Maybe some don’t mind it, maybe some don’t like it, or maybe some don’t even know it. Be as it may, it’s May! The past month’s pouring rain has passed! Like those clouds once obscuring clear skies, caregiver’s concerns of kids catching a cold have been cast away! No longer are those little adventurers discouraged from exploring the great outdoors, because instead of getting soaked, they’ll be soaking up all that sunlight!
Although, it’s so easy to give May its hoorays, so let’s not let common connotations of clouds cloud our judgment! Let’s not let popular perceptions of precipitation rain on our parade! Give those conditions their credit, will ya? So often do children sing “Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day”, and so often do the gray clouds it comes with mean nothing but melancholy to many…
But, as a little Celebi will see as she waddles outside, downpours haven’t drenched the outdoors with doom and gloom. They’ve made the backyard blossom with beauty and blooms! What kind of blooms did they bring though? Perhaps a particular plant on Celia’s pink shirt pairing plain pampers provides a solution, but we don’t need to rely on a toddler’s t-shirt to get the answer, right? Isn’t there a certain saying such springtime months shine onto us? Hmm, maybe the Psychic-type kid has a clue.
Fruits and fibers bring full diapers? Pretty sure that’s not it, but that’s what the Celebi’s about to show as she suddenly squats and loudly lets one rip. Sheesh! Sounds like the past month’s thunderclaps have some competition!
And so, before Celia can see what beautiful things lie beyond the backyard’s beginning, she must address immediate pressures from inside as she looks down at the diaper between her legs and promptly starts to push.
Unburdening her bowels of PB&J’s and bananas, the pixie proves protein and potassium aren’t the only potent P words as pounds of poo poo pile into her pampers. Large lumps already show the little Mythical’s made a big mess while her diaper hardly hangs above the blades of grass, but as the Grass-type girl continues to grunt, it’s clear she’s still gotta show healthy lunches bring boom booms in bunches.
Celia then shows she certainly remembers the mushy texture that makes bananas so tasty as she swiftly spills a mushier mess, and with her diaper sagging more and staining brown, the grass gets a good sight of soil as poopy pampers slump onto the ground. Although a sigh and a smile signal her bowels are empty, although her diaper has been thoroughly filled, still that seasonal phrase can’t be figured out, nor can she look at the lovely sights such language suggests just yet since there’s still one more fruit her body hasn’t forgotten about.
Apple juice brings bladders use as light yellows now pair the darker browns on her diaper and satisfied sighs show Celia’s more than happy to do a soggier take on April showers in spite of such months having approached their end.
Wide smiles then follow suit as waves of relief wash over her body, though the baby girl’s smile will only get brighter now that duties done from down below give her reason to look back up. Her sky blue eyes soon get a glimpse of the bountiful backyard, and with that, the phrase marked by this month can finally come into full bloom.
April showers bring May flowers!
Taking the toddler’s focus away from the yellows and browns in her diaper are yellows and browns far more bedazzling, far more sublime than anything she’s ever seen as her eyes shimmer in awestruck amazement at the even more luminous look of sunflowers scattered along the area. Sure, the clouds, the skies, and the flies she’s no longer a stranger to sure are something to Celia, but to learn sunflowers aren’t just cutesy symbols for shirts, to learn that bugs and blades of grass aren’t the only beings she can befriend on the backyard’s ground is certainly up there with what’s up above.
“Pwetty! Pwetty!”
While the little Celebi has yet to learn the circle of life, much less circles, for that matter, while she can’t even surmise that photosynthesis is what puts the “sun” in sunflower, the Psychic-type’s smile shows such knowledge isn’t needed to appreciate their prettiness. With the smiling sunflower on Celia’s shirt having already given that grown greenery its greetings, with her bladder and bowels having chipped in to color coordinate well before that big botanical reveal, Mother Nature certainly wasn’t the only one that made such pairings between plant and pixie preordained.
Fated to make friends with the flowers, the Grass-type girl makes her way to the plants May has provided. Little kid coordination and liberally packed pampers make waddling along the terrain take quite a while, but so long as the sun nearly as bright as Celia’s smile continues to shine, so too are those petalled pretties happy to let the toddler take her time amidst this trek along the terrain.
And, with rich soil allowing not even massive messes to cause decay, neither is their mood soiled by the soiled Celebi taking in its serene sights as she stands in front of the sunflowers.
Look at those petals whose yellows are as bright as the sun itself! Look at those browns as beautiful as the earth and soil several stand on! Look at those greens as gorgeous as the grass greeting the outdoorsy every day! Already so sublime at first sight, already so captivated by an even closer look, Celia’s ecstatic eyes only get all the wider and brighter, her mouth only all the more agape in glorious awe.
