Yet another of my enormous wiggly line drawings. This one took about two days, and was done with only pencil and pen; no measuring tools. For the first time, I tried to make it actually resemble something; ocean waves. I tried to put in a lot of curls at the top and more pointy rushing-wave-shapes near the bottom. Also, this is the first time I tried to avoid straight lines completely. I needed practice inking curves anyway.
This is how it looks after carefully cleaning up the lineart and adding color. I'm very happy with how striking the shapes came out. Since I can only see the lines while I'm drawing it, I never know myself how different it'll look once it's colored.
14 years ago
16 Mar 2011 02:48 CET
Initial: 2af953d82361c200603bd7b66cea275c
Full Size: 2af953d82361c200603bd7b66cea275c
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