Ah okay. You should totally add some background elements to this sometime. Maybe...out in the dessert, jumping from rock to rock, cactuses wizzing by. Or having him jump in and out of water repeatedly would be pretty fun to watch. Oh oh...or maybe he's trying to break free of..some taffy, and long strands of it are snapping free as he leaps into the air, only to land smack into it again, sending drops of the stuff spraying into the air. Sorry ^^; when I get ideas..omg...there's so many of them lol!
Ah okay. You should totally add some background elements to this sometime. Maybe...out in the desser
really nice animation :3 though i see a slight jump too quick from the bottom crouching frame to the next. i wish i had the patience to do animation xD nice job with the hair owo
really nice animation :3 though i see a slight jump too quick from the bottom crouching frame to the
hm i would say maybe move that crouch frame more to the centre, or add maybe 1 or two extra frames between, but maybe making it hold longer might help with it. :3
hm i would say maybe move that crouch frame more to the centre, or add maybe 1 or two extra frames b