It may seem like I've been inactive for a short while.
I've been working on funny little story shown as pics, and now have most of the pics completed.
The way this project is turning out, I'm even getting a laugh out of it.
This posting is rated "G", but the coming story pics will be adult.
The pic shown here is a part of one of the pics in the upcoming project.
The realistic effects were achieved from a photo of my Joska Fox figurine, then a copy of the photo altered on a paint program. The fur hairs were done with the thin paint brush option that leaves pointed ends on the strokes.
10 years ago
03 Mar 2015 01:39 CET
Initial: 46ca0a518df10331ad81c762c23d9413
Full Size: 167d5ebd5665c945028d765c082acb8b
Large: 969e5ff66efbbc58e1f0fbe0c4bd9448
Small: 52f43f01dd9601cb6f6c815c5d9fede4
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