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Misbegotten Kittens 3x25


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by DrJavi
Misbegotten Kittens 3x24
Misbegotten Kittens 3x26

male 1,198,396, female 1,088,914, dog 172,833, dragon 149,669, hedgehog 76,186, horse 59,645, demon 39,822, panda bear 1,274, genet 630, misbegotten kittens 157, garafian shepherd 51
Type: Comic
Published: 3 years, 6 months ago
Rating: General

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3 years, 6 months ago
That's a great attitude to have.
3 years, 6 months ago

wait a sec, I seem to be missing two pages. went from 22 to 25.
3 years, 6 months ago
Surely your filters blocked out some pages.
Misbegotten Kittens 3x23 by DrJavi
Misbegotten Kittens 3x24 by DrJavi
3 years, 6 months ago
thought as much...  I block gore, and other sick stuff. and some other stuff I just don't want to see.

yay for filerters. wish FA had em, even their block list dosnt work right.
3 years, 6 months ago
Boy, do I agree. I cannot browse FA without the SFW filter on without wanting to bleach my visual cortex.
3 years, 6 months ago
Does bleach work for cybernetic eyes? :o
3 years, 6 months ago
yeah...friend went to search for "spyro" stuff on FA and ended up finding out she has a horrible trigger with some of the...very questionable results as of late.  completely unexpected for her too...browsing porn might find you some new fetishes...but there's a flip side of that coin that warrants the necessity of filtration and block lists.  FA doesn't seem keen on ever addressing this.
3 years, 6 months ago
"People suddenly started dying" Bad people too hopefully, nobody gets away with being awful forever.
3 years, 6 months ago
Almost everyone did, I think. The leadership screwed themselves and each other.
3 years, 6 months ago
if that pink brat survived, I hope she gets some comeuppance.
3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
Dead is too easy.
3 years, 6 months ago
Nah, she should be injected with Zaggy's nanites as they're already programmed for his body, rebuilding her in his mutilated image.
3 years, 6 months ago
Or something like this


3 years, 6 months ago
I'd like her to be made to do good equal to 1000 lives for each one she harmed.
3 years, 6 months ago
My man! :D
3 years, 6 months ago
Zaggy is too pure for this world.
You know what, yes: I hope he can finally live happily in Aileen's face.

However, I was wondering, could it be that there have been actual survivors in-universe who read her books and listened to her speeches thinking that something was off about her?
3 years, 6 months ago
In Esperanza, technically they could recover that book, but I don't think anyone would want to read it. If they published it, they'd add a disclaimer to it.
3 years, 6 months ago
I was actually referring to the whole ordeal since Zag went to prison and Aileen published her book.

Like, for example, an online forum of real survivors that are both reading her book and listening to her speeches thinking "wh-what?? What is she talking about?? What is this crap??". lol
3 years, 6 months ago
Oh, as in survivors of sexual abuse, not survivors of the Extinction! Yes, for sure, I bet there are lots of them who can tell she's lying and are outraged about it.
3 years, 6 months ago
The death of a groupthink. The cancer of an idea, spread 'cross the minds of people like the DNA mutations that tumors grow from--

Oh hey, that bookstore is selling copies of Misbegotten Kittens Vol. 2!
3 years, 6 months ago
Good eye. xD
3 years, 6 months ago
You know after everything he went through, a great way to stick it to Aileen after all this time is to write and publish his own book about his experiences and it flies off the digital shelves like hotcakes. No petty revenge, only correcting everything after the fact once and for all; and if she survived, she certainly won't be welcome in Esperanza once everyone knows the truth.
3 years, 6 months ago
By the way, I have just realised it, the name of the girl: Aileen Rosafurcia. It is interesting, at least the surname.
Rosa is pink in spanish. But the interesting part is furcia. That is a derogatory, informal way to say prostitute in spanish. Similar to bitch, I think.

So the name would be: Aileen pinkbitch. 😗
3 years, 6 months ago
That's correct. "Rosa fucsia" would be "fuchsia pink", but some people mistakenly or jokingly pronounce it as "rosa furcia", which does absolutely mean "pink bitch".
3 years, 6 months ago
Right. :)

Interesting bilingual tidbit. Moreso because she had behaved as a bitch.
3 years, 6 months ago
Well that explains why Zaggy was wearing less protection
3 years, 6 months ago
And with the third panel, I can’t help but imagine that Zaggy used his regeneration as a shock tactic

Well there’s go my arson charge theory

Also I think Esperanza has secured themselves a valuable asset in Zaggy, I’m thinking back to the first issue, mostly the orphanage mission
3 years, 6 months ago
I'm dissapointed they took that attitude with her considering she robbed him of a normal life he'll never get and continues to profit off It. :(
3 years, 6 months ago
The way I'd see it, I'd certainly want revenge on someone who wronged me that badly... but by the time it'd be possible for him, she had a "husband and kids" who were innocent of everything but being associated with Aileen, and would certainly be harmed in the "blast radius", either directly by collateral damage (possibly a literal blast radius) or indirectly by their beloved wife and mother being killed or massively harmed.

