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Fishing dive (+short story)

Pond-side bubble cuddle

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by lolboy4
OC breath hold/drowning sequences [1/2]
Last in pool
On the shore of the ocean, there exists a tribe of reptiles of all kinds that lives off said ocean, diving for fish and materials. That's how it's always been for them, but a long time ago, how they did it changed. One day, some of the tribe's divers found an underwater temple that held a powerful artifact dedicated to a sea god! They took it back to the tribe, and used its power to bless everyone: From then on, everyone in the tribe, even future generations, would have 10 times the breath holding ability, as well as clear speech and vision underwater!

But, with the artifact used, the god it was meant for took notice. Furious that it'd been used by thieves, they cursed the tribe: None of them would ever be able to swim again, simply sinking like rocks in water. Even with that, though, the tribe adapted, and these days they're doing just fine once again.

That all brings us to now, with one of the tribe's better divers going on a fishing trip. Those tattoos on him each represent 10 minutes of his breath holding record; with said record sitting at 53 minutes, he's got quite the assortment, and he's still doing just fine 15 minutes into his dive. Having climbed up onto a tall rock pillar, he keeps his spear at the ready as a school of fish gets closer... How many of them will he manage to get?

I really hope this drawing represents a turning point in my art. A while back someone said that my style had stagnated, and they were right. I'll likely still do some more basic stuff like I've been doing, but I'll try to make ones like this more common.

butt 117,835, lizard 24,413, underwater 8,900, fish 8,630, ambiguous gender 8,620, tattoo 6,641, tribal 5,437, belt 3,953, tattoos 3,581, spear 1,694, bag 1,464, hunting 1,032
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 month, 1 week ago
Rating: General

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1 month ago
squirtlerocks07 and I did an RP based on this

S: this tribe of reptile creatures have certainly been through quite an ordeal, with none of them being able to swim again after a curse was brought onto them, and it caused some problems for a few of the reptiles...but most of have adapted to it, not all of them tho...

one day, one of the better divers from the tribe was gonna go on a fishing trip to get some food, and just before he could, there was another reptile like creature not that far off from them, this one was one of the newer ones in the tribe and after finding out the curse, they were definitely very unhappy, they were sitting on the shore crying currently

L: Before he'd go under, the lizard that was just about to head out notices them crying. Concerned, he goes over to them. "Hey, um... Are you okay?"

S: the other lizard looks at them with teary eyes
"Do I look like I'm ok?! No!! No I'm not!!!!" they keep crying

L: The green lizard sits down next to them. "What's wrong? I hope nothing bad happened..."

S: the lighter green lizard who was a bit smaller to the regular green one looks at them with teary eyes and sighs

"This whole not swimming thing is so scary! I mean just sinking like a rock everytime we end up in the water?! I hate it! Why when I just join the tribe that something like this happens to me!! Waaaah!" they cover their eyes as they sob

L: "Hey, it's okay!" The green lizard hugs them. "I really hate that curse too, but it at least comes with letting us hold our breath a long time, right? It's not ALL bad..."

S: "I don't care! I don't wanna end up deep underwater and can't swim back up! I used to love swimming before I joined this tribe and now it's gone! I'm never gonna like the water again!"
the light green lizard keeps crying, clearly so disappointed by all of this

L: "You should at least try it out before you give up hope... You never know, you might end up having fun anyway!"

S: "But I haven't been in the water since the curse...I don't wanna sink like a rock... I'll just make me panic!"

L: "Maybe you could try somewhere shallow first? I'm sure there's a good amount of space where you'll still have your head above water if you stand, and you can try just sitting down."

S: "...i...I suppose I could try that, but I don't know..." the light green lizard was still scared about this new curse

L: "I can come with you, if you want. I was just about to head out for a fishing trip, but I don't mind delaying that a bit."

S: "I guess having someone with me could help..." the light green lizard sighs
"Fine, I'll try it this once and if I get too scared, then I'm gonna find a way to get this stupid curse reversed, and I don't care how long it takes!"

L: "Man, let me tell you, the whole tribe would appreciate if that curse could be dealt with..." The green lizard gets up, helping up the light green one as well.

S: they get up as well
"I'm usually pretty adventurous believe it or not, but this whole thing is on another level, I promise you I'll find my ways to get the curse reversed! For the tribe and for me!"

