any less of a porn comic and any less good. Often it is just the opposite. xD
11 years, 11 months ago
Read the description:

" a final sex scene starting on page 59! we're almost done! =P

11 years, 11 months ago
Fun watching the most rational person be the most irrational.

11 years, 11 months ago
That's what happens when people are angry! Well at least a lot of the times. :(
11 years, 11 months ago
yeah! how dare twilight be pissed off she got cheated on, we all know even the most rational person is calm in all situations, this is totally unacceptable!
11 years, 11 months ago
There is a limit to how irrational you can possibly be.

Calling Rarity, who was practically untouched, over to join in her little "Scorn the Dragon" party?
Complaining how he cheated on him after being one of the biggest factors in setting the wheels in motion for this whole ordeal, especially as this happened before.
Ignoring every single thing he's saying.
Even using his biology which is probably stronger and him being younger.
11 years, 11 months ago
i'm tempted to ask, have you ever been angry at someone? XD you're describing what happens when someone flies into a blind rage like twilight is doing. and she explains why, even! she's never felt this way before, it's hard to deal with being hurt so deeply. she doesn't even understand why it's so deep. her entire character in the show is based around her having only book knowledge, trying to apply it to real life without any real sense of pattern recognition or intuition, and coming up short and confused. that's why she has to study friendship in the first place, it's why she reacts to pinkie sense by trying to study it, it's why she takes so long to come up with plans, it's why she freaks out when she's one day late with her letter to celestia without realizing celestia likes her and would just be fine with it. so when she feels something new like love, she freaks and responds TOTALLY irrationally like she has MANY TIMES in show because it's the other side of the same coin that is twilight sparkle XD it's 100% supported in canon. i've gotta ask, are you serious with your comments? do you just hate it when i do it because you don't think i have any right to portray the character since i'm not on the official writing team? and if so, why are you looking at fanworks?
11 years, 11 months ago
Just saying, but as far as Twilight goes, bitch needs to get told.
11 years, 11 months ago
I'm not a stranger to seeing people in a blind rage. However the difference between when I've seen those people act like that and Twilight in this page is the way she talks and the way she acts.

When I've seen those people they're not nearly as composed as how she seems to be. Except for panel 5 or 6, she carries herself like she is completely in control of her thoughts.  

The vibe she is giving off is far more like a parent or authority figure who has a feeling or know they are wrong but rather than admit it load up the offender with "reasons" and excuses until they admit they're wrong and the parent/authority gets away free.
11 years, 11 months ago
yes, exactly. and, because she's in a rage, she doesn't care. i don't agree with you, but i get your point, and it's the fault of not having smooth characterization earlier on in the comic not what we're doing now. we've learned a lot from this comic and will do better in the future.
11 years, 11 months ago
11 years, 11 months ago
Tsk tsk tsk...I can just see Celestia scoling twilight for her words.
11 years, 11 months ago
Interesting idea for the Celestia alt ending, if you ask me. xD
But I guess we will have to wait and see what will happen there. :)
11 years, 11 months ago
celestia: "you let that dirty filthy dragon do WHAT??"  as far as ending, I see an egg popping out of someone
11 years, 11 months ago
11 years, 11 months ago
Contents and pacing aside, I've gotta say that the paneling and spacing of speech bubbles could be worked on. =O Throughout the whole comic, I've seen the bubbles get larger and larger, as the bulk of words grew more and more. At this point, it's more like reading a fanfic with visual aids, with how much text there is in a speech bubble!

Here's a few tutorials I find quite useful on speech bubble and paneling:

They're not the best, but I can't seem to find some of the nicest ones I had laying around -- darn misplacing the notepad with the links on them. But yeah, they're a great help when you want to improve your comics. Understanding these basics also helps a whole lot, by forcing the author to really pick what the characters say, as it soon becomes a struggle between saying all you want to say and having to draw many extra panels just to give the full speech.

