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Just a tiny drink

Fishing dive (+short story)

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by lolboy4
[RP LOG] A SUPER Interesting Discovery
[RP LOG] Fly to the moon
As Cirrus enjoys sometimes, he got himself a bottle of soda, shrunk himself down, dove in, and just started gulping. Soda gradually poured into his belly, and after about 30 seconds of drinking, his stomach was beginning to expand with all of it, getting bigger and bigger over time as the dragon happily continued. Already he was quite beyond what most people would be able to manage, and there was no sign of him slowing down, even once he'd gotten to the point where the size of his belly would be keeping him from getting back out of the bottle until it'd eventually go back down.


Finally, after a few minutes, he was completely full, no room left in his baseball-sized gut for any more soda. With a couple subtle clicks, he reversed the knees of his front legs to use them as arms, rubbing his pleasantly full belly and feeling the soda sloshing inside. He gave it a gentle squeeze, and his cheeks quickly inflated before bubbles poured from his maw in a long, submerged burp. A column of bubbles erupted free for a good 10 seconds straight, noticeably deflating that gut of his a little bit, before the gas finally tapered off. Well, now he had room for more... But, Cirrus was satisfied, and simply floated in place, enjoying the new weight inside him.

male 1,197,947, dragon 149,633, feral 93,209, inflation 15,973, micro 13,130, underwater 8,900, goggles 4,455, drinking 3,800, eastern dragon 2,731, bottle 2,591, soda 1,152, burp 759, burping 548
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Rating: General

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1 month, 1 week ago
squirtlerocks07 and I did an RP based on this.

S: one day, Cirrus, an eastern dragon was at home, getting ready to go inside of...a bottle of soda? It was certainly weird, he was wearing goggles and everything as he was getting himself ready, but before he could there was a knock at his door, Glacier the glaceon has come to visit him after finding out where he lived and such

L: Cirrus stops as he hears the knocking. "Weird, not often people find this place..." After changing to 10% size, Cirrus floats over to the door and opens it, smiling at Glacier once he recognizes them. "Oh hey! Certainly didn't expect to have you visit, Glacier!"

S: "Hey Cirrus! Figured I drop by to see ya after I find out where you lived! What are you up to? And why do you have goggles on? That's the first time I've seen you wear them"

L: "Yep, I don't normally do goggles, but I kinda need them for something this time. This is gonna sound weird, but... Well, I was about to go for a dive in a bottle of soda."

S: "Huh? Wait lemme process what I just heard, your going for a dive in a bottle of soda?! Ok A. How is that possible? And B. Why are you?"

L: "Oh, do you not know I can change size?" Cirrus is briefly surrounded by mist as he turns to 1% of his normal size, showing off that he can do so. "At this size, I'm JUST thin enough to get inside a bottle. As for why, I just like diving in weird liquids."

S: "Whoa...yeah I didn't know you can get THAT small...I mean it is a little awkward, but eh... it's what you like, do you mind if I come in and watch? Honestly I'm actually kind of curious as to what soda feels like on your skin... too bad I'm way too big to fit into a bottle of soda"

L: "Actually, if you want to join in, I can shrink you down as well! And if you end up not liking it, I can change you back to normal and you can just watch for a while."

S: "Wait hang on you can do that? Hmm, well my curiosity is getting the better of me, even tho I'm not a huge fan of submerging I may as well see what's it like, why not!"

L: "Yep, not like you'll have much chance of trying it out otherwise! Come with me!" Cirrus leads the way to where he'd put the soda bottle, returning to 10% size as he does.

S: "Oooh is that grape soda? Nice that's my favorite! I used to drink that all the time! It's so good!"

L: "I like grape too, it's pretty good!" Cirrus holds out a hand to Glacier. "Ready to get tiny?"