L: "And I'll help you with it once you find a lead on how to do it. It's gonna be tough though, it came directly from a god..."

S: "Yeah I know... but trust me I already have an idea on how can I reverse it, cause nobody in this tribe deserves to not swim around and enjoy themselves, but enough talk...I should probably face my fear now..."

L: "Yeah, let's get to it..." The green lizard leads the light green lizard toward a part of the water he knows is going to be the right depth for them.

S: "I'm so nervous!!! I don't wanna drown or be deep down now!"

L: "Neither are going to happen here! Just try to stay calm, all you have to do is just hold your breath. And we both know you'll be pretty good at that compared to how you were before joining!"
1 month ago
L: "I wish there was something we could do about that, but as far as any of us know, there just isn't. But I'll be with you the whole time, and I'll help you if anything happens, alright?"

S: "Ugh....fine, whatever...let's just get this over with..."

L: The green lizard starts leading the way into the water, making sure not to go any farther than the point where the water is just below the light green lizard's neck. "Alright, now just get a deep breath and sit down whenever you're ready, and I'll follow you."

S: the light green lizard looks down at the water below, scared
"I-i don't know if I can do it now..."

L: "I know you can! It took me a bit of time to get used to not being able to swim, but I got there eventually, and you can too."

S: the light green lizard sighs, and eventually decides to not delay it, so with a deep breath they sit down and fully submerge underwater

L: The green lizard takes and holds a deep breath of his own and joins the light green lizard underwater. He gives them a hug, trying his best to keep them calm.

S: while the light green lizard was nervous, he wasn't deep underwater so he was mostly calm, giving the green one a hug back

L: The green lizard smiles as he sees the light green lizard is already doing well. He stays with them, occasionally blowing some bubbles as he waits for them to want to surface.

S: the light green lizard blows a few bubbles himself, but soon he was already uncomfortable not even a full minute in and he goes up to the surface and gasps for breath

L: The green lizard surfaces beside them, with just a calm exhale. "See? Not so bad, right?"

S: "I guess not...but that was because we were in shallow waters, if we were deeper then I'll freak out"

L: "Yeah, you'll still have to get used to that... Maybe we could just have a stroll near the shore? There's plenty of indicators people have set up to show where we can go to get air, so we don't have to worry about getting lost or anything."

S: "This is so frustrating, all I want is to swim, it was my favorite hobby! Now I can't even do that! UGH!!!!! Im gonna look stupid walking underwater" the light green lizard was getting angry from this realization that they can't swim

L: "It's just like walking normally, you won't look stupid! You could ask anyone here, they'd agree that you'd just look normal doing that. Honestly, being ABLE to swim would look strange here!"

S: "What??? Your kidding right?? How in the world would it look strange?! I don't think that at all honestly"

L: "I mean, all of us have been like this since before I was born, both the long breath holds and the curse. Honestly, I've only EVER seen just a few people swimming!"

S: the light green lizard sighs again
"Maybe your right...but I'm still mad that I can't swim! That won't change anything, but let's try and go deeper I guess"

L: "Yeah, we should try not to stall any longer... At least we don't have to go far to get deeper, we can just keep walking out."

S: "I-i just wanna test to see if I can't actually swim...cause now that I think about it...I haven't tested to see if I can't or not... maybe because I'm newer to the tribe it didn't somehow effect me?"

L: "...You know, maybe... I don't remember any outsider joining the tribe before, so maybe it only affects people that were born into it? You did seem a bit breathless after we surfaced a minute ago."

S: "Yeah... maybe I don't have the long breath hold times like you guys do...before I joined the tribe my record was around 8 minutes, so it would make sense... I'm gonna test it...stand by in case I sink"

L: "Alright, I'm right with you. Go ahead whenever you're ready." The green lizard gets ready to help the light green one just in case.

S: "Here goes..." the light green lizard then pushes forward into deeper water and to his surprise, he stays afloat!
"Whoa! I can still swim?!?! Oh thank goodness!!"
1 month ago
L: "Oh! Well, there you go, you don't have the curse! Probably means you're still stuck with only an 8 minute breath hold, but still!"

S: "Yeah that kind of sucks, I mean at least I can swim and not have to worry about sinking, but a longer breath hold like you guys have would be nice, isn't there anyway I can get that? Anyway at all??"

