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RE-VIEW: Stork Spills the Beans


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GIFT ART: Bob and Bobek
Scarlet Rose
HYPOTHETICALWATCHER: "I didn't think it was possible, but your art has gotten worse"

Um... Smarty Stork is a 'Sweet Pickles' character---he's supposed to look like this; all 26 of the 'Sweet Pickles' characters look like this. ^^


Anyway, what's 'Sweet Pickles'?

I'll let this commercial explain (link tested 09/02/2021): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlmMinu4Kak

...I actually had that bus box as a kid; as I recall, I kept crayons in it. ^^

Anyway, 'Sweet Pickles' was a series of educational children's activity books (etc) made available via mail-order subscription.
The books were written and illustrated by Richard Hefter. Hefter also wrote and illustrated the 'StickyBear' and 'Strawberry Library' books.

...and based on some of his work, I wouldn't be surprised if Hefter had a DeviantArt account: https://sta.sh/0zu0wri6qdy

HYPOTHETICALWATCHER: "Hefter died in 2011"

...Oh?  Well, I, uh, meant no criticism---I mean, I have a DeviantArt, and an InkBunny (that's worse, right?). And I, uh...

HYPOTHETICALWATCHER: "Stop trying, Chippy"

Right. MOVING ON! D:

The 'Sweet Pickles' characters were of the anthro-animal sort, each blessed with an alliterative name representing their respective personalities. For example, we have Loving Lion, Bashful Bear, Jealous Jackal and Temper-Tantrum Turtle just to name a few ...and if you're wondering what character 'X' represents, it's 'X-Rating Xerus' (a xerus is a type of ground squirrel). ^^

Ok, so why did I chose Smarty Stork?

Because the only 'Sweet Pickles' book I have features the character, specifically: 'Stork Spills the Beans'

"This book is about Smarty Stork. He has answers for every question, including who delivers babies"


"[a story] with giggles and tickles and awful pickles"

If there's a baby involved in this story, I'm sure an awful pickle would be somehow responsible.

Anyway, the story begins with Loving Lion and Accusing Alligator sitting around the park discussing random things,

"'I wonder where babies com from', said Lion.
'That's easy', Alligator replied. 'They come from under a cabbage leaf'"

Lion doesn't believe Alligator, so the two begin exchanging do-nots and do-sos,

Seems odd to me that Loving Lion would accuse Accusing Alligator of being mistaken, but perhaps the characters aren't as glued to their respective namesakes as one might imagine them to be.

Either way, Enormous Elephant happens by,

"'Babies', Elephant said, 'are brought by Stork. Stork delivers babies'"

Lion believes Elephant, but Alligator remains skeptical. To settle the matter, the three set forth to visit Stork (who works at the post office).

Does Stork deliver babies?


STORK: "Ah, ahem, yes, well, I've been asked that before. And the answer is pretty easy. I've delivered boxes of letters and soft, fuzzy sweaters, refrigerators, percolators, radiators and ventilators. I've brought lemonade and marmalade, lampshades, spades and ropes in braids. I've delivered bags of flags and boxes with tags, envelopes and cantaloupes, kaleidoscopes and *antelopes. I've delivered 'most everything...balloons and spoons and hairy balloons. Hats and bats and coats for cats, snakes and flakes and wedding cakes. Everything comes through the post office! As postmaster, I deliver airplanes, canes and weathervanes. But I DON'T deliver babies!"

*maybe one has to be a certain age in the world of Sweet Pickles before one can send oneself (or another) through the mail ...otherwise, it's possible Stork has at least delivered an antelope baby ...but I really don't want to think much about that. ^^

So the answer to Lion and Alligator's question remains. The two pose some childish guesses at Stork, but neither gets it right ...the juvenile part of me wonders what guess X-Rating Xerus would make. ;)

"Well," said Stork, "It's really very simple. I can tell you in one word where babies come from"


STORK: "Babies come from mothers. Yes they do"


And that was 'Stork Spills the Beans'!