As if things couldn’t get any better for the baby girl, the longer this little sprout takes a look, the sooner she realizes what’s sprouted has lots more than looks. Learnings of lactone have yet to even plant their seeds in Celia’s mind, but there’s no reason she must mind such matters when soothing smells speak for themselves.
Rather than the stenches of dirty diapers she’s long been desensitized to, as Celia continues to soak up that soothing sunlight, she gets to soak up scents just as soothing while the heavenly aromas of honey and vanilla say their hellos. Like that same flower symbolizing good fortune, the smiling Celebi is certainly fortunate to have stumbled on such flora, finding it so amazing that something so small can be so stimulating to several of the scenes.
“Uh oh….”
However, for a certain Steenee met with the misfortune of mom or dad telling her to change Celia’s diaper this time, she finds it so appalling that someone so small can be such an assault to several of the senses. Alas, like that May flower meaning loyalty, Stella would never say no to familial duties, no matter how messy they may be.
The sounds of soft footsteps soon shift the Celebi’s focus away from brown and yellow beauties, but what’s now in sight are similarly beautiful sunflower schemes as she looks up at her big sister sporting a light brown shirt and bright yellow skirt. Bright smiles hardly hide Stella’s shadows of dread towards such colors appearing on once pure white pampers, though so too does she know it’s silly to color herself surprised over the fact that little babies bring big messes.
“Big sis! Big sis! Pwetty!”
Extremely eager to share such floral findings, as though blinded by all the backyard’s bright beauty, Celia’s eyes hardly notice the changing supplies showing her sister’s not exactly here to see the flowers, much less smell them. Even so, neither do the sunflowers fail to show bright sides to the Steenee’s circumstances as she plucks one from the ground.
“That’s right, Celia! Sunflowers are super pretty!” says the Grass-type teen before handing it to the petit pixie.
While soil and plant may be separate, little minds are all the more nourished by knowledge of nature as Celia’s hands lovingly embrace the sunflower’s slender and smooth stem, her smiling face now so beaming and bright that it could power every flower in the field. Pleasing scents and smells having left her so preoccupied, it hadn’t even touched her mind to give it a touch, but the baby girl oblivious to bouquets is all the more pleased to know these pretty plants are also portable.
“Okay! Lay down, little sis!” Stella says as she sets down the supplies.
Excited to be even better friends with the flowers, the Grass-Psychic kid obediently lays on her back while grassy grounds make for comfy changing mats. Her other hand first fiddling with the petals amidst her sis getting supplies ready and set, the Celebi certainly loves how their texture is so satisfyingly soft, how it supplements the softness also blessing her back, bottom, and waist. But, with the petals now giving a little give while they lightly flap between her fingers, with her interest further piqued by the flower’s pickable properties, she now starts to wonder if such traits don’t solely apply to stems.
Pluck! Pluck! Pluck!
Amazed that petals have proven her prediction, pretty plants now become nature’s bubble wrap for the baby girl as she swiftly picks and plucks their petals one by one, gleefully giggling and laughing while fun and simple games supplement the softness of sunflowers.
Although not having that same petal plucking privilege, although Stella’s got much less pleasant things to pluck as she undoes Celia’s dirty diaper and delicately sets it down, still she gives the sunflower the adoration it deserves and denotes while petalled ways to pass the time make for less squirmy siblings.
And so, with smoother changes allowing the Steennee to swiftly wipe, powder, and pamper with a smile, the rhythmic plucking of petals persists, but neither sister needs the presence of plants without petals to know whether it’s a matter of “she loves me” or “she loves me not”.
“And….all done!”
Stella then kisses her sis on the cheek before heading back inside to dispose of the Celebi’s soggy and stinky diaper, giving Celia more time to spend with her new flowery friends. Soon dropping off the one now devoid of petals, she promptly picks up another, but after having learned of all the lovely things such sunflowers have to offer, rather than picking and prodding at it like a plaything, she gives it the respect all of nature’s denizens deserve and safekeeps it the way diaper-clad kids know best.
Proving pampers make for great potted plants, Celia puts the sunflower into the back of her diaper, providing it soft surfaces and sufficient space to soak up sunlight while she continues to toddle along the grassy terrain.
But, with healthy and hearty lunches somehow still lingering, Celia almost forgets that flowers also need fertilizer as she suddenly stops and squats once again. Grateful for such supplies of soil, the sunflower in her soon to be stinky diaper shares one last symbolic function in return…longevity.
Like that flower appearing all the way from spring to fall, another poopy in pampers merely pristine for a minute shows Celia will likely be staying in diapers for several more seasons, that both siblings and adults alike will more than likely have more messes to clean up next May. Be as that may, if sunflowers still standing strong have anything to say, neither flora nor family will be dismayed.