The clock ticks and tocks to twelve, and although the morning must take its leave, a leafy little one won’t be left short handed as the amazing arrival of afternoon takes its place. The sun now approaches their apex, putting them in the perfect spot to see a certain Celebi while shining its light that lets all life flourish, providing Mother Nature’s more playful progeny with warmth so welcoming and pleasant.
Making such pleasantness all the more prominent is Celia’s cheerful laughter as she romps around her backyard’s expansive evergreen field, the sun’s peak position putting the pixie’s playtime at its peak while invigorating her with rays that give her all the reason to run around.
Even the toddler’s attire suits this spectacular setting, and not simply because she looks a lot cuter. Adorning Celia’s top half is a t-shirt whose yellows are as warm as the day’s comforting climate and bright like the sun’s soothing light, all while said shiny celestial body is the symbol at its center, its sophisticated spherical shape simplified to a small orange circle surrounded by tinier triangles and a smiley face for that cutesy flair kids and their caretakers love. Although her mommy and daddy were the ones who dressed her, to the sun who sees the brightest side of everything, it’s as if Celia’s style is her way of saying thanks for so generously gifting their sublime shine ever since her first outdoor adventure. Around the baby’s bottom half beyond the plain diaper she always dons is a dark green skirt matching the grass she’s grown to love for its soft sensations so suited for running, jumping, skipping, and all those playful pursuits such toddling tykes partake in.
Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!
With the sun not losing its lovely radiance anytime soon, with the grass continuing to put a spring in Celia’s step amidst more lively laughter, it’s as though Mother Nature made this beautiful day knowing the little sprout would step outside once again. However, hardly a few moments later, another force of nature follows, one not even this domain’s deity can foresee.
So focused on her frolicking around that the strong signals to make stinkies slip her mind, the padded pixie’s run is put on pause as her bowels suddenly spill a runny and rancid mess. Although the backyard becomes a bit less beautiful as Celia’s diaper sags and stains the color of soil, it certainly doesn’t stray from the natural aspects of this atmosphere, for babies like her are bound to go boom boom!
And with her bowels continuing to boisterously boom, with potent pressure persisting, the Celebi swiftly realizes nature’s still calling, for that mythical mother figure not only makes her presence in the grassy field Celia stands on, but in the many snacks and meals she has in her high chair. After all, it’s only natural that this growing Grass-type girl gets lots of fruits and veggies! With several bite sized staples super packed with vitamins and minerals, they’re a godsend to the parents who want only the best for their dear daughter, and while such produce can be pretty polarizing amongst youngsters, the little Celebi would be the last to complain about Mother Nature’s nutritious and delicious delights! Whether the sweet juices of strawberries or the captivating crunchiness of celery, their taste and texture are top tier to the toddler, and when peared with their variety of colors and shapes, it’s no surprise they’re the apple to Celia’s eye!
But, there’s one detail of Mother Nature’s delectable designs that elicits groans even from the Grass-types who love what’s grown from the garden, and it all stems from an f-word invoking foulness for far different reasons….fiber.
“Mmmmph! Mmmmmph!”
While mommy and daddy don’t deny its nutritional value, neither will they deny it aids their daughter’s digestion almost to a fault. Pushing and grunting as she starts to squat, Celia’s quick to show the one thing fiber can be faulted for, how it turns produce’s pretty palette of reds, oranges, yellows, and greens into a bunch more browns to dump in her diapers.
With several poopy pebbles and little logs piling into her pants, it’s as though the peas and carrots she consumed never said Celia goodbye as itty bitty foods give her bigger messes to make. Her diaper drooping lower and lower, assuming a lumpier look to supplement its stained state, while the veggies have been vital in making the padded pixie poo poo, hardly a few seconds later, fibrous fruits further the fruitfulness of thoroughly filling her diapers.
Those sweet tasting dates may prompt comparisons to candy, but the straining Celebi shows they’re not always so sweet as bite sized brown fruits beget a big brown mound of mess, causing her diaper to hardly hang above the terrain while a larger lump makes her pooped pampers all the more pronounced.
Once the deed is done, Celia sighs with relief and cracks a dopey grin. Supplementing that shameless smile, as though smiling right back at the stinky Celebi, is the sun giving off a greater glow, for nature’s entities wouldn’t even think to decry the diaper-clad kid for following the cycle of life.
But, while most in Mother Nature’s family accept this natural fact, their senses may say otherwise, especially if the one receiving such smells is a dad delegated to diaper duty.
“Maybe….we should back off a bit the fruits and veggies.” Leo says to himself before promptly perishing the thought, knowing such an idea solely arose in the smelly spur of the moment.
Hearing a second set of footsteps, Celia turns around and spots the Leafeon who loves her oh so much, her smile widening at the prospect of a parent to play with.
“Daddy! Pway!” she says in the most innocent way imaginable, seeing not the slightest issue with all the poopies she pushed in her pampers.
Letting out a laugh in response to her liveliness, as much as Leo would like to play with the little pixie, the assortment of changing supplies shows his hands are full in both senses of the word.