I hope you find them useful!
11 years, 11 months ago
it really just a problem of twilight not telling me what the dialog is ahead of time, so i cant properly space it because i dont know how much there is. she requires me to do it all first, then she makes sure i got the expressions and stuff right and makes the dialog fit into it better.
11 years, 11 months ago
Wow, that's, er, really messy. D: It might be best for the author's tastes,but it makes the pages look far too crowded.
11 years, 11 months ago
yeah next comic after this i'll put twilight in charge of the text bubbles completely, should turn out better =T
11 years, 11 months ago
why not come right out and say that i'm a leech on kit's art and that he could be so much more without me?
11 years, 11 months ago
Not sure if kidding or overreacting. o uo; It's not like the art couldn't use improvement (everyone everywhere should seek it out constantly), but the large speech bubbles are the most prominent problem at this point.
11 years, 11 months ago
sure, i could be overreacting, but, on the flip side of the coin, your good intentions don't guarantee you writing something acceptable (i should know!). what you said was uncalled for. i agree with you that the bubbles need work. it's something that kit and i noticed a long time ago because we, like a lot of people, have taste. but the fact your message didn't recognize that possibility at all was just condescending. telling someone to their face they don't understand the basics? wow. if you really wanted to help instead of to criticize just to seem superior, why not write up some tips for us yourself? and it's not really debatable that you implicitly blamed me for making the strategy "messy" because it was "best for the author's tastes." and i know from your comments on previous pages that you don't respect me as a general artist. are you really going to argue that you do and that this "advice" wasn't a thinly veiled personal affront?
11 years, 11 months ago
I'm not sure how it was uncalled for? I'm sorry, I'm honestly not trying to offend you, I think you might be reading my comments with the wrong infliction. It's a bit hard to get tone right over the web, so I'll try to explain myself as best as I can, and hopefully not come off as trying to attack you.

I never questioned whether you or the artist had taste or not. =O I simply observed that the speech bubbles through the comic continued getting kinda larger with each page, so yeah, I thought some tips in the matter of spacing might be useful. I'm certainly not the best at making comics, not even near that. But I love reading those sort of tutorials in case I make one I wish to upload: they're very helpful, and when I began drawing and doodling little comics in my notebook, I sure didn't know about the proper methods of panel-sizing or leading the reader through the pages. It's completely amazing how much effort can go into a comic page, and it was until someone pointed me to those same tutorials that I begun to understand it. It's thrilling, because there's so much to learn! I might have assumed too much in linking those tutorials, because I was reflecting myself. I adore those little tutorials, and I adore being pointed to good tutorials like them, so I'm always too happy to share them. Even if you know how to apply something, it's never bad to get a little remainder of how it works, or at least that's how I see it. I'm sorry if it came off as a type of insult to the artist, and I certainly wasn't trying to be condescending -- given the artist's response, it never crossed my mind it could come off that way, until you pointed it out.

I could give you some tips, but they probably wouldn't be any good, because I don't think I'm good enough to be handing them out. I have many anatomical mistakes and don't have enough experience in comics to write my own tips: that's why I link to tutorials that have been useful to me, and not just go "oh, you should totally do this and that instead of what you're doing now, because it's what I do."

I apologize for the next point you bring up: I could have been clearer. When I said it was messy, I didn't mean YOU as an author was messed up. Just that the dynamic of the collab sounded messy. The one time I participated on a comic collab, the speech and dialogue were given beforehand to give the panels proper spacing for them. Given that, it seemed a bit strange to me that one would work the panels first , and then add dialogue later. It wasn't an insult, and I added the later part, "best for the author's tastes", meaning that you were comfortable with that method of working, but no, it might not be the best for the composition of the comic.

For the last part, I don't really know what comments you're referring to? I think I might've commented in one or two other pages, at most, and I was always polite in what I said? I never tried to put you down, and I know I make a full effort to be as neutral as possible. If anything, I've defended your artistic choices, not attacked them, and I'm certainly not trying to attack you as an artist now. I have no reason to attack you, and I don't think you've ever done anything to attack me, in return.

Your comic has been badly received by many people, I can see that easily through the comments. It's stressful at best, and I don't fault you for acting a bit defensive. The comment about the panels and bubbles wasn't ill-intentioned (up to this point, I thought it was a choice on the artist's side, not the writer's), but I see I've come off as some sort of hater. The other time I commented, you also seemed to get upset and asked no one reply to you anymore. I respected that, and I'll respect you by not commenting on any of the following pages anymore.
11 years, 11 months ago
._. well, looks like you're a nice person. i'm sorry. you shouldn't feel the need to stop commenting.