When someone innocent cares about someone guilty, it's impossible to have revenge without harming them too in some way. Even some long-term, diabolical scheme to drive them apart so they won't care any more, the act of driving them apart will harm the innocents too.

I've thought about this a lot. Because while nobody's done anything to me even orders of magnitude close to what Aileen did to Zaggy here, there've been plenty of people I've fantasized petty revenge about, and I wanted to establish early on a rational reason never to actually go through with seeking it. Getting caught and thus harming my own family through legal consequences wasn't enough, because revenge fantasies always include not getting caught.
3 years, 6 months ago
And the bad thing is, Aileen probably has convinced herself that the so-called rape actually happened.
3 years, 6 months ago
Random thoughts…
Rora is extra cute in the first 2 panels!
So the extinction did happen very recently, months ago…
And I’ll say it again, Zaggy owes this world nothing.
3 years, 6 months ago
Zaggy has such a good attitude, and Rora for her devotion. They deserve their happy ending.

He is right... getting revenge on Aileen will just make her a martyr. Zaggy is very rational about this, and because of Rora, he isn't a man with nothing to lose.

I do wonder what gave Zaggy such an incredible phobia of women though, rather than male prisoners with flick-knives.
3 years, 6 months ago
It's pretty easy if he did anything wrong to one but still all of this happened to him. If just doing nothing caused all that, he can't even imagine what would happen if he even touch one.

That's his trauma.
3 years, 6 months ago
What an absolute trainwreck of an incel fantasy plot this is. Yes, a teenager girl is able to falsely accuse another teenager of rape over some high school drama, then get a huge crowd of people to go along with her, invite themselves into a courtroom (you can just walk in? what?), then THREATEN A JUDGE casually (over high school drama) and put someone into prison for 10 years. Apparently there's only a single lawyer in existence, who also gets threatened into quitting. Then after he gets released, the rest of the city... country... nay, not dramatic enough - the ENTIRE WORLD still remembers him, hates him for it, and refuses to do anything with him.

Comments: "wow this is totally plausible and happens all the time."

Meanwhile in real world: Brock Turner (the rapist) got 6 months, was released after 3 months, and has a job in his home state. Some of you really need to touch grass sometimes.
3 years, 6 months ago
and some are still in prison to this day which is beside the point, simple fact of the mater is people have this nasty habit of accepting what is presented to them as fact, and 10 years is a long time for information to disseminate especially if someone goes out of there way to spread it, as is indicated here, she wrote books,did television spots, probably even sold the rights to her story to make a movie or three

as for the blackmail of the judge...yeah that part required serious suspension of disbelief...
3 years, 6 months ago
Yup. I mean, hell, mattress girl still gets speaking gigs and awards, even after it was publicly proven she made it all up.

That said, as far as it being unrealistic for a judge to be threatened like that, yeah. You'd go for the jury. Like was done earlier this year.
3 years, 6 months ago
I don't think it's been publicly proven false yet, beyond Zaggy's story as told to the two interrogators.

As for it being an incel fantasy, it is an unfortunate fact of life that it's very hard to prove rape accusations and far too many rapists get off scot free, and too many judges and lawyers don't understand what it means to be a woman (and in the case of Brock Turner, besides him being a darling for the school swim team, there seems to be a big element of classism since one of his father's defences seemed to revolve around Brock not being able to appreciate a properly cooked steak), but sometimes an innocent person does get caught in a very ugly web, and one punished innocent is one too many.  And it's not all an incel fantasy... I mean, Rora, a transwoman (I think), believes him and seems to have undying loyalty to him, presumably to the point that she couldn't rely on her father for help and support.
3 years, 6 months ago
sorry, I was unclear. Mattress girl is a real thing, not part of the comic. Very much like this story, actually. Girl gets turned down by a guy, accuses him of rape, his life is destroyed, years later it comes out she lied about everything in order to get back at him, and there's a paper trail proving it. But no media outlet will report on it, and she still gets awards and speaking invitations to this day.
3 years, 6 months ago
Oh I see.  Ideally she should be charged with perverting the course of justice, but what's ideal with the world is not what happens in reality.
3 years, 6 months ago
Also they're animals, and animals don't talk!
3 years, 6 months ago
I know the creator very well. He's not an incel, and that's not the intention of the plot. But read it as you like.
3 years, 6 months ago
At least he doesnt have bad thoughts
3 years, 6 months ago
Aileen is the wife of the Prime Minister and they both get locked away...

