While it may have been short, 2018's 'Send in the Clowns' countdowns stands as one of my personal favorites, due in no small part to finally giving a proper shout out to the Clown Prince of Crime himself. While he may not be among my absolute favorite villains of all time, he is one who demands respect and I purposefully held off ever giving him any limelight because I knew that if I did, he'd need to take home the gold and what better then in a line up of fellow clowns? Of course at the time, I wanted to give him proper attire for the setting. When you're the best-of-the-best in clowndom, you gotta have a big, grandiose ringmaster getup, but now that the Joker's had his time in the spotlight, it's time to do something more traditional. More specifically, I gave him his look from LEGO Batman.
Why LEGO Batman?
Well, two reasons. One, I like the look and I wanted to see it on a non-LEGO model. Two, it's a very important film to me. Why? Because as absurd as it may sounds, that movie is how I met my partner. Yes, of all the things in the world, it was LEGO Batman that would lead me to the love of my life. Some people have poignant romantic films as their first date but us? We have a cheesy CGI kids film, and truthfully I can't say I'm surprised, no would I trade it for the world~