it really is an emotional roller coaster for me. it's quite hard to be in the public eye.. at least somewhat.. and be doing something controversial. i think kit finds it a lot more easy, but there are also -many- more people who speak up against my story than against his art. i listen to criticism, but there's only so much i can do now that we're -so- far into the comic. kit and i have a lot of plans to make our next comics better including working speech bubbles in better. even though i think the largest problem is i just wrote a story that was too unfocused, which made me have to write HUGE explanation bubbles. in the future, i do want to hear your personal perspective, though, if you have a comment. even if you think your idea isn't that great, it's yours, and -you're- the reader of this comic as opposed to the people who wrote those tutorials. i want to hear what you think.
11 years, 11 months ago
Twilight is being an irrational bitch.  Either Spike is her chosen life-partner or he's just a little kid and she's a pedopony.  She doesn't get to scold him for his behavior when it takes two to do it.  She needs to be just as pissed off at everymare there for leading her mate into that situation, KNOWING FULL WELL that he didn't have the kind of life experience to turn down the attentions of a mare in heat.  Call him what you want, he's still a dragon, and dragon's covet.  Give him some sex and he's gonna want it all.  Its his nature, and he might feel bad for doing it afterwards, but he didn't do it all alone.  Take some damn responsibility.  The only pony that might even be considered to have been raped is AB, and she was literally asking for it.

And no, I don't blame Mac for being an overprotective big brother.  But I do blame AJ for acting like a cold bitch about it, when she knew full well that AB was looking for him to nail her.  She was the one who wanted to just go to bed instead of making sure AB made it back to bed safely.  

Plenty of responsibility to go around.  I get tired of the irrational stupidity of putting the responsibility for sex on the male's shoulders.  In most species, including and especially horses, breeding takes place on the female's terms.  If she isn't interested, he isn't getting in.  Those hooves mean business.  Someone needs to straighten Twilight out.  Maybe it's big brother time.  Where's Shining Armor?
11 years, 11 months ago
Well from last page i got the impression that she might actually deal with the others as well but after she does so with spike. So we can't know for sure yet. xD
11 years, 11 months ago
*grumble*grumble*  *puts down his torches and pitchforks for now...*
11 years, 11 months ago
Yes. This is the scene that I was hoping for. Even if she does forgive him eventually, this page makes clear that everyone involved was in the wrong in one way or another.

Thanks for that.
11 years, 11 months ago
I liked it better when it was porn.
11 years, 11 months ago
Okay, I understand what Twilight is trying to do here and I can understand that she feels cheated and betrayed. However, I feel that Twilight deserves blame for her actions as well. She knew all the mares were in heat and she even left Spike alone with Pinkie, who was ALSO in heat. Not to mention Pinkie egged Spike into getting greedy with taking advantage of her and making him go crazy for more mares. So really, Twilight shouldn't just be scolding Spike for what he did, she should also be getting her share of the blame for contributing to what happened with Pinkie and Applebloom.  
11 years, 11 months ago
I hope after this comic is over yeah aint just gona drop the whole pony thing .n. i hope there will be a book 2 of this cool story >O> if not well shit sad face.
11 years, 11 months ago
well after page 65, me and twi are doing 2 alternate ending/events. if funding drys up while doing those pages or theres a long wait between them, i think me and twi might do a printed comic to sell (not MLP related)
11 years, 11 months ago
I love this comic but honestly the dialogue on this page really confused me. I realize it's part of the story at this point for Spike's emotions to be conflicting, but the way he's expressing them are equally confusing. At first his argument was that he was confused and wants it all to be over, then he made a better argument about how he didn't understand the entire cheating concept, and lastly he completely apologizes whereas Twilight never budged.

11 years, 11 months ago
Just wondering, if you don't want to spoil it that's okay. I'm just wondering about the final sex scene, just wondering who is it with and how many pages long is it going to be?
11 years, 11 months ago
not going to spoil it, but it's pages 59-65, so 7 pages : )
11 years, 11 months ago
Awesome good to know
11 years, 11 months ago
last page sex?
who calls for a orgy? :P
no but seriously i feel bad for spike.
even though he does deseve it XD
11 years, 11 months ago
Great job Twilight and kits! These are as great as ever! :D
11 years, 11 months ago
thanks ^o^
11 years, 11 months ago
Wow, I'm so glad I stumbled across this story while browsing around, it's well written, (with the only hold up in my head being back when Fluttershy came out after he 'marked' her window sill... and then says that he 'got what he deserved' after restraining himself outside Rarity's) and I completely agree with the fact it's re-readable. I hope I can donate and be a part of that process, because I really want to see this story through. I'm really impressed with all the detail you bring to it as well, I know it's beyond my ability, and I'm just happy to see something so passionately made.

