Hm... Do I want to draw Eckhart or Geronimo Stilton?
GERONIMO: [runs past, screaming]
...Right; I'm drawing Eckhart. p
Eckhart is the titular character from 'Eckhart': a Canadian-based animated series I know next to nothing about, as I've seen only a few episodes. ^^
For the life of me, the animation looks like it was produced by Nelvana, as the character stylizations are strikingly similar to those of Nelvana's animated 'Redwall' series ...yet, 'Eckhart' was not a Nelvana production (the series was animated in Hong-Kong for Cellar Door Productions). :(
Of interest to me was Kevin Gillis (of 'The Raccoons') was credited as an 'executive producer' of some episodes. :3
I've become rather lazy these days, opting against original poses in favor of just getting the art done. For this drawing of Eckhart, I drew from a screen shot, albeit I modified the pose so that it's quite different from the original while not being completely so.
This card was drawn via a 'Zephyr' from Wallace Pencil Co, and delineated via a vintage 'Par-Value' pencil. The card was signed and branded via a 'Newstyle' pencil from Venus.
I wanted to feature a Canadian pencil with this ACO, but all the ones I have are variations of a pencil I've already featured. So, I opted to feature a European pencil instead, because why not?
The featured pencil is the 'Newstyle' from Venus Pencil Co. Limited (VPCL).
Not much is known about this branch of Venus, though they seem to have vanished sometime in the 1960s. This would make sense, as the American company (Venus Pen and Pencil Corp.) was dissolved around this time.
I have a small handful of 'Newstyle' pencils, among which was a sharpened specimen. :3 The pencil produces a dark line with very little dotting (it's one of the cleanest lines I've ever seen!), albeit these lines are very unforgiving (ie, they don't erase well). D: The drag labors a bit---the 'Newstyle' isn't a speed writer, but it's a very high-quality pencil (as most Venus models are). :3
Someone asked me to look at the Stilton cartoon (said someone is one of only two or three watchers who seems to know how to phrase their requests as suggestions I looked lol).
I wasn't impressed with the show, but I've at least mentioned it here ...which means I'll likely draw it at some point, presuming I'm suffered to live long enough to.
I will look at your opera, Z, but I cannot right away, for I am needed elseplace, presently. ^^
Someone asked me to look at the Stilton cartoon (said someone is one of only two or three watchers w
HEY! I'll have you know that cartoon is very adequate. It is incredibly sufficient with astoundingly workable animation, plots that absolutely exist and characters that have traits.
Stilton is a book series, audiobook series, cartoon, opera, sticker playset and more. It's honestly quite impressive how large their media empire is. Don't ask me why or how, it is a mystery of capitalism.
Also, happy Mar10 day, Marten.
HEY! I'll have you know that cartoon is very adequate. It is incredibly sufficient with astoundingly
*The chppies cupboard is filled with bottles with custom labels. A Budweiser bears the legend 'Bambi 2' A vodka bottle has a note 'Pocahontas 2'. The turpentine reads 'Norm of the North'. A cyanide tablet is reserved for Sausage Party.*
*The chppies cupboard is filled with bottles with custom labels. A Budweiser bears the legend 'Bambi
I remember that little mouse, I don't think the series was aired here but I've got watch some episodes... intriguing you can recognize the bad guys because only them wear shoes XD .
I remember that little mouse, I don't think the series was aired here but I've got watch some episod