Here's my take on Glasshead's 'The Blue Dragon' (TBD).
TBD is a very rare, European animated series from 2004. I know very little about it as almost nothing exists today of the series (at least not in English), and Google searches for it tend to lead one astray (there is an anime of the same title that has nothing to do with this character or her world).
I want to say TBD is about this group of forest animals who happened on a dragon's egg, from which hatched the blue dragon (who, in the series, is simply named 'Dragon'). The animals travel around with Dragon, hoping to reunite her with her family, and learning basic facts about life and the world as they go (TBD's an education series for preschoolers).
Hm. I think Dragon is borrowing one of Fix's butterflies (or btrfys). ^^
I took some liberties with Dragon's design---the original looks like a stuffed toy, given how the arms and legs appear to be attached with ball joints. :p I made several practice sketches and design mods before coming up with this one. In the end, I settled on just a generic torso/leg design that's both intuitive and quick to draw.
I also gave my version of Dragon eyelashes, because girl. ^_^
I started to give Dragon some wings (because dragon) ...but I didn't want to create an OC here. ^^ My guess is Dragon's wings will appear as she grows---she's just a whelp, after all!
Last (and frankly), Dragon looks like a cartoonified version of The Jersey Devil; I dunno why that comes to mind when I look at her, but it does. ^^
I drew Dragon via my Zephyr, and delineated her via this 'Turquoise' pencil by Eagle. The Turquoise is an excellent pencil ideal for use in drawing! Smooth drag, a consistent line, and a slightly rounded ferrule that doesn't (readily) decapitate erasers (my Zephyr eats erasers---a number of pencils do). :p