HYPOTHETICALWATCHER: "Stork spilled the beans---that's why there's no baby in this story!"

...Bruh. You know kids sometimes read my re-views, right? Besides, you're confusing Smarty Stork with Obnoxious Onan. ;)

HYPOTHETICALWATCHER: "You're no better than me, Chippy" [points at pencil]


Yes, I chose to feature a 'Lance' pencil with this drawing because I'm immature and unfunny. :p

As a Christian, I believe in Hell, therefore I believe what we do with pickles and beans may bear on one's eternity ...but I refuse to believe God doesn't have a sense of humor. Besides, no actual pickles or beans were (uh) utilized in the writing of this re-view, so we're all good! ^^

Anyway, though it isn't branded as such, this Lance pencil was made by Eagle. The original Lance was branded, and numbered '0115'.
This second-run/school-use version is numbered '115', and was made available in different colors (I know of red, blue and yellow, but purple and green may have been included).

Anyway ...For those who want more 'Sweet Pickles', here's a link to a reading of 'Goose Goofs Off', read by Captain Kangaroo (link tested 09/02/2021): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TNeqR_p8Kc

Till next time!

male 1,194,902, boy 81,096, sketch 63,453, bird 37,963, m 29,175, text 21,808, traditional 21,235, pencil 5,123, barefooted 1,039, aceo 660, lance 458, aco 354, review 334, stork 233, sweet pickles 3, where do babies come from 1, hefter 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 3 years, 6 months ago
Rating: General

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3 years, 6 months ago
Reminds me of the series Albert Asks.

Let us just hope that Stork never spills the beans on where babies come from, he's bound to be asked sooner or later.
3 years, 6 months ago
lol Indeed. :3
3 years, 6 months ago
"Where do babies come from?"

*Lifts hat, hands you a baby fox*

"Where DON'T they come from?"
3 years, 6 months ago
So magical! :o
3 years, 6 months ago
TIMMY: *Walks by with a half dozen fox pups on a lead*

TIMMY: Yeah, 'magical'...
3 years, 6 months ago
So young, yet so jaded. ^^
3 years, 6 months ago
TIMMY: I had to grow up fast, we all did. Knowing you hold the very lives of defenseless others in your hands, and all the challenges that brings...

Wow! How long have you been a father?

TIMMY: Three hours...
3 years, 6 months ago
<3 XD <3
3 years, 6 months ago
*grabs and does naughty thingies with the ickle wickle foxy cubbiewubbies* “.hiiii there!!! waannaa pway wud mee??”
3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
TIMMY: Yep, username checks out.

*Immediately dumps all the fox cubs*

Dang it Timmy! Get back here!
3 years, 6 months ago
Foxy is evil, Z---it's best to ignore him. :3
3 years, 6 months ago
*thinking that hamster thingy is some sort of doll foxie grabs him and hugs him* “looook hawmster dingy izz my wibe!! naw we izza mawried!” *drools why stupidly blinking at those staring at him*
3 years, 6 months ago
'All that is needed for evil to triumph is for it to be ignored!'

*Charges off in random direction.
3 years, 6 months ago
*grabs an armful of cubs while the two idiots are too busy chasing each other* “you are gonna have lotsa fun wid unca foxie!”
3 years, 6 months ago
You ever get that NES Lego set, Foxy?
3 years, 6 months ago
*looks up from raping one of the wailing cubs in the butt* “wah? oh no, it’s hamster thingy again wanting to show off his stupid legos and wanting to make feel bad!” *sniffles and completely forgets the wailing of two cubs*
3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
*is now wailing together with the two molested cubs* “I wanna go to my mommy!” *notices the cubs and immediately his mood shifts*
3 years, 6 months ago
I'm going to eat you, Foxy! That'll spell the end of you and your cub mistreatment.
3 years, 6 months ago
*cringes and tries to move away from hamster thingy* “Me mistreat these adorable little cubs? I uh umh was going to return them to their mother when I ah umh eh found them here lost in the woods! Yeah, that’s ah it, they were lost!” *a horrible idiotic grin appears as foxie tries to hide in the nearby bushes*
3 years, 6 months ago
Here's a pencil for you, Foxy: https://sta.sh/014hj9fjmqmd

