(This story is a sequel to “Saying Hi To The Clouds and Skies”. If you haven’t already, I suggest reading that first.)
Nature, a phenomenon whose presence can never be completely cataloged by even the most experienced of explorers, a force of such sublime scale that one could say the construct of Mother Nature, the idea that one can condense the essence of each leaf on a tree, of each sand grain on a beach, of all the organisms who’ve lived on the face of the Earth, is quite silly in itself.
So, just imagine how huge, how crazily colossal beyond comprehension, nature is to the tiniest tykes to ever traverse the great outdoors, to the little ones who find so many of their experiences to be exponentially larger than life. That sun that looks like a small light bulb while they waddle and frolic about? It sports a size in kilometers not even the brightest diaper-clad kid can count to! Those itty bitty stars they see before they go to sleep? Across every kid’s counting capabilities, that’s literal light years out of their league! Not even their mommies or daddies would dare to try to conceptualize the boundaries of the cosmos!
But, a certain Celebi already knows she doesn’t need to crunch a bunch of numbers to know nature is unbelievably big. Simply from a little looksy up after dropping a lot of loads, simply from the slight shift in perspective an outdoor diaper change had to offer, Celia had become acquainted with the sky whose scope isn’t stifled by homes and fences, whose blues blanketing the world are beyond boundless to the baby girl. Although, while few will deny the sky is so sublime for its size, as this little sprout will soon find out, size isn’t everything.
Actually, sudden squats and boisterous bowels show she’ll learn that lesson right now! The raspberries she ate alongside her hearty breakfast and snacked on before this outdoor pursuit, such things are rather small, right? So small that several fit in her tiny toddler hands and made for many mouthfuls of sweet and juicy splendor! But, this itty berry doesn’t hide the fact it’s got big amounts of fiber, and so Celia shouldn’t be berry surprised her body’s telling her she’s got bigger messes to make in her diaper.
Neither is it surprising the Celebi swiftly answers nature’s call, nor that petit produce gives the tot a lot to push into her pampers as a more than sizable mass makes them sag nearly all the way down the grassy ground.
Relieved sighs and dopey smiles show Celia is more than happy to have dumped all that pressure into her diaper, though some may predict the little sprout’s satisfaction will be short-lived. After all, just look at that large lump in her pants! Poison-types would be the only ones who’d want to play with such a profusely poopy pixie, right? Not even her loving parents could afford to play with their daughter when obligations demand they deal with the huge mess she just made, and even older siblings who can defer such duties to mom and dad would rather keep distance from their sister’s big and stinky diapers. But, size isn’t everything, remember?
bzzz! bzzz! bzzz! bzzz! bzzz! bzzz! bzzz!
So too will Celia learn this lesson once more as a certain bunch of itsy bitsy insects suddenly start buzzing their way to the backyard. Although, given her Grass-Psychic nature, some may insist such swarms will solely be super effective at making her scream and cry, that compared to other children, she’d be four times as likely to make a fuss over these flies.
“Oooooh! Wow!”
Nope! It’s not a big deal to this baby girl! This little sprout, this kid content to wear the bare minimum of plain and pooped pampers, doesn’t need to be told to enjoy the little things, and now nature has given her the chance to enjoy the even littler things! Yes, the big and grand spectacles of blue skies sure are something to Celia, but to learn that both the immensely massive and the near microscopic can exist at the same time? To learn that the world's natural wonders can also take such teensy-weensy forms? Why, that’s even more sublime to her than the sky itself!
So often are these creatures swatted away with scorn, so often are they seen as nothing but a big nuisance, but the Celebi welcomes her new fly friends with open arms as she waddles her way to the swarm, and why shouldn’t she when these little bugs have already broadened her view of the world in such a big way? Ever since Celia could remember, she’s been defined by the diminutive, be it “little girl”, “little one”, and similar phrases suggesting she’s always the tiniest entity of every environment. So, to now learn there are living and breathing beings boasting smaller sizes than herself? Why, that’s such an immense insight to the tiny toddler!
bzzz! bzzz! bzzz! bzzz! bzzz! bzzz! bzzz!