S: "Well, I don't know what's like to be tiny, but I guess I'm gonna find out...do what you gotta do, wait a minute I think I should get goggles too, dang it i didn't bring any!" Glacier then takes cirrus' hand regardless with his paw, a little nervous deep down but mostly excited

L: "Oh, I've got a spare set of goggles I can go grab in a sec. Anyway, here we go..." Mist surrounds both Glacier and Cirrus, and both of them shrink! Cirrus still seems the same size in relation to Glacier, but the glaceon is now at 10% size and Cirrus at 1%!

S: "Ok good" Glacier looks over at himself in surprise
"Whoa!! I'm smaller! Much smaller! Now I think I'll be able to fit into that bottle of soda!"

L: "Yeah, it's cool to be able to do this, huh? Now, just give me a minute, I'll go grab you some goggles." Cirrus flies off, returning with a suitably tiny pair of goggles for Glacier. "It's a good thing my size changing can affect objects too!"

S: "Oh that's cool! Thanks! I like the color of these!" Glacier takes the goggles from Cirrus and puts them over his eyes, now he too is ready to go

L: "Alright, time to do this!" Cirrus picks up Glacier and carries him up to the top of the bottle. "So, do you want me to drop you right in, or put you at the surface?"

S: Glacier looks down at the soda below nervously
"Uhh, d-dont drop me in, just put me on the surface so I can get used to the feeling of the soda and all, if you just drop me down there I'll probably just scare me more honestly"
1 month, 1 week ago
L: "Right, you tend to get nervous about diving. Here you go, then." Cirrus carefully lowers Glacier onto the surface of the soda, staying floating next to them for now since there isn't currently room for him.

S: Glacier floats on the surface of the soda, moving it around with his paws to get a feel for it
"Hmm, feels kind of ticklish, probably because of the carbonation in the soda, it doesn't feel too bad, nice and cold just how I like it"

L: "Hopefully you'll still like it once you go under. And don't worry, when you dive I'll come down to join you. We just can't both be on the surface at the same time, the opening of that bottle is still too small for that."

S: "Right yeah... I'm a little bit nervous, haven't been submerged in a bit, so hopefully everything goes to plan..."

nervously, Glacier starts to take some deep breathes to prepare for the submerge under the soda

L: "I'm right here to help you if anything goes wrong, don't worry. But I think you'll end up liking this."

S: "If you say so... guess we're gonna find out..."

Soon, Glacier decided to just get on with it, he takes a last deep breath and holds it before diving under the soda, pinching his nose shut with a paw as he does

L: Now that there's room, Cirrus takes a deep breath and dives in as well, floating next to Glacier in the soda and giving them a smile.

S: Glacier smiles back a bit, then closes his eyes for a moment to get a feel for the soda around them, it doesn't feel too bad for the moment

L: Cirrus relaxes, letting a few bubbles loose as he looks around the purple-tinted surroundings, taking a few sips of the soda around him as well.

S: Glacier opens his eyes, noticing that cirrus was taking some sips of the soda and growing concerned as he opened his mouth while submerged, letting a few bubbles loose as well

L: Cirrus blushes some from embarrassment as he realizes Glacier noticed that. "Sbl-soblrry, Ibl jublst liblke drblinkbling whblile sublmerblged... Ibl cabln stblop."

S: "Thblat aiblnt sablfe..." Glacier kept his response simple as he didn't wanna waste his air

L: With a nod, Cirrus starts to head deeper into the bottle, going to the bottom and looking up to watch all the bubbles.

S: Glacier follows him down deeper as well, floating just a few feet above the ground, he looks around, a pleasant smile on his face as he's clearly enjoying himself, he couldn't help but take a very tiny sip of the soda, smiling at how good it is as he drunk a little more

L: Once he notices Glacier is drinking some of the soda like he was, Cirrus smirks at them. "Thblougblht iblt wablsn't sablfe?"

S: now Glacier blushes in embressment
"Uhhhh.... hbleh... iblt wblas jblust a tbliny siblp! Iblts sblo gblood..."

L: Cirrus chuckles out some bubbles. "Ibl dobln't blblame yoblu, iblt reblallbly ibls prblettbly niblce."