Like you, it's full of crap. ;)
3 years, 6 months ago
“why thank you mr hamster dingy” *offers his still hard dick* “here you have a pencil too” *squeezes real hard and … craps all over your feet* “and here is the crap that comes with it” *laughs like drunk hyena*
3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
*sobs loudly* “please don’t kill me mr. chippy! Foxy will be good!” *scream in agony* “Aaargh, it hurts, it hurts, your teeth are hurting me!” *wails* “Let me gooo!” *screams*
3 years, 6 months ago
*fluffy with satisfaction; releases because one is that which one eats*
3 years, 6 months ago
*trapped inside hamster thingy’s stomach* “You got away this time! But I will get you next time!” *odd mewling noise and one idiot failing to notice he is slowly being desolved by acid*
3 years, 6 months ago
Haven’t gotten around to it yet, lots of things got in the way. Those are fun too!
3 years, 6 months ago
*begins to draw*
3 years, 6 months ago
*stares in shocked bewilderment* “What the fuck are you doing to my dick?!” *slaps at your hans*
3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
“way to go lamebrain ya just gave me another freebie for my wonderful gallery of shining examples of beautiful artwork!” 😝😝😝
3 years, 6 months ago
It's charity, Foxy. :3
3 years, 6 months ago
*humphs and sniffs* “I don’t need your hand me outs but any pitiful morsel will be taken and made to add to my glory!”
3 years, 6 months ago
Uncle... wait, your brother is a fox?

TIMMY: I don't wanna talk about it....

What even is he DOING over there?

TIMMY: Lego war, don't ask.
3 years, 6 months ago
*half hearing you while schizophrantacally babbling at himself* “hamstadinyanirmawwied!” *drools while stuffing legos he’s just noticed into his mouth and chokes* “yamyamlewgos” *stalks off barely able to walk after all the madness and notices a cub that hasn’t yet got away* “mewrfawn!” *runs after cub who has finally made a run for it*
3 years, 6 months ago
Good heavens! What an absolute mess! I don't know who you are you man, but you can't eat those legos, it'll spoil your appetite for dinner!

*Ties a diaper on your snout*

That should do it. So long as you're wearing one somewhere...
3 years, 6 months ago
*somewhat recovering from his drunken stupor the bleary eyed foxy stares at the diaper tied around his snout and starts to claw at it* "wazzizahshmellcubbiez!" *tries to follow the percieved scent stumbling everywhere he goes*
3 years, 6 months ago
Hmmnnn... maybe I shouldn't have tied a used one... still, that nice gentleman in the alley offers good money for those,s o they can't be bad now, can they?

Hey! Get back here! I'm pretty sure you need a nap!

*Chases after the wayward cub, throwing pillows*
3 years, 6 months ago
*still not noticing the godawful stench eminating from the used diaper* "icklecubbiewubbieswerraru?! Fawxywanzapway!" *notices himself growing horny and enjoying it*
3 years, 6 months ago
I... hey! No getting pokey in front of the cubs!

*Greases up her spanking paddle*

Come here you!

*Chases the overgrown fot kit, ready to give him a paddlin'*
3 years, 6 months ago
*notices your paddle and slinks off* “Please don’t hurt me!” *tries to hide his boner and mumbles* “Stupid twat.” *quickly runs away from you* “now where are those cubs?” *imagines “playing” with the cubs and grows excited*
3 years, 6 months ago
Hey, no! You should only get that excited for Didny Wordl! Chill it!

*Throws a bucket of cola over you*
3 years, 6 months ago
*opens muzzle wide and downs the majority of your coke and proceeds to lick his sticky fur that as now become even filthier* "ahhh, I needed that, thankies!" *runs off on a sugar and caffeine induced high fueling his already manic state*
3 years, 6 months ago
*Watches a small, foxlike object launch itself into orbit*

Whelp, I've done all I can do here, no need to thank me citizens, Z away!