Even so, these insects are still packed with knowledge to impart onto the padded pixie as they all start buzzing around her packed pampers. Unaware that flies appreciate the putrid, however, this only ends up causing the kid confusion as to why they’re so drawn to her dumpy deposit of all things, why the poopy she made in her pants suddenly has this strange power that turns full diapers into magnetic fields.
But before Celia gets too confounded by her confusion, she swiftly realizes this foul smelling phenomenon is also a massively mind-blowing breakthrough as smiles follow suit. Whenever she had to go poo poo in public, without fail, at least one stranger would scrunch up their face, plug their nose, or be compelled to say “Peeyew!”, conditioning her to believe filling her diapers functioned as a repulsing force against anyone besides her family. But, with these buzzy bugs showing her making boom boom doesn’t always make her a buzzkill, new meanings now manifest from her messes!
“Yay yay yay!”
Giving a round of applause to this rancid revelation, the Celebi’s nothing but amazed to know that simply by dirtying her diapers in different contexts, by pooping her pants in certain outdoor settings, swarms of tiny friends will flock to her side, and so the Grass-type tot now has another reason to heed nature’s call with no hesitation. With many lessons and much knowledge learned from such small fellas, figuring it’s finally time she arranged a play date with her new buzzy besties, Celia now gets a well-deserved recess.
With the toddler waddling along the grassy terrain and enjoying this warm and sunny day, all while the bugs stay behind Celia’s sagging diaper and play follow the loaded leader, fun and games between the little girl and the littler flies further forge their friendship.
On the contrary, for parents like Leila who must clean up what comes with nature’s call, for the Leavanny that must manage the mess that brought these bugs to the backyard, flies and full diapers aren’t all that friendly. However, in spite of such smells and sights, she can’t help but smile at the wholesome sight of her happy daughter, as though the mother has thanked Mother Nature for sending its creations to keep the kid content. Allowing laughter and giggles to linger a little while, even if that means massive mounds of mess must do the same, Leila lets bugs and baby girls be together a bit longer before walking up to the toddler.
“Oh, Celia! It’s time to change your diaper!” she says in a sweet sing-song voice.
Whether fleeing in terror because of the taller figure towering over them, or simply bidding the baby goodbye after having had their fill of fun and foul smells, nature’s diminutive denizens then disperse, scattering amongst themselves as they become barely seeable blips in the sky and soon vanish completely out of sight. Celia may not know what lives those little bugs live, but what she does know is that she’d love to see them again.
“Mommy! Mommy! I made wots of fwends!” she says with a wide smile.
“I saw, sweetie! I also see that’s not the only thing you made!” Leila says with a chuckle as she scoops up the stinky Celebi and makes light of the large load lurking in her diaper. “Phew, and with how much you’ve been filling up those diapers, your friends will be paying another visit pretty soon!”
A pixie’s big poopies may have put outdoor play on pause, but takeaways from tiny bugs leave a far bigger impact. Thanks to the flies Celia has befriended, she has learned to appreciate both the largest and littlest things to offer, now realizing, regardless of size, all entities deserve equal respect.
Nonetheless, the toddler’s biggest takeaway might just be from the massive mess she made in her diaper, from the large lump that allowed her to be friends with the flies in the first place. Strangers may say she smells, and even siblings may scrunch their face, but if the buzzes of bugs had anything to say, it’s that the Celebi shouldn’t feel even a speck of shame over the number twos a toddler gotta do. Sure, there will come a point when that pixie’s gotta use the potty, when those poopies must be pushed in other places, but so long as Celia’s still in diapers, the flies insist it’s fine to fill them up without feeling dismayed.
Be it big, be it small, nature brings its beauty and wisdom to all.