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Pop Art
QUICKIE: Pip Pip Pip
Seems Tasli has found a dollar on the sidewalk. Let's see how he spends it...

TASLI: "Sweet! I found a dollar! Must be my lucky day!"

[Tasli turns and notices a sign outside a convenience store that reads, 'Millionaire Lottery Tickets/$1 ea.']

TASLI (to self): "And who says it won't get luckier?"

[a minute later...]

TASLI (to clerk): "What do you mean I gotta be 18 to buy a lottery ticket!?"

CLERK: "I don't make the rules, kid, but I'll lose my job if I don't enforce them"

TASLI (matter-of-factly): "Rules exist to be broken"

TASLI (holding a candy bar): "Besides, if you can sell these chemicals to cubs, why can't you sell one a piece of paper!?"

CLERK: "Get outta here, kid---ya bother me!"

[Tasli exists the store and sees the Acesexual Fox walking by]

TASLI: "Hey, Mr. Ace! I want to buy a lottery ticket, but the jerk inside won't sell me one. Would you get me it?"

ACEFOX: "No will do, Tasli. Anyway, that dollar is worth infinitely more than you can expect from the lottery"

TASLI (to reader): "Well, I guess I'm a winner after all!"

And so ends another 'lovably naive' comic from Yours Truly. ^^

And, yes, I drew Ace waaaaaay out of scale here (I drew him like I was drawing the wolf mom) ...but none of you expected quality from me, so I know no one is disappointed. ^_^

Also, popples are coming (and have been a while now). I've already given a sneak preview of several (but not all of) my popple OCs. We'll see them in action before too long (providing the good Lord doesn't call me home beforetime).
It's worth mentioning that my 'Giggle Six' quickies will take place in the human world, but it's a world wherein exists popples (duh!), care bears, and such.

So what's the delay?

I'm still drafting (I have popples, care bears, humans and various animals to draw), as well I'm stubbornly (or 'tenaciously', if you will) to the hope that I'll feature my first Giggle Six story with a Popples pencil. I've so far had no luck in finding such a pencil---they are effectively extinct.
Additionally, I'm working out all the bugs insofar as how my popples and their magic works---it has to be believable and consistent.

All that said, you all know my art is terrible and not to expect too much---I already feel I've oversold my popples. :(

So let's talk about pencils...

The featured pencil is the 'Millionaire' from Cavalier Pencil Co (which may or may not be related to Commonwealth Pencil Co).
This pencil was probably made sometime between the mid 1960s to the early 1970s (hard to say exactly).
The 'Millionaire' has a double-banded ferrule, implying it's a higher-quality pencil. It's also interesting because the pencil's number is a nice round '1000' (there are pencil people who collect numbers). :3

The 'Millionaire' isn't a grail pencil, but they aren't easy to find (actually, pencils from Cavalier are uncommon in general).

male 1,134,657, cub 256,652, fox 236,677, rabbit 130,880, bunny 106,558, comic 81,461, boy 76,353, oc 74,235, m 28,598, funny 9,756, humor 5,554, pencil 4,970, candy 4,953, parody 4,723, chocolate 2,883, money 1,604, barefooted 1,026, cavalier 360, tasli 105, popple 57, popples 49, lottery 41, 1000 35, acesexual 5
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 11 months ago
Rating: General

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11 months ago
Oh the disadvantages of being young.......Lol. I've been there. Though, not with lottery tickets. But actually with GameStop one time. I went in there with $60 dollars, grabbed 4-5 games, and the cashier told me "Sorry bud, but you're not allowed to buy all of these games at once". Well, needless to say that threw me off guard. Age shouldn't matter when it comes to buying more than one game at once lol. But, I still walked away with one game at least :3
11 months ago
I'd just walk in, buy a game, walk out, walk back in, and buy another game.
If life were a video game, walking out of a building then going right back in could solve a lot of problems. :3
11 months ago
Lol who knows if in my case, that would have worked for me or not. I can only assume they probably wouldn't have let that slide lmao
11 months ago
11 months ago
But... but... what about -um- something about journeys and destinations??? ;3

We are all winners Tasli. You win because you still have that dollar. We all win because you still have just that dollar and not a millions worth that you'd end up not letting anyone hear the end of.

He does have a point though... if the government thinks kids have too young of mind to gamble... then they should ban the consumption of chemical-enriched chocolate for young and developing bodies. That'll show'em, huh Tasli? :3
11 months ago
Absolutely! O:

Life's about experiences. Money affords many, but you gotta want to take them.

Legally, the only thing a kid can say is 'No', but who (young or old) will say no to the candy? ^_^
11 months ago
Foxy: *willfully ignorant* “Wewagawee??? Foxy daws wadewwa Foxy wahndz!” (Foxy has a lot of fun, he doesn’t get why everyone else gets cranky so easily.)
11 months ago
That was very cute. Reminds me when I was old enough to buy my first lottery ticket.^^
11 months ago
I used to buy scratch-offs for fun. Even won money a few times. :3
11 months ago
Foxy: *buys the ticket and stealing the rest* "Foxy is gonna have fun tonight and get blasted!" (he gets high off of porn, candy and nearly toxic energy drinks)