*Gets a plane ticket and flies off into the sunset.*
3 years, 6 months ago
*you watch a small object trailing smoke and fire fall from the sky and crashing into the ground with an earth shattering noise producing a fox shaped hole in the ground from which some moaning eminates* “uuurghyyhijjimaaabaahck…! wherexdajkubs??” *tries to get out but faints*
3 years, 6 months ago
you done rping?
3 years, 6 months ago
Well I mean, you WERE launched into orbit, seemed like a natural ending point. If you can find cubs after THAT then you've earned 'em.
3 years, 6 months ago
*superiority complex surfaces again - standing in the smoking crater an insane rant is uttered* “HOW DO YOU DARE TO SPEAK TO THE LORD OF DARKNESS IN THAT MANNER?! DIE PITIFUL MAGGOT!” *spots and tries to grap a pitchfork*
3 years, 6 months ago
*Watches the vulpine do lewd things with a farm implement*

Oh the humanity! Won't someone stop that pervert from graping that pitchfork? I can barely stand to watch!

*Begins filming*
3 years, 6 months ago
*tries to stab you but hits stabs his own feet* “No! This cannot be! The Lord Of Darkness defeated by a mere mortal!” *the Satan/demom shtick keeps going on like this for a while*
3 years, 6 months ago
Do face-huggers count as cubs? ;)
3 years, 6 months ago
*briefly becomes lucid and eyes go wide while the ears perk up* “Cubs?! Where?? Lead me to ‘em man!” *slobbers*
3 years, 6 months ago
No FCL! Don't listen to him! They're actually incredibly phallic 'cubs' that will wrap their tails around your neck and force their eggs down your thr-

3 years, 5 months ago
*insane look appears* “Incredibly phallic cubs??!” *runs off calling for the “cubs”*
3 years, 5 months ago
Halp! Halp! Innocent fox being repeatedly orally violated by alien cub things!

*A small crowd gathers*
3 years, 5 months ago
*Foxy is schizophrantically imagining himself to be having wonderful sex with beautiful cubs* "Ahhh, yes! Yes! That feels so good ! Keep it up cuties!" *delusionally allows himself to be further molested*
3 years, 5 months ago
*Watches as a swarm of half-xenomorph, half-fox cubs burst forth, swarming out to engage in lewd and perverted acts with all those around, quickly burying the original fox beneath a pile of squirming, twisted kitness.*

StorkL And THAT'S where herm hyperfur fox cubs come from!
3 years, 5 months ago
*our fox has finally figured out something is wrong and tries to squirm out from under all the cubs*
3 years, 5 months ago
*Alas, it is too late. The pile of hyperherm cubs drag the poor innocent vulpine into an unending dogpile. The twisted fornication that ensues is enough to make Softpaw Magazine editors blush.*
3 years, 5 months ago
*screams and nearly tears his fur trying to escape*
3 years, 5 months ago
Sadly, there is no escape. The cubomorphs are relentless.
3 years, 5 months ago
*tries to commit suicide*
3 years, 5 months ago
You cannot do so, you are too full of cub weenie.
3 years, 5 months ago
*tries to hold his breath*
3 years, 5 months ago
You'll really have no choice with that much cub on your fac-

Wow.... you're really good at that, have you practiced?
3 years, 5 months ago
*foxy has suffocated*
3 years, 5 months ago

He died how he lived, engaging in questionable acts with cubs.
3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
“immagettinlotsafaves!!” LOL *dances all over your gallery* “thxmrhamsterthingy!!” *hugs*
3 years, 6 months ago
No one likes that drawing, Foxy. :3
3 years, 6 months ago
“mafweindsdizzagwee!!” 😝😝😝
3 years, 6 months ago
“mawrfwiends” *stupidly waves his arms*
3 years, 6 months ago
Nice job :3
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