“Someone’s gotta get you cleaned up first.” Leo softly suggests, laying down all the supplies before telling the little sprout to do the same. “Ok, Celia. Lay down so Daddy can change your diaper.”
Although she’d rather not be changed so soon, for Grass-type tots like her are fond of a full diaper’s fertilizing feel, knowing the soft grass is also suited for sedentary pursuits, Celia happily nods her head and lays on her back, still sporting a smile while she sits back and enjoys this soothing setting.
“Thank you, sweetie!”
Sitting on his knees and smiling back at his baby girl, even keeping a happy face in this cutie’s company will be hard as he must keep focused despite foul smells and fouler sights. With the many protrusions in her pamps proving the Celebi had lots to let out, with the large lump showing sheer numbers aren’t all the toddler’s number two contains as said lump accounts for most of her diaper’s sag and slump, before Leo can even begin his domestic duty, in all his perplexity he ponders how such a petit plant pixie can make such massive messes. As if this caretaking routine hasn’t already gotten complicated enough, along with the brown stain emphasizing Celia pooped her pants pretty badly, its look tells Leo solids may not be the only mess he’ll have to manage.
“Phew, made a big one for Daddy, didn’t you, Cece?” says the Leafeon in the most playful tone he can muster, applying the affectionate nickname to ensure she feels no negative connotations for answering nature’s call.
While her daddy must mind the big mess in her diaper, Celia sees something exponentially bigger than that, the sky she now finds herself staring at. Being so immersed in her good times on the grassy ground, along with dirtier duties done from down below, not once had she thought to look all the way up at what else the natural world has to offer. But now, with this change in perspective brought by outdoor diaper changes, there’s nowhere else she’d rather be looking.
Sure, the grassy land looks so large and grand from her tiny perspective, but this sky whose scope isn’t stifled by homes and fences is truly larger than life to the little Celebi. To see skies literally as far as the eye can see, to know there’s a part of the outside world with such radical reach, to even fathom there is something so big, so boundless, is nothing short of awe-inspiring to Celia. And so, simple sights now pique the pixie’s curiosity as she ponders what else is out there in this wide world, for the sky truly is the limit for a toddler with so much to take in.
“Oof…..sweetheart….that really stinks.”
While the Grass-type tot learns the great outdoors is even greater than she thought, the Grass-type parent addresses what’s neither any less familiar nor any less foul as he slowly and delicately undoes his daughter’s dirty diaper, doing his absolute best not to take in the potently pungent smell.
“Yep….you sure filled up that diaper, dear.”
Trying not to look at all the browns from her bowels as Leo sets Celia’s packed pampers to the side, the baby girl’s eyes are glued to beautiful blues as the sky shows its pleasures don’t solely stem from speculation. Smiling at the lovely view as her legs are lifted up, the serenity of the sky’s spotless look, along with its color that’s bright enough to bedazzle her while still being so soothing on the eyes, makes for such splendid sights amidst those often uneventful seconds of sitting still.
Oh! But what’s this? While white wipes cleanse Celia’s bottom, another white wonder shows what else the world has to offer, as though Mother Nature wants to keep the Celebi excited while daddy changes her diaper. Although the kid has no clue that’s called a cloud, that she’s simply staring at a manifestation of water, logistics have yet to concern the leafy little one leaving things to the imagination.
Certainly, lack of context won’t stop Celia from surmising the nature of this surprise visitor in the sky. Hmmmm, it looks so white and puffy, and it seems so soft and fluffy, the slightly cerebral Celebi thinks to herself, her half Psychic nature now starting to pitch in. What else is white and soft? What else? What else? What else……Aha! Marshmallows!
Yes, that’s radically off the mark in reality, but matters of right and wrong matter not to the tot, for who wouldn’t find it fun to insist the sky is full of sugary splendor? Sporting an ecstatic expression, although not the most fond of that food, such sweet thoughts keep Celia satisfied while many more wipes clean her stinky tush, but swiftly does she realize it’s not enough to simply think on this newfound knowledge. Whether to take a bite of what she claims to be candy, or to see if that substance is as soft as she thinks, Celia lifts her little hands to the sky, futilely reaching for the clouds that look quite close to her. Fortunately, the Celebi need not be dismayed by her developing perception, for those coveted clouds are actually right around the corner!
Poof! Poof! Poof!
With Leo liberally applying baby powder to her bottom, its white and poofy puffs create a comical conflation between artificial and natural as Celia squirms and laughs at the sight so similar to what’s slowly moving in the sky, finding it so fun to find that clouds have been cleaning her all this time.
“Ah, Celia! Hold still, silly!” the Leafeon says to the little girl as he applies enough powder and diapers her up. “And….there we go! Nice and clean!”
But, although her diaper change is done, although the sky’s no longer the center of attention as Leo lifts her back on her feet, the connections to clouds don’t stop for Celia just yet. Looking down at her pair of pure white pampers, feeling their snug and secure softness, the kid who doesn’t know better now believes the clouds are not only present in the baby powder on her bottom, but also the crinkly clothing around her waist. Such claims are nothing short of silly, but still they have their share of sublimity, for they show that nature’s bounties will always be there to bless the young and old alike, just like the omnipresent sky Celia has come to know.