3 years, 6 months ago
Aileen would have to be a lot more muscular and submissive for Prime Minister Krolikova to have any interest in her. xD
3 years, 6 months ago
I do wonder what has happened to her though.  Realistically, she might have simply died of the virus without much fanfare.  My guess is that she's not in Esperanza because the interrogators don't know who she is, or is just one of thousands of refugees whose name is easily buried among the masses.
3 years, 6 months ago
seeing how a viral apocalypse has killed so many people I'm surprised anyone would care about a college rape case, also it would be poetic if she died from this while he lived because of what she did to him.
3 years, 6 months ago
I like how in the fight with purple guy up there he looks kinda bored. He has had a lot of fights im sure and basically I imagine is thinking "Even if i get stabbed whatever. I'll just take it and that will disarm him."
3 years, 6 months ago
"Beating up thugs is so annoying."
3 years, 6 months ago
if things went different when he got out i could have seen him, eventually, becoming a bounty hunter or something against the most dangerous people because "Well it will hurt but I'll be fine."
3 years, 6 months ago
"The best revenge is living well and that's all i want to do"
reminded me of a comment few pages ago on FA
3 years, 6 months ago
i really want his named cleared.
3 years, 6 months ago
Plot twist, Aileen is either married to or is the Prime Minister.
3 years, 6 months ago
she is definitely not the prime minister though
in misbegotten kittens part one we can see the appearance of the prime minister. so she's not her unless she has completely changed her appearance with the help of esperanzan tech, which is unlikely
3 years, 6 months ago
And also Aileen would have to be a lot more muscular and submissive for Prime Minister Krolikova to have any interest in her.
3 years, 6 months ago
I only got introduced in part 2 to this series so forgive me in my lack of knowledge of part 1 since I have yet to fully read the comic. However thankyou for the correction.
3 years, 6 months ago
please tell me he gets his name cleared later in the comic
3 years, 6 months ago
They already know he's innocent.
3 years, 6 months ago
those people do, but not the rest of the world.
3 years, 6 months ago
99% of the world in this setting is a wasteland, devoid of life save a few scragglers.
3 years, 6 months ago
so, even if he's proven innocent, it wouldn't matter, cause the most people around the world are gone.
3 years, 6 months ago
Right, and Esperanza, where he is now, knows he's innocent. I think the place Aileen lives escaped destruction, too, but of course it won't matter who they believe.
3 years, 6 months ago
still though, i would like aileen to get exposed in the place she is. hopefully where zaggy is now, they can help clear him in his home country
3 years, 6 months ago
I don't think that's forthcoming, and Zag will probably be happy to be accepted where he is and just leave his past entirely behind him. Aileen will have her fans and her detractors, but as far as he's concerned, that's all gone.
3 years, 6 months ago
still though, hate the idea that she not only got away with it, but is profiting off it, sounding like a real abuse victim.
3 years, 6 months ago
zaggy is inspiring i love his character
3 years, 6 months ago
Dr Javi I follow your comic with the hope that that damn fuchsia bitch gets what she deserves, I hope I can delight in that in the future!
3 years, 6 months ago
And now one of the counselors:

"About that. We did some research before we even started your interrogation. We found out that this Aileen was found raped multiple times and mutiliated about one week before this Epidemic spread. She was so traumatized that she was unable to speak coherently ever again. The investigatiors of the case found evidence that it seemed like she was using her fame to sleep with multiple men and that one of these seemed to back fire when she was flipping off a group that were interested and she did not want to go with from a club."
3 years, 6 months ago
I was wondering how both of them are handling no hormones, zaggy seems pretty ok not having his but i know a few trans people and going off hrt would be traumatic for them, Rora seems to be handling it well.
3 years, 6 months ago
I still think the agents should make her respond for what she have done to him. He was a normal innocent boy and have a lot of expectations for hia future and she not only took his possible bright future but his dignity and his body, make him being castrated, physically ans mentally abused.
3 years, 6 months ago
"Any reprisal I took would just prove her right in her followers' eyes"

Pretty sure that ship has already sailed. Just saying.
3 years, 6 months ago
Get yo'self a mate who looks at you the way Rora looks at Zaggy when he speaks.

Seriously, though, she's got fangs ready for everybody else, but that smile seems reserved for him.  :)
3 years, 6 months ago
No the best Revenge is REVENGE!!!!

But Revenge is wrong so living well is good to! =p

Also Karmas a Biiiitch! so you know..theres that ;3
3 years, 5 months ago
Why do I feel like the last panel was specifically for everyone in the comments of every comic page?
3 years, 3 months ago
"Rosafurcia"? xD Me acabo de dar cuenta..

MUY BUEN comic, una historia genial, Javi, me esta encantando :D
3 years, 3 months ago
Así lo pronunciaba mi abuela. :D ¡Me alegro de que te guste!
3 years, 3 months ago
Me encanta. Si algun dia lo publicas, me lo compro fijo! Oye, y el capitulo 1 lo tienes subido en algun lado?
3 years, 3 months ago
De hecho, tendría que estar ya publicado, pero se ha retrasado por un error de la imprenta. Confío en que esté disponible en enero. Puedes leer el capítulo 1 (y hacer pedidos de las versiones impresas) en https://www.furstreet.com/drjavi/mbk/
3 years, 3 months ago
Aaaah, guay!!! Pues voy a por ellos :D
3 years ago
It sounds as if he almost forgives her for what she has done. As hard as it is to do, forgiving others is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself and your emotional well being. Holding onto grudges rarely hurts the person you despise and only harms you by making you miserable.

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