L: "I doubt you'd keep being able to swim if you got that... But if you really want it, I'm sure there's some way to get it."

S: "I ain't gonna survive on an 8 minute breath hold, so I really think I need it, plus it took me serveal weeks to get an 8 minute breath hold, and who knows maybe I'll still be able to keep my swimming..."

L: "Alright, if you're sure... I've never known a true tribe member to not have both the blessing and curse, so you must not have done the actual initiation rite yet, huh?"

S: "Uhhh what is that? I wasn't aware of an initiation rite..."

L: "Yeah, figured. It's not hard to do, you just drink a special mixture out of a certain shell. I know how to make the mixture, and I'm allowed to handle the shell, so I can get it set up for you. Just, keep in mind: If this works, this might be the last time you ever swim."

S: "What?! Well gosh... I don't know then... I wanna be able to keep swimming...but at the same time I want a longer breath hold time...well this is complicated..."

L: "You did say before that you were going to look for a way to remove the curse, but I honestly don't think you'll be able to do it. Think carefully about this, I don't want you regretting it."

S: "Well even if I somehow end up cursed, I'm still gonna find a way to get it removed for everyone no matter what, and that would include me...so... alright I'll try it then"

L: "Okay, let's head back to the tribe, and I'll get everything ready. Should take about 10 minutes or so for that." The green lizard starts wading back toward the shore.

S: "Ok then" the light green lizard follows, hoping things go swimmingly

L: As promised, about 10 minutes later, the green lizard comes to the light green one with a conch shell filled with pink liquid. "Alright, just drink this and you'll be a full member of the tribe. It won't taste the best, though, keep that in mind."

S: the light green lizard takes a smell at it and it doesn't smell very nice either
"Ewww...I don't know if I can drink that without coughing it out, just gag me with a spoon...ugh..."

L: "Yeah, it's... Not good. Had it myself once, I know what it's like. Just... Hold your nose, that'll help."

S: "Oh jeez, fine" the light green lizard takes the conch shell and pinches his nose shut before drinking it, and while he chokes on it briefly from the bad taste, he does get it all down, coughing after he was done

"Omg! That was the worst thing I've ever drank!"

L: For a moment, the light green lizard would feel both a warmth and a chill somehow, before both pass.

"Well, at least you'll never have to do it again. You're a full member of the tribe now, and I'm almost certain you'll have both the blessing and curse the rest of us do."

S: "Well, there's really only one way to find out... if that was the last time I've ever got to swim truly, I'm gonna be sad..."

L: "Let me go put the shell back, and we'll check." The green lizard leaves, returning before long without the shell. "Alright, let's get back into the water and hope for the best..."

S: "Now I'm actually scared this time..." sighing, both of them return to the water, standing on the edge of it

L: "I'm kind of nervous for you too... But we have to try. Maybe it didn't do it for whatever reason."

S: "Please please please...." crossing his fingers, the light green lizard goes into the water, this time it's a little bit different, he stays afloat for maybe 3 or seconds and then sinks underwater, even as he tries to keep himself up he cant, and he didn't get a chance to get a breath in
1 month ago
L: The green lizard gasps and quickly follows the light green one in, pulling them back enough that they can breathe. "Okay, apparently it gave you the curse after all..."

S: the light green lizard gasps for air heavily then cries
"Noooo!!!! Well I was able to keep myself up for a bit before I sunk... so maybe I can just float for a little while? But still come on! I regret drinking that now... I am so gonna get the person responsible for giving this curse, I can get mean if I wanted to!"

L: "I really want to give them a piece of my mind too, we don't deserve to have to put up with this... Until then, I'll do what I can to help you get used to this, alright?"

S: "Oh ho ho no, get used to it? Nah, I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind now, I am not about to put up with this... I bet that guy who did it is hiding deep underwater like a coward! I can sense it..." the light green lizard's demeanor completely changes, his anger visible

L: "...You know what? Yeah, let's go find some way to talk to them! I don't really know where we could go for that, but definitely underwater somewhere, I'm almost certain of that."

S: "The tribe will certainly be happy if I find a way to reverse the curse! So you and me, we're gonna go to this guy's lair and talk to them straight! Let's do it!"

L: "Yep, let's get going!" The green lizard takes a deep breath before walking below the water's surface.