This is a really cute comic, and having Tasli wanting to buy a lottery ticket (instead of what Foxy assumed) is cuter! Also Foxy disagrees with mr Ace's assessment and thinks a dollar is virtually worthless. ;-)
11 months ago
A dollar can buy three hot balls! or a postage stamp! or (if lucky as hell) a pencil! :O
11 months ago
Foxy: *jabbering* “Postage stamps make for decent wallpaper, hot balls are to gulp down and pencils for chewing! Dollars make are to hoars!” ;-)
11 months ago
Great comic!
Love the thematic elements in this work!^^
11 months ago
Thx ever so! :3
11 months ago
My pleasure!👍
11 months ago
Why I never buy lottery tickets.  Unless you are a professional gambler, you typically lose a lot more gambling than you win.
11 months ago
You gotta know when to hold, fold, walk or run. :3
11 months ago
Foxy: *runs* “Foxy is confused!”
11 months ago
Kids just aren't allowed to gamble. Possibly adults shouldn't be either, depending on your moral stance. And some would ban the candybar too.

But in the end it's much easier to break rules when you won't be fired for doing so.
11 months ago
Yes, but doesn’t Tasli have parents who should spank him for breaking the rules?
11 months ago
You of all people should know that a spanking never stopped a cub from doing anything.
11 months ago
Then what do Tasli's parents do? Give him house arrest?

Foxy: *relishing having been spanked* "That was fun, but a little boring, what would earn Foxy even more fun?"
11 months ago
Breaking the dress code would probably work in Foxy's case.

Tasli's parents punish him by cooking healthy food for dinner. Plenty of spinach and asparagus. It's a terrible thing to do to a cub.
11 months ago
Cubs breaking the dress code would be hilarious to Foxy and only encourage his bad behavior.

Foxy: *wolfs down Tasli’s healthy dinner* “Foxy has no idea what it was but at least Foxy is no longer hungry!”
11 months ago
Foxy should be more selective about what he puts in his mouth.
11 months ago
Foxy: *sobbing* “zfqfmb is mean!”
11 months ago
Z is among my favorites, Foxy, so be nice. :3
11 months ago
Foxy: *howling* "How dare Mr. Hamster defend zfqfmb? Mr. Hamster can only be Foxy's friend!" (me: watch out for Foxy Chippy, he is out for revenge!)
11 months ago
11 months ago
Foxy: *impotently trying to hit you* "I haaate youuu!" :3
11 months ago
I hurt my head when I fell from heaven.

Hitting the Earth's crust as I was banished to heck for my crimes.
11 months ago
My it is heck as cold down here! However, with these wonderful wings of mine I will fly out of here and take my revenge on all of you! XD
11 months ago
While walked 'neath fine blue sky,
A bird dropped mess -right in my eye!
Though I'm hurt, I shall not cry;
Just that the Lord foxes don't fly!
11 months ago
Look at how small and pathetic they are all down there! *drops another one*
11 months ago
"They all look like bugs."

"They ARE bugs, you're squatting on an anthill."
11 months ago
Insects, behold the great Foxy! Your doom is upon thee! *lets loose his 'pesticide'*
11 months ago
Wow... it's so toxic. And green. And fluorescent...

Never seen pee like it. I guess that's what a diet of Mountain Dew does to a canine.
11 months ago
Die miserable worms! *initiates his Foxy gas attack*
10 months, 4 weeks ago
"Foxy no! Haven't you rad the Geneva Convention?"

"Nah. Did they make it into a film?"
10 months, 4 weeks ago
That pathetic scribble? It made for good kindling in Foxy's stove! Porn movies  where? Foxy wants fun!
11 months ago
Indeed. :3
11 months ago
Foxy: (after having been asked whether he could act more responsibly) *enraged* “How dare they call Foxy “boy” and whoever heard of being fired from adulthood! “Adult” isn’t even a job! How dare they imply that Foxy is immature!”
11 months ago
11 months ago
Foxy: *dancing* "Mr. Hamster smiled, that means he thinks Foxy is funny!"
11 months ago
Tasli's a winner just for finding that dollar. Now all needs is someone to advise him on how to wisely spend it(AND take a 50% consultant fee of course)! ;D

That's a cool pencil for being so basic. Also that Cavalier logo is interesting as it's only a half curve that goes into a straight line at the end. Never seen that done before. :)
11 months ago
I like the logo, too. I have two other Cavalier pencils: Cogent (I featured this one a LONG time ago, but may've deleted it) and Nitelite. The unbranded 'Draco' pencil I have was probably made by Cavalier (name/number corresponds with a known model by Cavalier) but I cannot verify it.

Maybe Tasli will feed it into a pokemon vending machine, and sell the card for thousands of dollars! XD
11 months ago
Foxy: *climbs into vending machine* "Free Pokemon!"
11 months ago
Foxy: *wearing a suit* "Really sir, you should invest in art."
10 months, 4 weeks ago
*blink*Now THERE'S an IDEA! ;D
10 months, 4 weeks ago
Foxy: *sitting behind a desk* “Okay sir, if would kindly sign here and here…”
10 months, 4 weeks ago
*signs without reading the fine print as everyone does..* :D
10 months, 4 weeks ago
Foxy: *evil grin* "Congratulations, you now are the proud owner of the world's finest furry smut and are indebted for life to Foxy to pay for it all!"
10 months, 4 weeks ago
"YAAA...wait!" o.O!
10 months, 4 weeks ago
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