And on an entirely different note, I kinda gotta agree with Drakkon back up in the comments a bit. Everypony that spike mated throughout his coming of age night initiated the acts. Sure, Big Mac had good reason to be pissed at Spike, and who can blame him, but honestly, in the end, they were just both at fault, and the issue arose out of a mutual moment of stupidity, so if he's gonna be mad about it, at least have all the information. And the knowing the entire town was in heat thing along with leaving him with pinkie, who, if they had really payed attention, was a bit 'over' excited about being able to dry hump spike ((dry being used loosely in this context)) in front of her friends. So if she could at least get a bit more of a word in edgewise, then maybe this whole issue could be resolved much more expeditiously.

And on a TOTALLY unrelated not from the other two:
Being how dragons are a greedy self serving species by nature, and judging by how spike was portrayed in this comic, are we working under the assumption that dragons are the type that would normally mate for life, or are they closer to how a group of snakes works, sharing the females and simply trying to further the species? Because if his isn't a race that breeds for life, then Twilight honestly has less of an argument to try to force Spike's behavior when he has never experienced any of this before.
~~Though it would ad for a good reason to put the plan of a 'harem ending' suggested in previous page comments into the works, lol~~ And I don't want the Nature-VS-Nurture argument to go on here, so I won't push that line of inquiry, just kinda curious about the standard being set in here, that's all.

_Insert Nerd-gasm comment here_

^ hmm, good idea *hintity hint hint* ((lol)) /)^u^(\
11 years, 11 months ago
Wow, look at all the wall-of text comments.

Poor Spike, Twilight's acting like he should know what went wrong. But he couldn't have known, because he's just a hormonally confused dragon, in a world of springtime mares. Silly twilight, read a book on male hormones!
11 years, 11 months ago
i'm willing to bet that's exactly what she did while spike was out of the house
11 years, 11 months ago
Then she'd understand why he did it all. He lost control during a time when control was most likely to be lost anyways because of the mare-in-heat influx. He should be pitied, not punished.
11 years, 11 months ago
just wait for the next page ^^
11 years, 11 months ago
Wasn't Spike stolen as an egg to be raised by ponies? He wasn't even given to a proper parent just used as a test for baby unicorns to test their power. She has the nerve to expect him to be a pony lover, when he is a dragon.
11 years, 11 months ago
yeah.. i wish i had gotten around to dealing more with this issue : (
11 years, 11 months ago
Make-up sex scene incoming
11 years, 11 months ago
I'm eager to see how Spike and Twilight settle things in the next couple of pages.

I understand Twilight's mad, but Spike really wasn't in control of himself.
11 years, 11 months ago
Ugh...Twilight used to be one of my favorites, but Spike or AJ or even Rainbow Dash needs to put her in her place. He already said he was sorry and everyone else is cool about it. What that fuck is her deal? Spike should just say, "Fuck this noise." And go with Pinkie Pie. She already said she wanted him and she didnt mince words.
11 years, 11 months ago
Rape ? Simply apologise with tears.
11 years, 11 months ago
Yo have my on comment/questions to make.
1. are you gonna make  another faq page ,because I hate how most of these people are dissin your work(like they could do a comic strip with this much time,effort, and animation).
2. Since Twilights a book worm shouldn't she have known all the facts about Dragons and there "urges".
3. What do you think Spikes age is ,I mean he's young so of course he's bond to want to experience  thinks since he's has not already experienced  them in some way that he won;t make them again.
11 years, 11 months ago
1. we're not gonna make another FAQ page.. that was a lot of extra work the first time around, and i don't know if it even got to any of the real issues on people's minds. i'm going to try to let the work stand for what it is. and while i do feel bad when someone says they don't enjoy what kit and i have done, i'm also happy that the comic is spawning such active emotions and debate!

2. yes, and i'm going to address this on the next page.