S: taking a deep breath of his own, the light green lizard walks below the surface as well, and when he's underwater, his steps are a bit floaty but most of the time he's able to stay on the ground

L: More used to being this way, the green lizard stays more firmly on the bottom as he walks. Since he's not quite sure where to get started in the search, he keeps looking around for any sort of clues.

S: the light green lizard looks around too, then he spots a cliff overlooking a deeper part of the water
"Hey, that looks like a good spot for a lair over that cliff! Oh! Forgot I can talk clearly"

L: "Forgot to mention that's part of the blessing, yeah. Anyway, we'd better get a good look around from that cliff first, it'll be a pain to get back up..." The green lizard starts heading toward the cliff.

S: "Right..." the light green lizard scans the edge of the cliff once he gets there, and soon enough he finds something that looks like a lair
"Found it!"

L: "Oh, I think that's the place where all this started! I've never actually been in there myself, always been nervous about going so deep... But if you think it's the right place, then I'll do it."

S: "I'm nervous about going deep too, but it's only shot at getting this fixed, so let's do it together ok?" the light green lizard extends his hand to the green one
"We'll jump down together"

L: The green lizard nods, and takes the light green one's hand. "3, 2, 1..." He jumps from the underwater cliff, thankfully falling much slower than he would if he weren't underwater.

S: they both slowly sink down towards the lair, the light green lizard releasing some bubbles and then pinches his nose shut

L: Little bubbles leave the green lizard as well, and he glances back up toward the surface, knowing how long of a trip it'll be to return.

S: the light green lizard tries to not think about how far away I'll be, and if his strategy works they can easily swim up to escape, and eventually they land in front of the lair
"We're here, it's time"
their face is also a little red

L: "Hopefully they're actually here... It's about time someone confronted them for all this." The green lizard starts heading into the lair, blushing some himself.

S: the light green lizard goes inside as well, and it seems whoever cursed them is actually inside, and it didn't take them long for the two of them to see him
1 month ago
L: He looks sort of like a non-anthro whale, with what seems like bits of coral growing out of the top of him, and a mostly dark-blue coloration. He doesn't seem happy to see the lizards. "Oh good, more of YOU. Here to steal from me again?"

Green lizard: "That was over a century ago! No one that was around at the time is left!"

S: "Yeah! This stupid curse is getting ridiculous! I hate not being able to swim! You should be ashamed of yourself! Heck, you know what?? These guys didn't even know that this stuff belonged to you, they just took it and thought nobody was taking it, and I'm sure if they knew it belonged to you they wouldn't have touched it! It's so unfair!"
the light green lizard's voice was angry as ge talks, making a good point

L: Whale god: "You think they didn't know? What, like they just went on into a TEMPLE, ignored every single depiction of me..." He gestures to a nearby mural, which includes a drawing of him. "...And then decided they'd help themselves to something that was clearly dedicated to me?"

Green lizard: "Look, they were stupid to do that, I get it. It's not like in stories where the characters aren't punished for something like that. But enough is enough!"

S: "Yeah I've had it! It's either you reverse the curse on our tribe, or things are gonna get real ugly!" the light green lizard growls angrily, his face turning more red but he doesn't care

L: The whale laughs. "And what exactly do you plan on doing to me? How can you hurt a god? Just leave before I end up losing my temper at you and giving you something even worse."

The green lizard growls out bubbles, getting ready for a potential fight. "We're not leaving until you get rid of that curse!"

S: the light green lizard gets ready for a fight too, getting into a fighting stance that's pretty impressive
"Yeah! And don't think because I'm not a god means I can't hurt someone, cause I can! And I'll hurt a lot!" they do some karate type moves in the air to threaten the whale god

L: Whale god: "...You're actually serious about this? You really think this is going to work?"

Green lizard: "If he's going for it, so am I!" He tries to ignore his slowly growing need to breathe.

S: the light green lizard tries to ignore it too as he acts tough
"I may be small, but I have a big bite and I'm not afraid to use it!"

L: The whale lowers himself down to the height the two lizards are at. "Then let's do this." He suddenly charges the two!

The green lizard dives out of the way to dodge them.

S: the light green lizard does too, then with some impressive skills he attacks the whale god, even when low on breath, catching then off guard the whole time

L: The whale god doesn't seem all that experienced with fighting, continually being hit by the light green lizard while trying to swipe at them with his flippers. "Ugh, you're better at this than I expected!"