S: "Heblh" Glacier takes another sip then closes his mouth, satisfied...his face turning red tho

L: "Yoblu dobling okblay? Yoblu loblok liblke yoblu nebled aiblr." Cirrus himself is still doing just fine despite all the talking he's been doing.

S: "Y-ybleah, I cblould ublse a frblesh brbleath, I dblo nblot wanblna publsh myblself"

L: "Alblrigblht, leblt mble hblelp yoblu ublp." Cirrus holds onto Glacier and floats up with them, gently pushing them up to the surface while he waits below.

S: Glacier gasps for breath once he's able to, catching his breath easily
"Phew...much better"
after a bit, Glacier holds his breath again and taps on cirrus so he can bring him back under

L: Cirrus brings Glacier back down and goes up to catch his breath himself before returning. "Prblettbly fubln tblo swblim ibln hblere, hbluh?"

S: "Iblm nblot goblnna lible, iblts pblretty fubln! Sblo, whblat eblse shbloud wble dblo?" Glacier holds his nose again, but it's much cuter looking this time and he has no idea

L: "Hbleh, yoblu loblok sblo cublte liblke thblat!" Cirrus gives Glacier a hug, wrapping his body around them.
1 month, 1 week ago
S: Glacier blushed at both of those things, giving cirrus a hug back and sighing out bubbles contently
"Rbleally? I alblways thblought holblding mybl noblse wabls embrblessimg, hbleh"

L: "Nablh, dobln't ble emblarrblassbled ablout iblt! Ibl thblink yoblu loblok goblod liblke thblis!"

S: "Ablww, thblanks cirrblus!"

for a few minutes the two of them just relax in the soda, taking sips of it from time to time, Glacier was getting a little full from all the drinking he's done, his belly expanded just a tad

L: Cirrus' middle section is starting to get a bit thicker too, as he happily continues to take in little bits of soda every now and then.

S: after a few more minutes, glacier's face is fully red, pausing his drinking to cover his mouth

L: Cirrus takes another gulp before he notices. "Riblght, tiblme foblr moblre aiblr." He lifts up Glacier to let them breathe.

S: Glacier gasps for breath, a bit more heavily this time
"Ahh... I'm feeling pretty relaxed... think ive had enough soda tho"

L: Cirrus is just barely audible from below. "Ibl thblink Ibl'm goblod toblo. Iblf Ibl drblink mublch moblre, Ibl'm goblnna hblave abl hblard tiblme geblttiblng oublt!"

S: "Yeah I agree, come on let's get outta here"
Glacier takes a quick breath and goes back down, to hold onto cirrus so they can climb out

L: With that, Cirrus starts trying to get out. It's certainly a bit of a squeeze, but he manages it, and he lifts up Glacier as well. "Alright, that was fun! I've only ever been alone for that before!"

S: "You know what, I had genuinely had a good time myself! I may have to do that again someday, thanks for letting me dive with you!"

after they land on the floor, Glacier takes off his goggles

"So you can get me back to normal right?"

L: "Easily, yeah. It's pretty much the same as shrinking you, just in reverse." Cirrus puts a hand on Glacier, and after the mist comes and goes again, Glacier is back to normal size and Cirrus has grown back to 10%.

S: "Nice, back to normal... that was fun, mind of I stick around and hang with you for the rest of the day? I've got nothing else to do"

L: "Sure, I don't have a whole lot else to do either. I've got video games, if you're able to play them with your paws."

S: "Ooh, yeah I'm able to play some video games! Let's do that!"

and so, both Glacier and Cirrus end up playing video games together for the rest of day, happy as they can be
3 weeks ago
Did you get inspiration from the soda flood in the Blubby in Equestria RP, perchance?
3 weeks ago
I'd actually forgotten about that, this is unrelated to it. Just wanted to draw Cirrus doing some submerged drinking and inflating.
3 weeks ago
Ohhh... okay
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