3. we had to do some guessing and some extrapolation from the series on this one. we think twi hatched spike when she was 2 and that that makes spike (just turning) 4 and her 6 now. the other mane ponies are all 6-7... with the youngest being RD and the oldest being Fluttershy. we also think that AB and her friends are 2-3... but, given pony vs. dragon lifespans, that makes them about the same as spike in terms of mental and physical maturity... maybe even a little older.
11 years, 11 months ago
He's trying but missing a point I think, but yeah agnery just to be angerly if what Rarity is doing at least unsure. XD But let's see how this'll go.
11 years, 11 months ago
*kick to the tits* Twi, you're a dick. Scuse me while I seek the company of a pony who really has a brain. *goes to AJ*
11 years, 11 months ago
hmm... not bad but really I am gonna wait for the next page before I say anything because right now it just looks like twilight is being overly emotional.....oh no, I get it, cheating is horrible, but to spike, this was just something fun awesome and pleasurable, because, as some other commenters have said, he's young, this is all wild and new, he had no idea how Twi would react to this, so it's kind of like getting angry and yelling at a kid for flooding your car's gas tank with soda or some shit... well, that's one comparison...

Oh and um I noticed a comment you posted about their ages >,> ....um....go check out Digibrony's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_rcYkW3rX8 about ages and such....I agree with him in most of his points of view and that shit makes sense based on the show's backstory (cutiemark chronicles- among other such episodes)

Of course you can just say this is based on some alternate timeline or whatever you want ^^ Love the artwork in general, which I've praised in other comments....
11 years, 11 months ago
So help me, if Spike is not drawn and quartered in the next 5 pages I will create my own "How Dragon You Over Should Have Ended" comic. This is a promise.
11 years, 11 months ago
Kit, I really have to say … The way you drew Twilight's Mane ... I really REALLY Love it! So dynamic! So full! ...and so sexy! <3
11 years, 11 months ago

all you commenters are the CMC, i'm Twilight, and DYO is Smarty Pants ^.^
11 years, 11 months ago

I'm a Spike fan. I've always felt sorry for him a lot of times during the series because of A. He never gets to do anything interesting or fun. B. Twilight doesn't treat him too well. and C. He's probably going through a mental torment of being the only good dragon in a pony world. Yeah. Twilight's treatment of Spike is the one thing that's keeping me from liking her more.

In the case of this comic though, I pretty much feel similar to the way I did to Owl's Well That Ends Well. I understand if Spike gets a lot of the blame for the events in the comic, but he shouldn't get ALL of it. Twilight should at least say if she had never had sex with Spike in the first place, that none of this never would have happened. I also hate that Twilight is making up excuses for Rainbow, Pinkie, and AB for coming on to him.

At this point Spike, all you can really do is show how sorry you are for what you did. Though if Twilight doesn't but ANY of the blame on herself, I'll consider her REALLY unlikeable in this comic. And that's my two cents.

P.S. Very nice artwork and a decent story! Keep it up!
11 years, 11 months ago
yeah. i agree. you've clearly seen how they mistreat spike in the show. twilight throwing him around the room and everyone making fun of him.. especially in the earlier episodes. maybe the real problem with this comic is that i extrapolate those interactions, which are supposed to be stereotypical and silly, to harsh and real problems between the characters. it can be done, but i was kind of going at it blindly here.

i hope to make twilight a little bit... more sympathetic on the next page. i really think of this comic as being told from spike's perspective, so i think a viewer would have to put more effort into seeing twilight's points than spike.. just naturally, from the way spike feels.
11 years, 11 months ago
Yeah. I'm glad you and I both see how Spike gets mistreated by the manes in the show. I've always have a place in my heart for underdeveloped and/or underplayed characters. When it comes to Twilight, her treatment of Spike is the one thing that's keeping me having her be my favorite pony. Though up to the present episodes she has been treating Spike better, it's still not enough to me. Even though Spike got a stained glass for helping saving the Crystal Empire, it feels a bit tarnished as Spike felt like he screwed up Twilight's test. Like I said before, this comic basically represents how badly I think Spike has been treated in the show. To the point where I wish Twilight would just let him go and finally make his own friends.
11 years, 11 months ago
Man I'm scared this comic isn't going to reach a conclusion... People, please donate!
11 years, 11 months ago
well, I put in my 2 cents so to speak, you're not the only one worried
11 years, 11 months ago
what twilight needs to understand is that he is another species so you cant get made at him!
11 years, 11 months ago
Please add unbirthing, cock vore (soft), or just vore into the commic.
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