The green lizard tries to help out, though the light green one is certainly doing better than him. "Just let us know when you've had enough!"

S: "Yeah! I can do this all day!!" the light green lizard keeps attacking the whale god, the hits getting harder and harder

L: Eventually, one of the hits on the whale god breaks off a piece of the coral growing from him! "OW! O-okay, okay, stop! I'll get rid of the curse!"

The green lizard stops fighting, but makes sure to keep watching them just in case. "Well, get on with it then..."

S: the light green lizard stops as well
"Thank you! See that wasn't hard! Now go get on with it! Do it!

L: The whale god floats up a bit, getting his flippers close together while a blue light forms between them... Then, both the lizards feel much lighter, able to swim again!

Whale god: "There. I left the blessing part since I know you'd just start beating me again if I didn't. Now get out, and let your tribe know that anyone who comes in here is getting turned into a sea slug."

Green lizard: "Believe me, this is gonna be the last time..."
1 month ago
S: "Yes, thank you! If you ever hurt one of us again, your gonna hear it from me!" the light green lizard happily swims around, now finally able to again

L: Whale god: "I'll be ready if this happens again, I've been slacking on learning how to fight. You won't win again."

Green lizard: "Yeah, sure..." He watches the light green lizard. "H-hey, um... I have no idea how to swim. Never learned, since there wasn't a point before."

S: "Oh don't worry, it's easy! Just try and do what I do" the light green lizard does a basic swimming motion to show the green lizard

L: The green lizard does his best to copy that, and soon he's up swimming with the light green lizard! "O-oh wow, I'm really doing it! This is so surreal..."

The whale god seems to be getting impatient. "Get going already, I'm tired of you two being here."

S: "Alright already! Jeez...come on buddy let's go" the light green lizard swims out of the lair, however his face is fully red and he grunts a bit in strain, pinching his nose again

L: The green lizard follows him out. "J-just hang in there, we've got plenty of time..." His face is fully red too, though he's more used to it and doesn't hold his nose.

S: taking the green lizard's hand again, the light green one starts kicking his legs up to the surface
"My lungs, they hurt...I'm not used to pushing myself..."

L: "You won't have to deal with it much longer, at least..." The green lizard keeps swimming up with them, gradually getting closer and closer to the surface...

S: eventually, after a few more minutes of swimming, they finally break the surface just in time with the light green lizard gasping for air

L: The green lizard gasps as well. "Finally! Man, it's so cool to be up here without needing to be standing on something!"

S: "Hehe, yeah... I love swimming it's so fun! Come on! I wanna tell the tribe the good news! Nobody is gonna believe this!"

L: "I can't wait for them to find out, they're gonna be so surprised when they see us swimming!" The green lizard starts heading back toward the shore.

S: "Yeah! Haha!" the light green lizard heads back to shore too, and once they did, the whole tribe was nearby on the beach!

L: There's already quite a bit of confusion among them, and an iguana calls out to the two. "How are you doing that!?"

Green lizard: "We got the curse removed! You guys can all swim too now!"

S: "Yep! It's all gone!"

a turtle's jaw drops open in pure shock at what they just heart

Turtle - "WHAT?!?!?! Nah, that has to be a joke right?!"

L: Green lizard: "It's for real, try it out! Hop on in and try to copy us!"

The iguana hesitates, but then takes a deep breath and jumps into the water. After a few seconds, he surfaces, able to swim! "I-it actually works! We really CAN swim!"

S: the turtle then jumps into the water too and surfaces

Turtle - "Omg...we can swim again!!! I never thought this would happen!"

L: At that, the rest of the tribe gets into the water, and there's cheering as every single one of them is able to swim!

Green lizard: "Oh, and make sure to never go in that temple where this all started, the god that did all this said he'd turn anyone who did into a sea slug!"

S: Light green lizard - "Yeah! Don't go in there! Just be happy we can swim again! Yay!!!"

L: And they all certainly ARE happy, splashing around on the surface together.

Green lizard: "Who would've thought it'd be so easy to get rid of that curse..."

S: "I know right! This is incredible! Come on! Let's go have some fun!" the light green lizard joins in on his tribe and splashes around on the surface with them

L: The green lizard joins in as well, happy to further improve on what's shaping up to be the best day of his life!
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