This is my horrible attempt at drawing Reddy Kilowatt. ^^
Designwise, Reddy is effectively a stick figure made of lightening bolts. Described that way, he seems like an easy subject (and probably is for someone who knows how to draw), but he was not least for me. ^^
Reddy's the type I'd need to practice A LOT---not just to be able to draw him quickly, but to draw in proper accordance with his aesthetic ...which, as of writing, my brain hasn't fully grasped (I wasn't sure how to go about bending his arm, so I just winged it). ^^
I wasn't confident enough to draw this character with any of his limbs overlapping. I mean, I could do it (and did in one of my practice sketches), but not in a way that looked good. At the very least, my inexperience with the character couldn't tell me with assurance whether I did it right or not I just drew the subject in this boring pin-up pose. ^^
I began by just drawing a stick figure with a blue pencil, then drawing the lightening bolts over the sticks with a red pencil. After, I light-boarded the colored line art with my Zephyr ...and drew the head, hands and shoes.
So, this ACO is a partial tracing, but the traced lines are of my own original art (I cannot erase colored pencil). Also of note is this was the first time I've ever used a checking pencil (red on one end, blue on the other) to draw. ^^
So, Reddy was a slight pain in the tail (a pikachu tail! lol) ...why, then did I bother drawing him?
As it happens, the featured 'Reddy Kilowatt' pencil was a gift to me, from an eBayer who I gave some pencil-related selling/listing advice to (they had quite a few vintage ad pencils ...specifically, they had a number of Ad-Tips that caught my attention).
I suppose as some sort of thank-you, the seller marked their Reddy Kilowatt Pencil listing as paid-for, after I'd bid on it. ^_^ :heart:
For their generosity, I promised to draw Reddy for them (it's what I do) as well as give a plug to their eBay store here.
The owner's name is John---he's an honest and friendly person. :3
Reddy Kilowatt was created to spread awareness about electricity and its range of uses (this was in the 1920's lol). As time passed and the world became 'greener', Reddy Kilowatt (who had come to be known as an advocate of energy consumption) fell out of favor and was retired.
During his heyday, Reddy Kilowatt was featured in a number comic books and even some animations. One of the latter may be seen here (link tested 10/29/2021):
The featured pencil is an Ad-Tip featuring Reddy Kilowatt, circa 1950's (per my best guess). The pencil reads,
"Let Reddy do it!" and "Reddy Kilowatt: Your Electric Servant"
Ad-Tip pencils came into fashion soon after the metal rationing of WWII had ended. Ad-Tip pencils have metal ferrules with various (often business-related) graphics either painted on or applied with a long-lasting decal.
Ad-Tip pencils seem to've disappeared sometime in the 1950s; not much has been recorded about the history of Ad-Tips, at least so far as I've been able to determine.
cool pic :-) have a book that has all sorts of advertising logos including the famous(or infamous being on how many times they had to change her Coppertone Girl)
cool pic :-) have a book that has all sorts of advertising logos including the famous(or infa
yeah I have no problem with it,probably some prudes that don't like seeing a kids butt in ads so they had the sun screen bottles showing the girl with a blue shirt that goes down to the bottom and the dog is no longer tugging it I think.
yeah I have no problem with it,probably some prudes that don't like seeing a kids butt in ads so