So I made this a few days ago for Bunny's birthday cuz fuck him or something. But! It's of Ketzio staying up late into the night as Bunny tries to get some sleep, and having an alarm go off at 12am so she can run into his room, jumping on top of him and waking him up rather rudely because she's quirky like that. :3
Though, I find it silly that Bunny didn't find it odd when Ketzio asked him to set an alarm clock in the other room for 12am. Oh well >w> Though, considering her blindness and her excitement -- she ended up tripping on the slippery-ass wooden floor in the landing -- CUZ SHE'S QUIRKY LIKE THAT, HUEHUE.
Also -- Ketzio totally looks a little older when her hair is down c:
I'm always so jealous of the two of you; you have no idea... T_T
It's been a while since I've seen many posts from you, but in just that recent absence, I think you've developed your art style noticeably, or something; there is an apparent difference in, say, your faces and details in these last few submissions. It's always quite interesting to see the evolution of an artist whose work you know so well. I need not even mention the progress you've made since your earliest posts. Wonderful job! I'm particularly amazed at those backgrounds; they are my bane; I have little patience for them and try to throw them together with as little effort as possible.
I'm always so jealous of the two of you; you have no idea... T_T It's been a while since I've seen
What are you talking about I'm already up LOL!!!! well the one part of me anyways.. the rest of me was asleep but now is woke up so guess its all good.
What are you talking about I'm already up LOL!!!! well the one part of me anyways.. the rest of me
This character was the character who first made me like furry art, she's just the cutest. I remembered there being more artwork of her back in the day though. Either way it's nice memories. I hope whoever drew her is still proud of this character. She seems very special.
This character was the character who first made me like furry art, she's just the cutest. I remember