I am opening for icons like this for people that donate or have donated to Inkbunny.
If you have a sponsor icon currently on your page then: ♦ Give me a link to your char ♦ Name the object you wanna have prodding your heart (not limited to the ones shown) ♦ Choose heart color.
You will get: ♦ Personalized Heart Icon styled after your char's fur/tail ♦ Gold gets priority over silver and silver over bronze
I'm waiting on a commission, where the artist said I would need to pay by donating money to Inkbunny. So for when I've donated, I'm posting my reference now. poking the heart, a metal electronic cigarette, with a matching atomizer (where the filter is on an analog cigarette), and a translucent white tank (like a tip, or something.) I'll get a reference up soon. for now, just my character sheet. oh, and blue light at the other end. I'll try to get a reference with the tip glowing.